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Death Trap not working properly w/ Death Pact

Mar 05, 2010
I apologize if this has already been brought up, but I have noticed that while battling if I cast DeathTrap and Death Pact to work with each other (often times with other increases) that Death Trap doesn't always trigger. Anyone else noticing this?

Mar 18, 2009
sladeninj wrote:
I apologize if this has already been brought up, but I have noticed that while battling if I cast DeathTrap and Death Pact to work with each other (often times with other increases) that Death Trap doesn't always trigger. Anyone else noticing this?

Death Trap and Dark Pact are not exclusive. Death Trap requires a Death attack spell to activate. Dark Pact requires any attack spell to activate. Both activating will only occur if you cast a Death spell while both are active.

Feb 07, 2011
sladeninj wrote:
I apologize if this has already been brought up, but I have noticed that while battling if I cast DeathTrap and Death Pact to work with each other (often times with other increases) that Death Trap doesn't always trigger. Anyone else noticing this?

I'm not quite sure which spell you're referring to, as there's no such thing as Death Pact. Sounds like you mean to refer to one of the options below, in which case it's not a bug at all. :)

Did you mean:

Death Prism~ because you're dealing Life damage, it won't trigger the Death Trap, if your enemy has one on.

Dark Pact~ this is a spell that you cast on yourself (300 damage for +35% to next spell); it will only way it will trigger anything is if a Death enemy has placed a trap on you (or if you've Feinted yourself) at the time of casting. To reduce damage, always throw a shield up first.

Hope this helps~ if I've confused you, let me know & I'll try to clear it up as best I can.


El Veeb/Val Deathwhisper
grandmaster necromancer (54)

Mar 05, 2010
Yes I meant Dark Pact. I was tired when I wrote that trying to figure out why Death Trap wasnt working when I had Dark pact on. With limited brain power it didnt occur tome I was casting Death Trap BEFORE Death Prism hence why it wasnt triggering. I find it funny that after 51 levels that was the first time I had ever noticed I was doing that sometimes. Sometimes sleep deprivation can be ablessing and a curse at the same time. Thanks for the help.

Jeffrey Hexmancer
Roaming an unpopulated server near you.

Feb 07, 2011
sladeninj wrote:
Yes I meant Dark Pact. I was tired when I wrote that trying to figure out why Death Trap wasnt working when I had Dark pact on. With limited brain power it didnt occur tome I was casting Death Trap BEFORE Death Prism hence why it wasnt triggering. I find it funny that after 51 levels that was the first time I had ever noticed I was doing that sometimes. Sometimes sleep deprivation can be ablessing and a curse at the same time. Thanks for the help.

Jeffrey Hexmancer
Roaming an unpopulated server near you.

LOL. I totally know the feeling~ in fact, any posts I've made here during the wee hours are much less coherent than yours. So, congrats on making more sense than I... Now, get some sleep. :P

Sweet dreams,
El Veeb/Val