Ice is clearly OP. With the new crafted gear, Ice can acheive immunity to fire & storm with a good pet. It is nearly impossible in PvP to do any damage. Even with all the spears and other armor piercing spells we can only get the resist down 40% and waste 3 turns. Also, why should we have to use converts in our deck just to fend off one should we'll get an unknown number of times? Even in PvE it is OP. They should not be able to be hit nothing from Fire & Storm. Simply enough Ice is supposed to have high resist but not this high. KI, could you please enlighten me on any future updates or will this be ignored?
Exactly! Dude, there was this guy seven lvls lower than me, he had 4,00 more health then i did! i had 4 satyrs and 4 pixies in my deck, and he still beat me up, because he had satyr and pixie too, and all he did was 1) Tower shield 2) Ice blade 3) ice trap 4) Ice wyvern, and he was literally resisting 70% of my FIRE moves! :(
p.s. Go fire (and storm and life)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! p.p.s. Ice wiz should be called Frostmancers (LOL).
Ice is clearly OP. With the new crafted gear, Ice can acheive immunity to fire & storm with a good pet. It is nearly impossible in PvP to do any damage. Even with all the spears and other armor piercing spells we can only get the resist down 40% and waste 3 turns. Also, why should we have to use converts in our deck just to fend off one should we'll get an unknown number of times? Even in PvE it is OP. They should not be able to be hit nothing from Fire & Storm. Simply enough Ice is supposed to have high resist but not this high. KI, could you please enlighten me on any future updates or will this be ignored?
The school itself is not overpowered (IMO), but immunity to the other elementals is; no school should be immune to anything (and I don't even PvP).
That said, I definitely see how people in the Arena might struggle with this; critical levy or Efreet, with blades and Amp, won't even put a dent in that Ice guy's armour. Sure, Ice's high resistance is compensation for their low base damage. My Ice wiz is only level 18, but she has a ton of health (around the same as my level 48 Storm wiz) and never needs to heal; I've seen higher-level (20+) Ice wizards pull off Storm-strength hits, which makes the lack of damage they're being "compensated" for a non-issue.
As a PvE player, I technically don't have to care... but, for the sake of maintaining balance in the Spiral, something needs to be done for sure.
El Veeb/Shadowsong/Tara archmage sorceress/journeygirl thaumaturge
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.
Is every school not given training points? Are we not allowed to train secondary schools?
Especially in PvP, most have a mastery amulet of some kind. Use IT!
All of these whines and complaints, sheesh, gives ya a headache.
I am will now serve some cheese for those whines and some freshly baked cookies for those that are crying. Feel free to drown your sorrows.
The most overpowered wizard, is that which chooses to think and formulate a true strategy!
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.
Is every school not given training points? Are we not allowed to train secondary schools?
Especially in PvP, most have a mastery amulet of some kind. Use IT!
All of these whines and complaints, sheesh, gives ya a headache.
I am will now serve some cheese for those whines and some freshly baked cookies for those that are crying. Feel free to drown your sorrows.
The most overpowered wizard, is that which chooses to think and formulate a true strategy!
It's true~ anyone who doesn't know how to strategize will be underpowered. At least, as a PvE player, the worst I have to contend with is usually a horribly-timed Tower (I'm a sorcerer, heh) and I don't have to deal with all of this "*insert school here* is overpowered" stuff.
That said, I'd like my cheese and cookies now (or do I have to whine to get some goodies?). I had suggested an idea called customized PvP. In this idea a player could be able to look through a list of gear and not allow it in a match. Another thing in this idea was to allow the creator of the match to turn of resists in the match in they did not want them or set a certain amount resist only allowed for that match.
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.
Is every school not given training points? Are we not allowed to train secondary schools?
Especially in PvP, most have a mastery amulet of some kind. Use IT!
All of these whines and complaints, sheesh, gives ya a headache.
I am will now serve some cheese for those whines and some freshly baked cookies for those that are crying. Feel free to drown your sorrows.
The most overpowered wizard, is that which chooses to think and formulate a true strategy!
