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Recently Returned... Have questions

May 12, 2009
After a 2 year hiatus I am back playing now.
When I left, the level limit was 50 and thats where I was.
I have been back playing for almost a month and am on the verge of level57,
My first and probably most pressing question is this:
When am I allowed to learn new spells? and from whom do I learn them? and where?
This is quickly becoming a frustration point for me. I can neither find any one to teach me nor have I found answers to this in the forums.
I am of the fire school (primary) with ice (secondary) then life as the tertiary school from my play before.
Many thanks for any and all assistance in directing me to an answer

Oct 24, 2010
Izzordad wrote:
After a 2 year hiatus I am back playing now.
When I left, the level limit was 50 and thats where I was.
I have been back playing for almost a month and am on the verge of level57,
My first and probably most pressing question is this:
When am I allowed to learn new spells? and from whom do I learn them? and where?
This is quickly becoming a frustration point for me. I can neither find any one to teach me nor have I found answers to this in the forums.
I am of the fire school (primary) with ice (secondary) then life as the tertiary school from my play before.
Many thanks for any and all assistance in directing me to an answer

Your fire spells are here:

Nov 05, 2011
Izzordad wrote:
After a 2 year hiatus I am back playing now.
When I left, the level limit was 50 and thats where I was.
I have been back playing for almost a month and am on the verge of level57,
My first and probably most pressing question is this:
When am I allowed to learn new spells? and from whom do I learn them? and where?
This is quickly becoming a frustration point for me. I can neither find any one to teach me nor have I found answers to this in the forums.
I am of the fire school (primary) with ice (secondary) then life as the tertiary school from my play before.
Many thanks for any and all assistance in directing me to an answer

First off, welcome back Izzordad! I hope you enjoy the current game.

Now, you should get a spell at level 58, 68 and I'm not entirely sure about Avalon But you may also get a quest from Grizzleheim at level 35 and 55 IF you are doing Grizzleheim and Wintertusk.

Just to inform you, the level cap currently is 80 and a few aspects of the game may of changed since life as a level 50 wizard.

Yours sincerly,


Jun 09, 2010
May I suggest you read the update notes for the time frame that you have been gone? I think that would give you a wealth of information on the game since you have been gone a while.

Feb 07, 2011
Izzordad wrote:
After a 2 year hiatus I am back playing now.
When I left, the level limit was 50 and thats where I was.
I have been back playing for almost a month and am on the verge of level57,
My first and probably most pressing question is this:
When am I allowed to learn new spells? and from whom do I learn them? and where?
This is quickly becoming a frustration point for me. I can neither find any one to teach me nor have I found answers to this in the forums.
I am of the fire school (primary) with ice (secondary) then life as the tertiary school from my play before.
Many thanks for any and all assistance in directing me to an answer

Hey, Izzordad- welcome back!

To catch you up a bit... all spells after level 50 are school-only. You'll get them at levels 55, 58, & so on~ your professor will summon you when you meet the level/quest completion requirements, and not before.

Your level 55 spell requires you to complete several quests in Wintertusk, a side-world in Grizzleheim- once you are done with the quest 'Su Su Sudrilund', go and have a chat with Baldur Goldpaws in Olde Town, then visit Erik Wyrdrune in Northguard... then, enjoy your new spell. :)

Also, new titles~

60~ Legendary
70~ Transcendent (formerly Transcended)
80~ Archmage


As for your secondary and tertiary schools, you cannot obtain any spells from them after level 42~ they are all school-only, solo quest spells. You can, however, spend your training points on the Sun, Moon, and Star school~ these spells are enchantments, designed to boost your existing spells, that were added with the addition of Celestia. As follows:

-the Moon School specializes in polymorphs and mutations. For example, Polymorph Treant allows you to turn into a Life treant (Treebeard-looking thing) for 6 rounds- your resistance and gear-boosts will disappear, but you will be able to cast Life spells for those rounds. Mutations work a bit differently~ for example, Balance's Locust Swarm can be changed into Polar Swarm, which deals Ice damage over 3 rounds.

-the Star school focuses on boosting stats in multiples of 4~ examples would be Fortify (-15% to incoming damage for 4 rounds) and Infallible (increases your accuracy and armour piercing for 4 rounds).

