"Wizard, you have done much good in your time. The shining spirit of a true hero is evident in you. You have passed the test of spirit. Difficulties approach you, but do not despair. If you keep to clarity of mind, strength of body, and purity of spirit, you will ultimately triumph." -- The Great Moodha, Mooshu
Fellow wizards, I am so very surprised and saddened that we are fighting amongst ourselves. Have we all forgotten why we are here, questing in the Great Spiral? Have we become distracted from our epic journey to free the Spiral from the grave peril of dark magic? Are we slowly becoming our own enemy?
I've been thinking, a lot, as I talk to and (try to) listen to wizarding friends such as Megan, and as I read and reply to posts on this issue. So many of us share the same basic problem: PvP is currently too fragile a system to withstand the amazing growth of the Great Spiral, and efforts to shore up those weaknesses are often at the expense of PvE.
As our wizards gain new power, longevity, and magical skill, essential weaknesses of the current PvP system become more pronounced, causing a litany of complaints in the discussion forums and spreading ill will among us. KI seeks to satisfy these complaints and lessen the tension among wizards, but the solutions do not solve the essential problems with the PvP system, and the cycle repeats.
Many people have addressed the need to revise the PvP system in the following areas:
Minions Transformations Certain spells Ranking Matching Rudeness Time Limits Puppet Teams Pets
IMHO, all of these complaints touch on 3 areas of weakness in PvP:
Rules of Conduct Permitted Gear and Spells Ranking/Matching
These issues also all affect PvE in some way or other and contribute to a deterioration of civility as players become frustrated, vent, and bicker. This is especially true during times of high flow and fiero; we all get hyped up on adrenaline and lose our patience with obstacles to our success. In effect, we take these problems out on one another and harsh our own mellows.
I suspect that Morganthe is behind all of this drama and kerfuffle. She has obviously infiltrated our ranks with her minions of mischief and discord.
Professors, we need your knowledge, wisdom, and guidance in this time of unrest within Ravenwood Academy. Headmaster Ambrose, I humbly request that you address the students in general assembly, tell us your thoughts on our current disharmony, and offer remedies to cure our dis-ease.
Moodha's Blessings to all of my wizarding classmates,
"Wizard, you have done much good in your time. The shining spirit of a true hero is evident in you. You have passed the test of spirit. Difficulties approach you, but do not despair. If you keep to clarity of mind, strength of body, and purity of spirit, you will ultimately triumph." -- The Great Moodha, Mooshu
Fellow wizards, I am so very surprised and saddened that we are fighting amongst ourselves. Have we all forgotten why we are here, questing in the Great Spiral? Have we become distracted from our epic journey to free the Spiral from the grave peril of dark magic? Are we slowly becoming our own enemy?
I've been thinking, a lot, as I talk to and (try to) listen to wizarding friends such as Megan, and as I read and reply to posts on this issue. So many of us share the same basic problem: PvP is currently too fragile a system to withstand the amazing growth of the Great Spiral, and efforts to shore up those weaknesses are often at the expense of PvE.
As our wizards gain new power, longevity, and magical skill, essential weaknesses of the current PvP system become more pronounced, causing a litany of complaints in the discussion forums and spreading ill will among us. KI seeks to satisfy these complaints and lessen the tension among wizards, but the solutions do not solve the essential problems with the PvP system, and the cycle repeats.
Many people have addressed the need to revise the PvP system in the following areas:
Minions Transformations Certain spells Ranking Matching Rudeness Time Limits Puppet Teams Pets
IMHO, all of these complaints touch on 3 areas of weakness in PvP:
Rules of Conduct Permitted Gear and Spells Ranking/Matching
These issues also all affect PvE in some way or other and contribute to a deterioration of civility as players become frustrated, vent, and bicker. This is especially true during times of high flow and fiero; we all get hyped up on adrenaline and lose our patience with obstacles to our success. In effect, we take these problems out on one another and harsh our own mellows.
I suspect that Morganthe is behind all of this drama and kerfuffle. She has obviously infiltrated our ranks with her minions of mischief and discord.
Professors, we need your knowledge, wisdom, and guidance in this time of unrest within Ravenwood Academy. Headmasater Ambrose, I humbly request that you address the students in general assembly, tell us your thoughts on our current disharmony, and offer remedies to cure our dis-ease.
Moodha's Blessings to all of my wizarding classmates,
Iridian Shadowweaver, Theurgist
Queenly, you have a way with words that puts a smile on this lowly wizards face.
I think you are right. Morganthe has invaded Ravenwood and infected a large portion of the community.
Rules of conduct are a big issue not only in PvP, but PvE as well. I do know that players can be suspended from PvP for breaking those rules just the same as with PvE. Unfortunately, many players especially newer ones to the arena, don't realize that they need to report those players too. Too many times, they just post a thread on the issue and not report it at the time it happens.
Permitted gear/spells. That could be a very touchy issue. Many that play both aspects of the game can't afford crowns gear or don't have the time to farm for the gear that works better. Many that are trying to farm for it are getting frustrated because they keep going back over and over and are still not getting the gear.
Ranking/Matching This has been comming up more and more recently, and I think I have figured out why. From some of the posts I have seen, these are new players that have created a wizard and rammed them through PvE before ever entering the arena. What many don't realize, is they need to start that wizard in the arena as soon as they reach the minimum level to do so and start ranking as they are leveling in PvE. These players are taking level 80 wizards to the arena for the first time then posting complaints that the system is not matching them correctly. The PvP system for those that don't know, matches you by Level not rank.
I am finding also that many of the newer players are not taking the time to read the ToU. All of us veterans read it when we registered to play. It is my opinion, that this should be made mandatory and require an acceptance before continuing with registration.
Your request to the professors I put in bold. Yes, it would be great if they would solve all our problems, but I think this is one time, they want us to figure out that we are still child wizards and we asked for certain things and got them. Now they are waiting for us to realize we made a mistake and that we should help with the solutions. We wanted to run instead of walk(lol and we did a lot of running before mounts).
I respect your thoughts and opinions greatly and always have. IMHO, the game needs to be put back on a more gradual increase instead of jumping by leaps and bounds. But it has to be in a way that both PvP and PvE will come back into balance as it used to be. A longer testing time for especially large worlds such as Avalon. Making sure that every thing gets thoroughly tested before going live. Testing spells in PvP BEFORE a world is tested by the general community. Make the adjustments as need to make it balance but still grow. Then test by the general population and fix any other bugs that are found. There will always be bugs make it to Live, but I think it will be easier to resolve those if the main ones are fixed in test. As I said this is just my opinion and I don't want to force anyone to my way of thinking. It is something everyone has to find for themselves.
Testing spells in PvP BEFORE a world is tested by the general community. Make the adjustments as need to make it balance but still grow. Then test by the general population and fix any other bugs that are found. There will always be bugs make it to Live, but I think it will be easier to resolve those if the main ones are fixed in test. As I said this is just my opinion and I don't want to force anyone to my way of thinking. It is something everyone has to find for themselves.
Fallon WinterLeaf
I will never agree with you that PvP is the best place to determine the fate of spells. Sorry, but that just emphasizes the problem of inequity between PvE and PvP. You seem to REALLY want to give PvP total control in-game, and I simply do not understand that at all.
The day I have to wait for PvP players to approve a spell for any of my wizards is the day I quit this game.