ok please do not get mad at me PVPers but why should you play PVP? I have a few reasons why I never play it.
1. you don't get up in levels.
2. You don't get to new worlds.
3. You don't get new spells by beating people in it.
4. People are always complaining to have spells weakened or banned.
5. People complain about treasure cards(you do know you can use them too right?)
So i NEVER play PVP.
I mostly PvP and PvE a bit here and there.
At the very beginning, a little over two years ago I think, I forget my time here hah, PvP helped me very quickly see the differences in different elements and helped me refine how I play. It helped me see my own weaknesses and learn to protect those weaknesses to make me a better player. Not only in PvP but in PvE! It was because of PvP I learned to solo PvE on my myth from Wizard City through Dragonspyre and Celestia.
I PvP because sometimes it can be more fun fighting another thinking opponent over a stupid AI.
I can't get the most out of my deck in PvE as I can in PvP.
All those training points I Have and spend? They are justified more in PvP than in PvE.
All my new more powerful spells and gear? More justified and pushed to their limits in PvP than in PvE.
Why do I PvP? It's fun, I like beating up other people and overcoming tough challenges, It's a thrill to do so, and sometimes because you are dealing with other people, you can have really fun conversation or goofing. I've made some fun old arena partners who I'm no longer in contact with after I left for a long break. But I do miss some of them. I even helped bring up several privates to captain and commander. Not by fighting for them in 2v2 ranks, but in training them to fight me in 1v1.
PvP revealed my skill and pushed my thinking skills for the game. That's it.
And it's also still amusing as much as it is frustrating when in one match I can have a deck work so beautifully that it's as if I couldn't lose the match if I tried, while that same deck in the very next match can come up and make me look truly pathetic, lol!
ok please do not get mad at me PVPers but why should you play PVP? I have a few reasons why I never play it.
1. you don't get up in levels.
2. You don't get to new worlds.
3. You don't get new spells by beating people in it.
4. People are always complaining to have spells weakened or banned.
5. People complain about treasure cards(you do know you can use them too right?)
So i NEVER play PVP.
Well, to start off, pvp is actually really fun to me, and most of the friends on my friends list I've gotten from pvp, and some I even kept for years! PvP helped me learn how to solo a whole lot better, including the Mirror Lake My deck has been improved by 4 times more, my stats are far better then most of in PvE, because in PvE you don't really need to care about your general stats, it's mostly just to critical and call it game.
In a way, you do 'gain' xp and level up, by your ranks. PvP is a skill testing game or just something that you do 24/7 and just can't stop!
Those who complain are the ones that are having troubles (Such as Fire and Storm vs. Ice), but a bunch of players who just do PvE don't need to focus on improving their stats much, and I don't like having lower stats, I just did pvp since 2009 (Yeah, it says I joined at 2010, but I have my other account)
PvP can be fun, frustrating, boring, exciting, and intense. It's all of those combined... Well, those are the reasons I do PvP! :D
It's just something to do with your char once you've hit max level. It also makes you think harder about the game and broadens your look at the it. Competetive play is my favorite part of a game :P
Outfit part is true. BUT fun? Getting bullied by people and called noobs for winning? And getting reported for winning? Just saying, it happens almost EVERY pvp match.
Outfit part is true. BUT fun? Getting bullied by people and called noobs for winning? And getting reported for winning? Just saying, it happens almost EVERY pvp match.
Sounds pretty fun to me. Noob is really a badge that I should get to wear around. Meh these 'bullies' you speak of sound a lot like attention deprived 12 year olds with nothing better to do. Reports are always false. Btw you can always block enemy chat or trollololololol them if you keep getting matched with rude folks brah.
Well, it's pretty fun once you are at max level, and especially when you have a team with a good and thought-out strategy. It's also fun to attempt to reach warlord, as I am a captain at the moment. Also, ignore the people who get frustrated when they lose a match. You can even turn off enemy PvP chat. But yea, I find PvP to be really challenging, and to succeed, you must have a good strategy.
I play PvP because it makes me a better Wizard by teaching me strategy, I love wearing my PvP warlord badge, It is fun, and it is a good way to spend your time after you reach the level cap. If you don't like it, it doesn't really matter to anyone because many other wizards enjoy it.