-the Sun school boosts damage only. Examples of solar spells would be Gargantuan (+225 damage to the next spell you choose) and Colossal (+300 to one spell).

Also, check here for updates: https://www.wizard101.com/game/update-notes/may2012 . Just choose the month/year you want from the drop-down menu.


Worth noting: From Celestia onward, most bosses cheat like crazy, so be prepared for absolutely anything... Good luck, and feel free to ask if you have any further questions. :)

Happy returns!

El Veeb/Laura Shadowsong
archmage sorceress

May 12, 2009
Thanx everybody for the warm welcomes and for the good advices, I see I may have to back track a bit to redo some quests.
LOL, which leads me to the next question.
Is there a place where I can view my completed quests?
After so long I have forgotten alot.
Hopefully I will get to stay around longer this time, but one never knows when duty calls.
And yes it is so much different now, crafting was just starting when I departed before, and now I see I must some how become more proficient at that, among many other things.
The mount are very cool, not to mention the speed bonus they give.
And the pets I had before are coming along fine, although I am still in the process of figuring that out too.

Again Thank You All, and I hope to run into you out there, if you see me just shout and say hi, I am usually questing alone so company is welcome.

Blaze Earthwalker
Master of Fire

Feb 07, 2011
Izzordad wrote:
Thanx everybody for the warm welcomes and for the good advices, I see I may have to back track a bit to redo some quests.
LOL, which leads me to the next question.
Is there a place where I can view my completed quests?
After so long I have forgotten alot.
Hopefully I will get to stay around longer this time, but one never knows when duty calls.
And yes it is so much different now, crafting was just starting when I departed before, and now I see I must some how become more proficient at that, among many other things.
The mount are very cool, not to mention the speed bonus they give.
And the pets I had before are coming along fine, although I am still in the process of figuring that out too.

Again Thank You All, and I hope to run into you out there, if you see me just shout and say hi, I am usually questing alone so company is welcome.

Blaze Earthwalker
Master of Fire

You're welcome!

To check which quests you have , press Q on your keyboard to view all quests available to you. :)

Crafting is horrible now... Lots of complaints about the Legendary Artisan quest in Zafaria, in which crafting insanity totally crosses the line. In short, it's crafted items on top of crafted items, which require us to farm or garden for extremely-rare reagents... When you visit Celestia, make sure to buy the transmutation recipes, because you're going to need them. But don't let me scare you~ you'll find out for yourself, soon enough. :P

Hope to see you around the Spiral~ like you, I travel alone, but don't be afraid to stop and say hi!


El Veeb/Laura Shadowsong
archmage sorceress :)

May 07, 2011
vonawesome1 wrote:

-the Moon School specializes in polymorphs and mutations. For example, Polymorph Treant allows you to turn into a Life treant (Treebeard-looking thing) for 6 rounds- your resistance and gear-boosts will disappear, but you will be able to cast Life spells for those rounds. Mutations work a bit differently~ for example, Balance's Locust Swarm can be changed into Polar Swarm, which deals Ice damage over 3 rounds.

-the Star school focuses on boosting stats in multiples of 4~ examples would be Fortify (-15% to incoming damage for 4 rounds) and Infallible (increases your accuracy and armour piercing for 4 rounds).

-the Sun school boosts damage only. Examples of solar spells would be Gargantuan (+225 damage to the next spell you choose) and Colossal (+300 to one spell).

Two problems here, not trying to criticize...

1: Mutations are SUN spells. They count as the enchantments.

2: Sun spells can alternatively increase Accuracy and Armor Piercing.

Feb 07, 2011
BlueHighwind wrote:
Two problems here, not trying to criticize...

1: Mutations are SUN spells. They count as the enchantments.

2: Sun spells can alternatively increase Accuracy and Armor Piercing.

That's okay~ it was late when I posted; when one is half-asleep at the computer, one is bound to make mistakes (LOL). So thanks for correcting me!

As for #2: I'm confused~ which Sun spells do that? Is Infallible a Sun spell? If so, thanks again for correcting me. I should really stop posting at 5 in the morning. :P

El Veeb