You don't know what the one in a million badge is? It is like the hardest badge to ever get, besides the badge to defeat 2000 undead. But what you have to do is deal 1,000,000 damage or more to get the badge. I've got it! What I did, I used Katzenstein's Monster with 2 of each blade to boost it (regular card and treasure card), 2 of each ward, and a death prism, with a few life traps put up before the death prism. Which then knocked Malistaire out. I dealt, and I still remember this number, 4,567,892. Oh, and it was a critical!
Level 68 Necromancer, Shannon Deathglade Quote from Amy Lee: "I scream in darkness, I sleep to die, Erase the silence, Erase my life, Our burning ashes, Blacken the day, A world of nothingness, Blow me away." From her song Sweet Sacrifice from her album The Open Door
Hi. I got backdraft yesterday (+210%) and went over to Unicorn Way to try it out. I got 103k damage and was awestruck until someone suggested I do the one in a million badge. I had a couple of questions;
1) If I use a fire wand of 100 on an ice being I get 100 damage plus a boost. If I use that same wand on a fire being with a prism will I get more damage? I have seen some implications that a prism will somehow magnify the damage a bit and wonder if this is true.
2) Lets say I put some ice traps on an enemy. Then a fire to ice prism. And then some fire traps. When I use my fire wand will it be magnified (by the fire traps), converted, and then magnified even more (by the ice traps)?
This is an awesome game and I'm always learning something new. Thanks for any advice.
P.S. I saw a great page that did a lot of great explanation and math and wonder if anyone has calculated the greatest possible theoretical hit? But even this would be enhanced by power boosts and damage boosts. I'd be interested to see it. Thanks again.
Congrats to leporter! I have a life mage as well. Now you have proven that even a healer can get epic kills. And yes, I agree that next to gnomes, the centaur is probably our best card to attack a single opponent. Without even trying, I've gotten 10,000 hit points from centaur against a death boss in Dragonspyre. Yeah, I still need 90,000 more hit points to get the badge, but I was still surprised to do that much damage at that level.
Got 1,000,000 twice on my archmage fire. First time efreet, second time sunbird no lie i even have a friend who knows i hit it cause he was wt me plus no critical either.
Efreet- balance and death assistance Sunbird- only death assistance.
My life hit million wt fluffy with just a balance assistance. Oh btw, my life was 62 at the time.
My storm hit million with levy at lvl 25 :D :D with just a fire, balance assistance and a myth to kill minions.
Steven strongsword, archmage fire. Ben life, 62 life. Mark thunder, 27 storm.
I got it One in a Million too! Thank you Caitlin Shadowflame, my trustworthy balance friend who had a ton of patience with me! I am never going "hidden to friends" when you are on
Now, I walk all around the spiral with my nice new badge.
The only problem? I have tons of initiates and novices asking to be my friend.
Maybe its just because I am also a transcendent .... Oh well!
Now, what crazy thing should I do next ... I got it! Solo a Jabberwock! :P
Blaze Icecloud, a level 75 Ice who has 1,000,000 damage
Hey One In A Million Achievers! This is my first time posting and I also wanted to say that I have gotten the One In A Million Badge! Woot Woot!
~Matthew DragonHunter~
Matthew DragonHunter ~ Lvl. 55 Diviner
im a lvl 80 balance and i did a 1 million with triton but didn't get the badge. does it have to be a school card?
For me I used a Leviathan TC (Treasure Card) and like i said in the above i am a diviner. And everybody on this thread have used a card that is from their school. For example: A high lvl Pyromancer would probably use Efreet. It would also be easy if you used a card for your school of focus because you would be able to use your power pips accordingly. So if I was balance like you, I would use judgment with a full power pip case! And sorry if you worked so hard. :( Maybe you would get it next time! Hope you do if you try! Don't stop beliveing! :D
~Matthew DragonHunter~
Matthew DragonHunter ~ Lvl. 62 Diviner (That's right, I'm gonna need help with WaterWorks some time! )
I had the help of a balance friend who Put Balance blade, Blade storm, Hex, Feint from his necklace on me and the boss, Then i put on My storm blade, Elemental Blade, storm blade TC, Elemental Blade TC, Hex TC, Feint TC, Feint from Death school, Storm Trap, Storm Trap TC, Elemental Trap, Elemental Trap TC, Supercharge (full Yellow pips max) Supercharge TC (full yellow pip max), and used Levy with Gargantuan attached to it and i hit One Million Exact. I think i still have the picture on my computer somewhere. I was so happy to achieve it. I was lvl 64 when i achieved this.
One in a million David Fireweaver Got it a few weeks back on the 3rd try. Had to buy a few treasure cards to achieve the correct amount of blades an traps.
One in a million! I got it a little while ago, forgot the level but it was after I got efreet. I got it my first try, just cause I did the math for the damage a bunch of times before attempting on poor Foulgaze. Abigail Windtamer Level 74 Pyromancer