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ANYONE can have Guardian Spirit (at 20% too!)

Feb 14, 2010
This is ridiculous. First PVP players complain to the point that this spell gets reduced from a 25% to a 15% revival. Now it's available in the new hydra pack, AND if you get in the pack it revives you at 20%. Are you kidding me? The spell is useless for life at 15%. I don't even have it in my deck anymore. When I was soloing boss fights against multiple bosses (which I do often) that spell was only effective in terms of getting me killed at 15%. So life basically got gypped in terms of high level spells once it was reduced. I would rather they just removed it from the game and introduced a better attack spell. At least that would be something. At this point now people from any school can have this spell. Plus many have life mastery amulets which is another bonus. So they can now have the best of both worlds with powerful attacks and healing, while life doesn't get an advantage from either.

I'm sorry, but I am officially done. As a long-time player and someone who has invested a lot of time and money in this game, I am finally fed up. My membership is up at the end of this month and I won't be renewing. I am tired of playing a game that gives preference to PVP demands and doesn't consider all players when making changes. Then to top it off, you did another 180 when you made the same spell available to all players and at a higher percentage. I see, so it's too powerful for life, but now it's available to EVERYONE at only 5% less than the original spell, lol?? Ugh. That's it. I quit.

Feb 24, 2009
Quitting the game because of a now available treasure card? Sorry, but thats kinda immature if you ask me... :/

Jan 23, 2011
Don't quit because a spell gets you down. I admit, the spell doesn't help a lot, but the hydra pack just came out, and it is a small chance of ever getting cards from packs. I was helping a friend with Jabberjock, and they used it on me, I was by his meteor strike. He also criticalled in the process of using it on me, so I say, put it in your deck, get a high critical rating, and put up things to make it give more health. And those life mastery amulets cost a lot of crowns. Almost a whole $20 gift card. Put it in your deck, and just try to critical.

Andrew Stormblade, Myth, Level 70

Jul 08, 2011
If you want to quit thats your choice. If you dont like the new rules than thats your opinion. and life can get it at 20% too. Yes i know what it feels like to think that your schools purpose is no longer existent, and it can be frustrating but you just have to accept it because it is most likely not going to change. The guardian sprite really isnt even life's purpose as a whole. It is just a part. You have to use what you have to your advantage and if you dont like it, then oh well.

Jun 13, 2010
I can't blame you. I quit since Celestia, and thought things would have been better. Ever since Celestia and Spritely, life school has been on decline. And KI doesn't take us seriously. I wonder what was the point of nerfing guardian spirit down to 15%? 15/100 is not much at all. All our spells aren't even good; attacks, heals, and useless guardian spirit. Plus, every single other school gets the exact same accuracy, exact same incoming/outgoing, and exact same heals only better? Yes they are limited, but you don't NEED infinite heals. I would never use stormzilla b/c I have no accuracy boosts. Storm school could use satyr and have the same accuracy boost and outgoing heal...

May 02, 2009
The ones on the gear in the pack are item cards, which, just like the majority of other item cards in the game, are supposed to improve upon the original spell a little bit.

Besides, life can still make good use of it, as they can have multiple copies of it in their deck, whereas non-lifes can only have as many as are on their gear.

Also, KI stated that avalon would introduce utility spells, and thats what guardian spirit is, a utility spell, not something thats meant to be used in every single fight.

Every spell as its advantages and disadvantages, but its how we use/learn from them that makes the difference, not just the spell itself.

For pvp, KI did say they're working on a fix for that. so they arent just focusing on the pvp side of things.

Jun 08, 2009
Unfortunately all games listen to PvP demands. They often would make PvE unchallenging if they stay the same. So if you want a game that doesn't listen to PvP, I suggest Single-player Console Games. Good luck in your future gaming endeavours.

Feb 07, 2011
Guys, this is not about the hoard pack... it's about the GS nerf.

Like the OP, I'm a PvE player, trying to make it in a PvP world... and it's awful. Why should one group of players be allowed to dictate what the rest of us can and can't do? It's wrong, it's unfair, and it needs to stop.

