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Vanishing Quest Arrow Crisis!

Mar 31, 2012
Hi! So, I got a quest after I arrived in Dragonspyre that allows my wizard "Donna Goldenmask", (nearly) level 50 Myth Wiz, to recieve a special Myth Pet called an "Orthrus" + add the Orthrus card to my deck. (people who use henchman who are not myth school will recognise this card from the level 50 myth henchman , who call a red 2 headed dog that does about 700 damage)

During the first leg of the quest when I had to collect the collar(s) for the Orthrus's 2 heads in Dragonspyre I had to go into the Labyrinth to do it. At that moment, the Quest Arrow vanished. And, the Labyrinth "door" jammed. It sort of flickered and went out like an old lightbulb. It now will not light at all or cue to open. Crisis !!

Besides the distress of losing the quest arrow just in general, this is really not a good time for there to be a snafu. This quest in particular is of epic proportions in my wizarding world.

So, then, the quest arrow just stopped working on all the other quests. This was May 15, several days ago. I checked the message board and somebody else reported the quest arrow malfunctions in exactly the same way in Avalon, thinking it was an Avalon glitch. I think it must also be a server glitch if it is effecting me in Dragonspyre?

That night when I couldnt get the Orthrus Card I emailed "Contact Support" and reported the incident. The next day the quest had been fixed to skip entry into the Labyrinth and let me just go back to Cyrus Drake with the collars and finish the quest.

This problem is really unresolved though, since the only remaining outstanding quest in my quest book for Dragonspyre still doesnt have any arrow !!

To wit: I cannot proceed in Dragonspyre at all. 1 Quest. No Arrow. Full Stop. Plus, still no entry into the Labyrinth, which I do need to get into : to be able to collect the stone rose there, if nothing else...............................

This remaining quest that lacks the arrow is called "you call this easy?" (oh the irony--lol) to see a wraith named Orin Grimcaster in his tower. It seems that the Crucible (in Dragonspyre Academy) is devided in half by various buildings. You cant walk or ride from one section to the other section using the map?!?

Confusion, anyone?--lol So finding Orin Grimcaster with the map cannot be done. The map *kind of* shows (its rather general) that the buildings do not connect and it looks like there might be a bridge (?) from one building section to the one where Orin is located, but having searched more than 3 times, this seems to not be the case.

Now: no arrow, the map seems to confirm what any one can see, there is no bridge or other connection to the location in question. This is the 1 quest that needs to be finished to advance the quest plot. Now what do I do?

Note: for those that would suggest working with "contact support", I have sent emails about this and included "screen shots" of the lack of arrow, the quest page, the quest book, etc.

Mar 12, 2010
To find Orin Grimcaster:

If you leave Zanetta behind you, stay to the left when you leave her area. There are two sets of steps that lead to some temple ruins.

You have to turn a few times in those ruins, but it eventually leads you to another area of Dragonspyre, and you stay to the left side on that street. This will eventually lead you to Orin.

Sounds confusing... but there is no "clear path" to follow.

Even though you do not have the yellow quest helper arrow, press "m" to look at the map. I believe that Orin Grimcaster is showing on the map, so you can at least see if you are getting close to him.

Hope this helps.

Mar 31, 2012
thankyou for being kind enough to reply and give me directions through the ruins by Zanetta, you are a saint! And I truely mean it.

Ok so I wrote to tech about a half dozen times with no reply. The Arrow still is not fixed. Wondering why they couldnt fix it? Or why they cant be nice and just give me directions and an apology ? I mean, if they are trying to fix a server error why not just issue a polite apology? All the hair pulling and hand wringing is a bit much.

I took your directions and did follow through, thankfully. Also for future reference if anybody else has this problem, the orange teleporter will take you directly to Orin Grimcaster's doorstep. (yet another peice of info tech support could have said in a reply that I did not recieve)

So I did find it. Thankyou! I hope that if any other wizards read this, they can use this info wisely....................

Right now I have moved on to another similar crisis, where the Wand I purchased last night, through the Kirin's Hoard Pack has vanished. I leveled up to level 50 and got the 50+ Ringed BroadSword which has a dispell card (cant get those at the bizarre, because they are no auction!) and I used it in Wintertusk, so I know I had it in there when I logged out! Obviously I couldnt have accidently sold it, because you cant sell no-auction items to the bazaar?!?