Ice is clearly OP. With the new crafted gear, Ice can acheive immunity to fire & storm with a good pet. It is nearly impossible in PvP to do any damage. Even with all the spears and other armor piercing spells we can only get the resist down 40% and waste 3 turns. Also, why should we have to use converts in our deck just to fend off one should we'll get an unknown number of times? Even in PvE it is OP. They should not be able to be hit nothing from Fire & Storm. Simply enough Ice is supposed to have high resist but not this high. KI, could you please enlighten me on any future updates or will this be ignored?
the main 3 schools using a strategy ( 2 ones that are better at abusing this combo)
death fire ice
death gets there blades and such for using spells that normally hits them via death damage but with 100%+ resist to death they are immune to there karma spells
fire can immolate for free and with boosts it can get pretty deadly
ice can block off fire hits and storm hits but serves no point ( besides being a turtle) and taking huge hits down with ease
i call this the immunization combos combos that makes you immune to either your own school in case of death/fire or 2 schools in the form of a ice
there is nothing wrong cause 1 convert isnt that bad
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.
That's what I keep saying. It is assumed, that if Ice has super high resistance to Fire and Storm, then their other stats are still good. Not true.
My Archmage Ice has 57% resistance to Fire and Storm and 29% (or 28%, I forgot which) to all other schools. Sure, I could have much higher resistance, but I would be sacrificing quite a lot of damage boost, health, power pip chance, healing, accuracy, healing, critical (no big deal), and critical block.
Other Schools CAN have high resistance to Fire and Storm. At the higher playing levels, there's quite a bit of dropped gear, purchased gear, and crafted gear that offer high resistance to ALL schools (not just fire and storm, and not all together). But, you can bet that sacrifices have been made in stats.
I frequently check other peoples stats, just for fun (I'm sick, I know). Yesterday, I saw a Fire with 81% resist to Storm, 67% resist to Fire, and 51% resist to Ice. Today, I saw a Death with 45% resistance to all schools, and I saw a Myth with a 61% resist to Fire, and 57% resist to Storm.
So, it's not just Ice that can achieve high resistance. People complain they've seen Ice with 100%+ resistance to Fire and Storm. Well, if that's the case, then their other stats are tanked, because that's all they concentrated on.
Since it's the PvP 'ers that are whining (what a surprise), then figure out a way around that high resist. Use your training points. Buy or farm for mastery amulets. Learn how to work around it. Strategize.
As more and more worlds open up in the Spiral, there will be more gear, more spells, and ultimately, more complaints.
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.
That's what I keep saying. It is assumed, that if Ice has super high resistance to Fire and Storm, then their other stats are still good. Not true.
My Archmage Ice has 57% resistance to Fire and Storm and 29% (or 28%, I forgot which) to all other schools. Sure, I could have much higher resistance, but I would be sacrificing quite a lot of damage boost, health, power pip chance, healing, accuracy, healing, critical (no big deal), and critical block.
Other Schools CAN have high resistance to Fire and Storm. At the higher playing levels, there's quite a bit of dropped gear, purchased gear, and crafted gear that offer high resistance to ALL schools (not just fire and storm, and not all together). But, you can bet that sacrifices have been made in stats.
I frequently check other peoples stats, just for fun (I'm sick, I know). Yesterday, I saw a Fire with 81% resist to Storm, 67% resist to Fire, and 51% resist to Ice. Today, I saw a Death with 45% resistance to all schools, and I saw a Myth with a 61% resist to Fire, and 57% resist to Storm.
So, it's not just Ice that can achieve high resistance. People complain they've seen Ice with 100%+ resistance to Fire and Storm. Well, if that's the case, then their other stats are tanked, because that's all they concentrated on.
Since it's the PvP 'ers that are whining (what a surprise), then figure out a way around that high resist. Use your training points. Buy or farm for mastery amulets. Learn how to work around it. Strategize.
As more and more worlds open up in the Spiral, there will be more gear, more spells, and ultimately, more complaints.
Nope their other stats are still good. They can get immunity to fire and storm, along with 50% resist to the other schools, with 175 universal block, around 150 critical, and a 26 damage boost. By the way, how would you like to face immunity! Have to pack prisms and unneeded spears just for one school. It takes up needed deck space as well as crucial moments in a pvp battle. Also, if you don't pvp, enter the arena as a level 80 fire/storm. See how many ice's there are these days. It simply is too high. Only if we still were in the Mali Era of Balance among the schols
Simple. Just increase pierce. If one could have 30% pierce from gear, they could still hit if the prepared. It wouldn't affect non-PvPers too much, adresses the issue, and Ice keeps the resist. Everyone's happy.