My membership is up next month. I'm not going to quit (yet), over the fact that my utility spells (especially Mana Burn, which is also in the hoard pack) are badly broken, but I agree that PvP has taken over the game, at our expense. I want to renew, but it's pretty clear whose opinions take precedence, and PvE players are not high on that list. Our voices aren't loud enough to drown out the organized spamming that comes to these forums from that hole in Unicorn Way...

El Veeb

Feb 14, 2010
Ronster55 wrote:
Quitting the game because of a now available treasure card? Sorry, but thats kinda immature if you ask me... :/

If you read my post at all you would see that I said this was the final straw. There is a long list of reasons I am not renewing the membership. This was just the last one that finally made my mind up for me.

Feb 14, 2010
vonawesome1 wrote:
Guys, this is not about the hoard pack... it's about the GS nerf.

Like the OP, I'm a PvE player, trying to make it in a PvP world... and it's awful. Why should one group of players be allowed to dictate what the rest of us can and can't do? It's wrong, it's unfair, and it needs to stop.

My membership is up next month. I'm not going to quit (yet), over the fact that my utility spells (especially Mana Burn, which is also in the hoard pack) are badly broken, but I agree that PvP has taken over the game, at our expense. I want to renew, but it's pretty clear whose opinions take precedence, and PvE players are not high on that list. Our voices aren't loud enough to drown out the organized spamming that comes to these forums from that hole in Unicorn Way...

El Veeb

Thank you! I'm glad someone understood my point. I think you and a couple other people are the only ones that understood my point (or even read my post beyond the heading). Like I said, the GS change is just the final straw. The biggest problem is that PVP is allowed to dictate what happens in most of this game. That upsets me more than anything, and is one of the major reasons (if not the major reason) I am quitting the game. I refuse to pay money any longer for a game that does not consider the needs of all players when making changes. This has gone on for far too long, and it's obvious that it's not going to change.

Nicole Earthcaster (Level 80 Life Wiz)

May 10, 2010
Sorry for my absence, I have been busy with other, um, tasks.

I completely agree and understand what the Op is saying. If KI was going to make a wand that gives 20% Guardian Spirit, then why nerf the spell for life? It makes no sense.

When KI wrote why they were nerfing WildBolt, they made an excellent post and gave real meaning for the nerf, but, if you take their reasons behind the nerf for WildBolt and try and use them for the nerf to Guardian spirit, it is not supported. KI specifically stated, that KI will not nerf spells for PvP alone, that they would rather have spells overpowered than underpowered, yet, the nerf to GS was specifically for PVP whiners, was it not? Now, all pvp players can have this spell, at 20%, and Life Wizards and the PvE community still has to deal with the GS nerf?

This is such a wrong move on the part of KI, I am very disappointed in them!

Jan 24, 2010
bethysue02 wrote:
vonawesome1 wrote:
Guys, this is not about the hoard pack... it's about the GS nerf.

Like the OP, I'm a PvE player, trying to make it in a PvP world... and it's awful. Why should one group of players be allowed to dictate what the rest of us can and can't do? It's wrong, it's unfair, and it needs to stop.

My membership is up next month. I'm not going to quit (yet), over the fact that my utility spells (especially Mana Burn, which is also in the hoard pack) are badly broken, but I agree that PvP has taken over the game, at our expense. I want to renew, but it's pretty clear whose opinions take precedence, and PvE players are not high on that list. Our voices aren't loud enough to drown out the organized spamming that comes to these forums from that hole in Unicorn Way...

El Veeb

Thank you! I'm glad someone understood my point. I think you and a couple other people are the only ones that understood my point (or even read my post beyond the heading). Like I said, the GS change is just the final straw. The biggest problem is that PVP is allowed to dictate what happens in most of this game. That upsets me more than anything, and is one of the major reasons (if not the major reason) I am quitting the game. I refuse to pay money any longer for a game that does not consider the needs of all players when making changes. This has gone on for far too long, and it's obvious that it's not going to change.

Nicole Earthcaster (Level 80 Life Wiz)

Hi Nicole,

I actually LOLed when I saw the improved 20% GS on a wand from the new pack :) I admit, it was a sense of gratification due to revenge, but eh, no one's perfect 8)

A request: Please don't quit the game just yet. I hear that there are big changes afoot for the PvP side of Wizard101, and I am hopeful that those changes will entail better protections for the PvE community. Although I doubt that KI will change GS back to its original 30% revive, I do have faith that there will be better representation of PvE concerns in future alterations to spells, gear, and other aspects of the game.

