My quest helper used to automatically change to my newest quest acquired. Now it just sticks itself to an old quest and I have to change it manually which lags my computer a bit. Will this be fixed? I mean I COULD just complete every quest in my book but that would be very bothersome..
My quest helper used to automatically change to my newest quest acquired. Now it just sticks itself to an old quest and I have to change it manually which lags my computer a bit. Will this be fixed? I mean I COULD just complete every quest in my book but that would be very bothersome..
Apparently this is the new and improved way for the quest helper to work. KI has decided to keep us on the straight and narrow old quests should be finished before new quests so our arrow will not longer follow us along our journey as it did before but constantly remind us we are jumping ahead.
For me it means after every quest I take i have to press Q and switch it manually because altho I am diligent on following the main story lines I do take side quests along the way of my travels so I don't have to remember to pick them up or wonder where they were and I complete them before I return to the main story line. My only confusion on this rule would be when my arrow points to a quest in Wintertusk or Grizzlehiem which are actually side worlds?
Good luck with dungeons as well; they don't update either. Nothing except main story line quests are changing over. It's annoying to hit "Q" every time you need to do something, and needs to be changed back to the way it was.
My quest helper used to automatically change to my newest quest acquired. Now it just sticks itself to an old quest and I have to change it manually which lags my computer a bit. Will this be fixed? I mean I COULD just complete every quest in my book but that would be very bothersome..
Apparently this is the new and improved way for the quest helper to work. KI has decided to keep us on the straight and narrow old quests should be finished before new questsso our arrow will not longer follow us along our journey as it did before but constantly remind us we are jumping ahead.
For me it means after every quest I take i have to press Q and switch it manually because altho I am diligent on following the main story lines I do take side quests along the way of my travels so I don't have to remember to pick them up or wonder where they were and I complete them before I return to the main story line. My only confusion on this rule would be when my arrow points to a quest in Wintertusk or Grizzlehiem which are actually side worlds?
Thisis in response to the section I placed in bold and red.
I can understand that older quests should be completed before, however when an old quest is a quest that you picked up in a realm you cannot get to, through going to help a friend, Then it is a bit redundant that it directs you somewhere you can't get to.
Since it would seem that this is something that is not going to be reverted back to the old way, all I want to know is what is the most efficient way to be using it now? Why was it a problem for it to be following me along as it did before? Should I only have one quest in my book rather then stacking as I had done before?
I am tired of the new way and want to be able to use it as it is planned. Clearly KI made this change for a reason, what is it?
Since it would seem that this is something that is not going to be reverted back to the old way, all I want to know is what is the most efficient way to be using it now? Why was it a problem for it to be following me along as it did before? Should I only have one quest in my book rather then stacking as I had done before?
I am tired of the new way and want to be able to use it as it is planned. Clearly KI made this change for a reason, what is it?
I have no idea what they were thinking or why it was changed. It's not only completely annoying to those of us who are experienced, but imagine someone who just started the game trying to navigate now.
It's obvious that KI employees no longer play this game or it would have reverted back by now.
I am still stacking quests and going from world to world as I did; they aren't going to change the way I play, nor should they try to.
I hate the new Quest UN Helper. I am constantly telling my friends wait I need to fix the Quest UN Helper. It is so annoying. It has messed me up in dungeons. It constantly resets to Nastrond. Yes I know it is there. I am waiting for a group to do it.
KI please put it back. Why "fix" something that wasn't broke to begin with? All I want is the Un Helper to follow the quest I am working on from beginning to end. A simple solution that has been suggested more than once is color main quests or * them.
KI turn the quest arrow back to the way it was. This new "improved" quest arrow simply stinks. :x
The quest arrow has never been "improved." The fix outlined in the forums has never been implemented. The fix is now on the test realm and will be available to live realm shortly. The forthcoming fix is better than the old system.
KI turn the quest arrow back to the way it was. This new "improved" quest arrow simply stinks. :x
The quest arrow has never been "improved." The fix outlined in the forums has never been implemented. The fix is now on the test realm and will be available to live realm shortly. The forthcoming fix is better than the old system.
Please tell me how we are "not" going to be constantly having to use quest book once this change is made? The quest arrow will no longer follow along with questing rendering it useless to me. Since I do listen to the story lines and have quested many times before in the spiral I just go to next place saving a lot of clicking for me - others may not be so fortunate.
All I know is - I plan to clear this up once and for all by going to all quests in the books now and declining or porting to common area so they don't get entered into book, so they will be out of the book totally, later on we can pick them up, such as the Krock quest and anything in side worlds - my other half is totally lost with this new way and we are in Wyesteria and he keeps telling me he has to go to Tomb of Storms since every time he takes a quest it points to there. He is getting too frustrated to play this way any more and had a ton of quests piled up in his book and had not idea which ones he should do first to make them in some what order. In other words our books will now only hold one quest at a time making him getting lost less of an issue for me.
We made some recent changes to the Quest Helper arrow that seemed to hinder more than help, so we've made some more changes and we want your feedback.
* If you are using Quest Arrow to track a main storyline quest and accept another main storyline quest - the Quest Arrow should switch to the newly accepted quest
* If you are using Quest Arrow to track a main storyline quest and accept a side quest - the Quest Arrow should not switch to the newly accepted side quest
* If you are using Quest Arrow to track a side quest and accept a main storyline quest - Quest Arrow will switch to point in the direction of the main storyline quest
* If you are using Quest Arrow to track a side quest and accept another side quest - Quest Arrow will switch to point in the direction of the newly accepted side quest
* This should solve the issue of the Quest Helper not recognizing that you picked up a new quest.
Please tell me how we are "not" going to be constantly having to use quest book once this change is made?
It's actually not that hard to understand.
If you are only doing main quests, you will never have to open the quest book (they will be automatically accepted).
If you are only doing side quests, you will never have to open the quest book (they are automatically accepted).
If you are doing a side quest and start a main quest, you will never have to open the quest book (it will automatically accept and guide you back on the main quest).
If you are on a main quest and want to do a side quest, this is the only time you will have to go into the quest book and manually accept that quest.