Ice is clearly OP. With the new crafted gear, Ice can acheive immunity to fire & storm with a good pet. It is nearly impossible in PvP to do any damage. Even with all the spears and other armor piercing spells we can only get the resist down 40% and waste 3 turns. Also, why should we have to use converts in our deck just to fend off one should we'll get an unknown number of times? Even in PvE it is OP. They should not be able to be hit nothing from Fire & Storm. Simply enough Ice is supposed to have high resist but not this high. KI, could you please enlighten me on any future updates or will this be ignored?
I think you might be overreacting just a little bit. I am a level 74 ice, and never, not once have i had 0 damage from a storm or fire attack. Also, all the schools improve in an area after level 60. For us, that area is resist. If you were an ice (or maybe you are, i dont really care) the giant resist boost might make aliitle more sense to you. Try looking at it this way: Ice has weak damage, and its hard for us to get a significant critical and/or damge boost without blowing tons of crowns or spending hours farming or giving up a good stat. That means that resist is our thing, because it doesnt interfere with other stats and we can get it easily enough. With our weak attacks, we wouldn't get anywhere without our precious resist.
Thank you, hermionejeangrange! I too have an ice level 68, and while her health is fantastic, she makes the trade-off of being less accurate and having less resist. She has never received 0 damage on any attacks either. I enjoy playing my ice because, yes, she can be a tank at times, but she can still be defeated too.
there should be a resistance cap in pvp across the board for all schools
say 75 percent
i have an ice wizard and i can tell you the reason i do is only for pvp my storm wizard is for pve my life wizard is for saving both of above
to those that say use pierce lol you must not pvp
pierce only pierces the percent of the 1st item it hits so if they have a sheild, and you can bet they do bc they know people will have converts your gonna hit their sheild, pierce it then hit their resistance , which being ice is also high.
example if i was able to pvp my 2 wizards: my ice would be immune to storm.. so if your not setup with converts you will lose idk what mastery amulet you have (, 90% of people have a life one if they have one at all , life school also isnt known for big damage, and people generally only use the heal spells.) my storm would blade and trap and use convert with his pierce ( which is good but not great ) my ice still has an excellent resistance to myth and i have myth sheild , oh and tower sheild, oh and absorb, oh and ice armor
so pierce one , go ahead see if i even do anything but laugh and yes my little weak ice attacks dont do much damage , but i can wait out most players bc while they are trying to figure out how to even hurt me im doing small damage over time to them. im able to pass many rounds when im all setup for whatever brilliant attack strategy they come up with. eventually they are going to run out of spells and treasure cards , then it is open season.
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.
Is every school not given training points? Are we not allowed to train secondary schools?
Especially in PvP, most have a mastery amulet of some kind. Use IT!
All of these whines and complaints, sheesh, gives ya a headache.
I am will now serve some cheese for those whines and some freshly baked cookies for those that are crying. Feel free to drown your sorrows.
The most overpowered wizard, is that which chooses to think and formulate a true strategy!
*applauds* Can I have cookies even though I don't whine and cry about PvP?
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.
Is every school not given training points? Are we not allowed to train secondary schools?
Especially in PvP, most have a mastery amulet of some kind. Use IT!
All of these whines and complaints, sheesh, gives ya a headache.
I am will now serve some cheese for those whines and some freshly baked cookies for those that are crying. Feel free to drown your sorrows.
The most overpowered wizard, is that which chooses to think and formulate a true strategy!
*applauds* Can I have cookies even though I don't whine and cry about PvP?
If there are any cookies left, sure you can have some.
@mrth, You have clearly demonstrated that you do not PvP much or that you don't know how to properly verbalize how to. Most people think that they are invincible, hence, why they lose.
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.
Is every school not given training points? Are we not allowed to train secondary schools?
Especially in PvP, most have a mastery amulet of some kind. Use IT!
All of these whines and complaints, sheesh, gives ya a headache.
I am will now serve some cheese for those whines and some freshly baked cookies for those that are crying. Feel free to drown your sorrows.
The most overpowered wizard, is that which chooses to think and formulate a true strategy!
