So, my little Storm wiz was running around the Crystal Grove in DS today, when Milaka Jewelbender asked her to go and defeat some spiders. After the third pair (5 corrupted weavers and one shimmer widow), the quest-helper only shows as 4 of 8 spiders defeated; I tried logging out and back in, but that didn't fix it.
KI, please resolve this~ I don't want to be stuck on this quest forever! And, if this is Malistaire's idea of revenge (since I may or may not have called him a sissy the other day), tell him I'm sorry... and that Sestiva swears her Stormzilla won't eat him... honest!
If anyone else has experienced this glitch and fixed it, I'd appreciate if you could let me know how you did it. Thank you!
So, my little Storm wiz was running around the Crystal Grove in DS today, when Milaka Jewelbender asked her to go and defeat some spiders. After the third pair (5 corrupted weavers and one shimmer widow), the quest-helper only shows as 4 of 8 spiders defeated; I tried logging out and back in, but that didn't fix it.
KI, please resolve this~ I don't want to be stuck on this quest forever! And, if this is Malistaire's idea of revenge (since I may or may not have called him a sissy the other day), tell him I'm sorry... and that Sestiva swears her Stormzilla won't eat him... honest!
If anyone else has experienced this glitch and fixed it, I'd appreciate if you could let me know how you did it. Thank you! El Veeb/Sestiva Stormblade master/46
its not glitch it sometime happens. It happens because you didnt collect what you needed to collect for the quest.
So, my little Storm wiz was running around the Crystal Grove in DS today, when Milaka Jewelbender asked her to go and defeat some spiders. After the third pair (5 corrupted weavers and one shimmer widow), the quest-helper only shows as 4 of 8 spiders defeated; I tried logging out and back in, but that didn't fix it.
KI, please resolve this~ I don't want to be stuck on this quest forever! And, if this is Malistaire's idea of revenge (since I may or may not have called him a sissy the other day), tell him I'm sorry... and that Sestiva swears her Stormzilla won't eat him... honest!
If anyone else has experienced this glitch and fixed it, I'd appreciate if you could let me know how you did it. Thank you!
El Veeb/Sestiva Stormblade
This is not a glitch, it's one of the wonderful "collect / do not collect" quests. You must keep battling and defeating spiders until you have all 8. Good luck!
Still, it seems that the other ones counted, for the first half of the quest, but not the second. Because my Storm wiz was trying to avoid same-school fights, I went for the weavers first... if only one type counts toward the quest requirement, the quest helper should indicate that, instead of leaving us to figure it out through trial and error.
Still, it seems that the other ones counted, for the first half of the quest, but not the second. Because my Storm wiz was trying to avoid same-school fights, I went for the weavers first... if only one type counts toward the quest requirement, the quest helper should indicate that, instead of leaving us to figure it out through trial and error.
I think that is the part that is glitched. It should be any spider, but for some reason only certain spiders will update.
Still, it seems that the other ones counted, for the first half of the quest, but not the second. Because my Storm wiz was trying to avoid same-school fights, I went for the weavers first... if only one type counts toward the quest requirement, the quest helper should indicate that, instead of leaving us to figure it out through trial and error.
I think that is the part that is glitched. It should be any spider, but for some reason only certain spiders will update.
I think I remember that quest. If I'm not mistaken (and I probably am, because I frequently have 'senior moments'), I believe when Milaka gives you the quest, they tell you beat 'north' crystal spiders, or something like that.
There are the same, and different spiders for each crystal grove. On the particular quest you're working on, I think Milaka gives you a hint, but I'm not certain, as it's been a while since one of my wizards crunched those spiders.
But, then again, I could be throwing fluff into the wind, and be completely wrong.
sorry I didnt know it was that kind of quest. I dont have a good explanation for that but I am sure it is not a glitch kingsisle probably did that as a favor. Think of it if you fight more you get the gold at the end and xp plus the drops that can be alot of $$$. think of it that way. :-) :)