Please stay. I would hate to lose such an accomplished member of the questing community, when we seem so close to resolution.

I hope to meet you in the Spiral one day,

Qbb/Iridian Shadowweaver, Theurgist

Mar 18, 2009
darthjt wrote:
Sorry for my absence, I have been busy with other, um, tasks.

I completely agree and understand what the Op is saying. If KI was going to make a wand that gives 20% Guardian Spirit, then why nerf the spell for life? It makes no sense.

When KI wrote why they were nerfing WildBolt, they made an excellent post and gave real meaning for the nerf, but, if you take their reasons behind the nerf for WildBolt and try and use them for the nerf to Guardian spirit, it is not supported. KI specifically stated, that KI will not nerf spells for PvP alone, that they would rather have spells overpowered than underpowered, yet, the nerf to GS was specifically for PVP whiners, was it not? Now, all pvp players can have this spell, at 20%, and Life Wizards and the PvE community still has to deal with the GS nerf?

This is such a wrong move on the part of KI, I am very disappointed in them!

Even if they hadn't nerfed it, it is very likely the wand would still have been available, but with 30% health. Almost all item cards and treasure cards offer the same spell, but at increased numbers. This is likely to attract use from the same school crowd. Granted, GS doesn't have the stacking feature, but 5% extra goes a long ways even for Life wizards.

Additionally, I think in the near future we will likely see cheating bosses using GS against us (like the Warehouse boss using Rebirth). I don't know what that bosses healing boost stats will be like, but I don't think this will be solely a PvP issue in the future. I too believe the change was because of PvP, but I personally don't want to be accusational until hindsight 20/20 sets in. Hypothetically speaking, the change "might" have addressed PvE testing (level 80 dungeon), but was only brought to light because of the PvP complaints. I say this only because the majority of the GS PvP complainers didn't ask for a reduction in returned health (the nerf), but rather the asking of the removal of the spell, that it not criticals, that healing boosts not apply, or that infections are applied. A reduction in returned health is more in line with computer AI, since player gear and healing boosts will only get larger as the game grows (making the 10% reduction nerf less of an impact over time).

My scenario is probably a long stretch and possibly unnecessary inferences for concluding that the GS was nerfed for a cheating dungeon, but we are due a new cheating dungeon soon, since the last one was level 60 and we are level 80. Regardless, KI is keeping mum on the situation and I have to assume it is for a reason (since as you pointed out with WildBolt, they have communicated in the past).

May 15, 2010
Ronster55 wrote:
Quitting the game because of a now available treasure card? Sorry, but thats kinda immature if you ask me... :/
Not a treasure. Any level robes. Level 10s can use this spell. I get her point.

Dec 14, 2009
darthjt wrote:
This is such a wrong move on the part of KI, I am very disappointed in them!

/agree :?

Sep 08, 2008
The whole PvE vs. PvP is what ruins all the perfectly would-have-been-good spells and whatever other aspects of games.

Prime example is WoW. Every few weeks there are nerfs of all kinds, stacked on YEARS of past nerfs, just to appease the PvP'ers that roll around in their welfare equipment. And every time there is a nerf, all the PvE'ers are "penalized" for doing nothing but trying to be the best they can be in PvE, and trying to make their class stand out and be unique.

Hunter, which was a unique class with a very customized pet, is now a mere long range damage class with mediocre pets that really are not that great, and when it boils down to it, are all exactly the same thing with different 'skins.' They lost abilities, were nerfed in their others, and pets were reduced to mere "trophies" of sorts. There are, of course, people that can argue this to no end, but, I digress.

Anyway, enough ranting about WoW, same principle applies to Wizard101. While thankfully, PvP and PvE is kept in seperate environments, spells get changed and nerfed, to try to accommodate both, which imo is what generates "nerf unhappiness."