In my email to "contact support" (again) today about the missing 50+ Ringed Broadsword, I also mentioned that the Arrow to the Quest in Dragonspyre still isnt fixed. Even if its a server error, why are they not replying to my emails? Its like radio silence.

blkrsenmaiden wrote:

Right now I have moved on to another similar crisis, where the Wand I purchased last night, through the Kirin's Hoard Pack has vanished. I leveled up to level 50 and got the 50+ Ringed BroadSword which has a dispell card (cant get those at the bizarre, because they are no auction!) and I used it in Wintertusk, so I know I had it in there when I logged out! Obviously I couldnt have accidently sold it, because you cant sell no-auction items to the bazaar?!?

You stitched it: Insulated Wand into Ringed Broadsword
This transaction appears in your Crowns History on the Wizard101.com website.

Mar 31, 2012
A huge amount of sincere and heart felt "thank you"'s to the silent helpers and those who spoke!

Using the directions I recieved I was able to make my way to the Orin Grimcaster Dungeon and defeated him immidiatly. Note to other wizards: this dungeon not only has a lit orange teleporter directly accessing Orin Grimcaster's Tower for the Battle Crystal (in the shape of a flame that points upward) but ; it also has two, count them: two! Health Floors! So you dont even need to use potions! Wow. so yes, that is now finished thanks to some help through the ruins area with directions from a good samaritan. *tears*

And, the good news is that the arrow was immidiatly restored. Yay!

Also with the wand problem, it "reappared" in the livingroom of my 'royal playhouse wizard city castle' as mounted on my wall. I seriously doubt that I put it there.--lol But I m glad to see it again. I dont think it has exactly the same card...........(?) which confirms my theory that I did get some help from support, for which I am truely and honestly grateful. The card it now has is even better than the one before, so no harm no foul.

Yes I did stitch it. Often, when I get high level armour it is not the fashion I would prefer to wear, so I go to the stitch witch named Eloise who stands next to Zeke the Prospector and stitch it into another garment which is more handsome or beautiful. When I began doing this in Marleybone it was mostly to alter outlandish krok fashioned garments to more London city street like garments, but it is a handy practice in general.

the only reason I un-equipped the ringed broadswoard wand in the first place was that I didnt want it to appear in the screen pics with the appearance it had; so obviously, the solution from now on, is to stop unequipping it (!!) and instead just stitch it to look like something I dont mind in the picture, but always keep it equipped to me or on the wall.

some of the wands that have low power stats are actually quite nice to look at.........I also found a beautiful crozier wand of the golden scarab with a huge jewel in the top of it, which is probably the nicest looking thing I have seen yet on wiz101 and stitched that into another wand/sword thingy that has the same original appearance as the ringed broadsword did.

I got these swords and some of my other armour from the Kirin Hoard and Ravens Hoard card packs during the big Crown Shop 50% sale last week. Since my passage into Dragonspyre was blocked by the Quest Arrow to Orin Grimcaster having vanished, its possible that maybe I overcompensated with the card packs--lol I now have something like 20 Imperial Foo dogs in every color ............. (not to mention ninja pigs, goat men, ghosts, manders, etc)

Yesterday I saw at least a half a dozen wizards riding the Kirin Mount (but none on the Gold Mount, that must be rare!) and that Mount is what i was hoping to recieve from my crown roulette with the Kirin Hoard cardpacks.

The actual result was a (black) Raven Mount from the Raven's Hoard pack, instead. A bit disappointing, but : as fate would have it, just at the moment I got shut out of Dragonspyre, I recieved entry to Wintertusk : so the Raven Mount has been a welcome addition. In the future perhaps there is room to hope that there maybe more Crown Shop sales?

It would be nice to have as many Kirin Mounts and Wyvern Mounts as a I have Foo Dogs! Changing mounts, like stitching armour, is helpful for morale.

May 15, 2010
Professor Greyrose wrote:
blkrsenmaiden wrote:

Right now I have moved on to another similar crisis, where the Wand I purchased last night, through the Kirin's Hoard Pack has vanished. I leveled up to level 50 and got the 50+ Ringed BroadSword which has a dispell card (cant get those at the bizarre, because they are no auction!) and I used it in Wintertusk, so I know I had it in there when I logged out! Obviously I couldnt have accidently sold it, because you cant sell no-auction items to the bazaar?!?

You stitched it: Insulated Wand into Ringed Broadsword
This transaction appears in your Crowns History on the Wizard101.com website.
Ooh, that hurts.