Aug 07, 2010
bethysue02 wrote:
This is ridiculous. First PVP players complain to the point that this spell gets reduced from a 25% to a 15% revival. Now it's available in the new hydra pack, AND if you get in the pack it revives you at 20%. Are you kidding me? The spell is useless for life at 15%. I don't even have it in my deck anymore. When I was soloing boss fights against multiple bosses (which I do often) that spell was only effective in terms of getting me killed at 15%. So life basically got gypped in terms of high level spells once it was reduced. I would rather they just removed it from the game and introduced a better attack spell. At least that would be something. At this point now people from any school can have this spell. Plus many have life mastery amulets which is another bonus. So they can now have the best of both worlds with powerful attacks and healing, while life doesn't get an advantage from either.

I'm sorry, but I am officially done. As a long-time player and someone who has invested a lot of time and money in this game, I am finally fed up. My membership is up at the end of this month and I won't be renewing. I am tired of playing a game that gives preference to PVP demands and doesn't consider all players when making changes. Then to top it off, you did another 180 when you made the same spell available to all players and at a higher percentage. I see, so it's too powerful for life, but now it's available to EVERYONE at only 5% less than the original spell, lol?? Ugh. That's it. I quit.

Agreed. Its basically a slap in the face.


Sep 19, 2010
I agree with the OP. KI never gave a good response as to why they reduced the Guardian Spirit spell, and i for one am fed up. I sent an email to community@kingsisle.com, telling them i wouldnt be purchasing anymore crowns, until 1, they gave us a reason why the spell was reduced, and 2, if they could explain why these utility spells were made available from the hoard pack. I am also about to reach my breaking point with this game, and the first remedy will be to turn of the spigot of my hard earned cash. The final remedy, if my concerns arent addressed, will be to quit this game.

Belgrim Emeraldbane, Omnipotent Wizard, Life School.
Yes, Omipotent :)

Nov 10, 2010
WOW KI what a mess you have made once again.
Will you be listen to the voice of the people that play the game or just the ones that play each other?
I have enjoyed(for the most part)this game for 3 years now. Have left only to find myself back now. I have a 80 life and fire. And thanks to KI my fire can heal as hard out as my life with never a chance of a fizzle. Has more resist than my life. And now(because i only got one wand)has a bigger GS than my life.
Once there was a time when i pvp'ed. but no longer do i put myself through that pain. But most of that was 2v2 with a very good myth. Life will always have its place i guess but its been pulled apart slowly. And is not the force it once was.
As for only changing the parts of the game that(i love this saying well done)that the hole in unicorn way spam cry about. Well oh my lord you are going to loss alot of players that spend time questing on more than one wizard and will need gear for all of them. That is money for jam for KI. where as most hard out pvp'ers have one or two wizard's kitted out with never anything needed again.
You are running the game for what i have seen to be the nicer people that play wiz101. The people that play for the joy of playing. Not to be some super pvp freak that crys every chance they can or when stuff just doesn't go there way.

Lucas Jade Thief lvl 80 life warlord.

Sep 19, 2010
DaMan32 wrote:
WOW KI what a mess you have made once again.
Will you be listen to the voice of the people that play the game or just the ones that play each other?
I have enjoyed(for the most part)this game for 3 years now. Have left only to find myself back now. I have a 80 life and fire. And thanks to KI my fire can heal as hard out as my life with never a chance of a fizzle. Has more resist than my life. And now(because i only got one wand)has a bigger GS than my life.
Once there was a time when i pvp'ed. but no longer do i put myself through that pain. But most of that was 2v2 with a very good myth. Life will always have its place i guess but its been pulled apart slowly. And is not the force it once was.
As for only changing the parts of the game that(i love this saying well done)that the hole in unicorn way spam cry about. Well oh my lord you are going to loss alot of players that spend time questing on more than one wizard and will need gear for all of them. That is money for jam for KI. where as most hard out pvp'ers have one or two wizard's kitted out with never anything needed again.
You are running the game for what i have seen to be the nicer people that play wiz101. The people that play for the joy of playing. Not to be some super pvp freak that crys every chance they can or when stuff just doesn't go there way.

Lucas Jade Thief lvl 80 life warlord.

daman32 hit the nail, right on the head. My only question has been why? Why after Guardian Spirit made it through Test Realm at 25% was it reduced later? What was KI's thought process on this? Was the reduction due to the fact that some portion of the spiral complained about it being OP? Why do i have another useless spell in my deck? Why do i feel as though the decision to reduce this spell was just a rush to judgement?

Belgrim EmeraldBane, Level 80, Life