For the master amulet part-
That makes no difference. Ice has a high resist to everything.
Ice is making everyone look weak, and with the sun boosts, the "weak" part of their school changes.
They are able to stun, with NO pips, They are able to use DOTs and even guard armor!
PLUS: The tower shield adds on. And i have seen and ice that resisted 60% of my school! that means -110% of the whole attack, might as well call it nothing. They have it easy, while we struggle to survive. pyromancers cannot beat those dang thaumaturges with 80 fire resist. And there is no way i will know when against a ice, not gonna bother with converts. Even if i have a ice, it is still unfair. Its hard enough with their 55 resist...
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.
Is every school not given training points? Are we not allowed to train secondary schools?
Especially in PvP, most have a mastery amulet of some kind. Use IT!
All of these whines and complaints, sheesh, gives ya a headache.
I am will now serve some cheese for those whines and some freshly baked cookies for those that are crying. Feel free to drown your sorrows.
The most overpowered wizard, is that which chooses to think and formulate a true strategy!
For the master amulet part-
That makes no difference. Ice has a high resist to everything.
Ice is making everyone look weak, and with the sun boosts, the "weak" part of their school changes.
They are able to stun, with NO pips, They are able to use DOTs and even guard armor!
PLUS: The tower shield adds on. And i have seen and ice that resisted 60% of my school! that means -110% of the whole attack, might as well call it nothing. They have it easy, while we struggle to survive.
Actually, that is not how it works with resistance. If you have a 50% shield up, it first takes off 50% of that attack, so if you have say 10000 damage, you will only do 5000, then with the resistance, if it is another 50%, that will take the damage down to 2500. It is not 110% resistance, that will negate all damge.
Furthermore, if Ice uses massisve resistance, they lose accuracy and power boost.
Yes, I have also seen Ice with 104 fire resist, 101, storm resist, 60 ice resist, and 40 resist all.
Which is why I tell people, mastery amulets and Converts do Work. If you are too lazy not to use them, or think they wont help, then that is your fault you are losing and there is no reason to whine and cry about it.
There is also plenty of armor piercing out there to assist you.
Granted, Ice has high resistance, but, if Ice goes for Immunity to Fire and Storm, then Ice has to give up health, critical block, attack boost, accuracy, and even more resistance to other schools.
Is every school not given training points? Are we not allowed to train secondary schools?
Especially in PvP, most have a mastery amulet of some kind. Use IT!
All of these whines and complaints, sheesh, gives ya a headache.
I am will now serve some cheese for those whines and some freshly baked cookies for those that are crying. Feel free to drown your sorrows.
The most overpowered wizard, is that which chooses to think and formulate a true strategy!
You REALLY don't understand. First of all those who have issues with a game have an open right to express them. Idk why your sick of people doing so because i'm sure on more than one occassion you have had an issue with something and did not just sit around and do nothing about it.
Secondly, secondary schools? Are you kidding me? MOST people who are smart with pvp invest in skills that are most useful from other schools (ice to tower, balance to weakness, spirit or other elemental shields, star school to your pleasure, etc.). Packing spells for a school you'll get no damage boost from is non-beneficial for facing one type of opponent.
Strategize? Ok lvl a fire or storm to 80, use your amulet or whater "strategy" you have and find an ice with 80 -- no, make it as low as 70 resist to your school and tell me who wins. In the meantime I will be telling KI my issues with this in an attempt to aleviate the situation for people who CARE and believe no school should be able to get immunity and suffer little to no consequence. Don't poison threads with unhelpful comments like these.
Timata10, I think your overreacting about this, Your posting about this on everything you can, I've seen multiple threads on about you thinking Ice is OP, Ice is not OP, there is a way around Ice's resist, Just have to look.
Let's stop this OP stuff now. I USE to play a game that was allot of fun to play, then some people started to say this was OP and they nerfed it(lowered stats, abilities, etc. etc)Then another group started saying this was OP and again nerfed that. Then another group and another kept saying this and that was OP, till where the game was NO longer fun to play because of all the nerfs. So in other words, learn to over come and adapt or just run away from ice wizards, because if nerfing starts, it won't stop.
Okay. So Ice CAN have high resistance to Fire and Storm. So can ANY OTHER SCHOOL. There is plenty of gear out there that provides high resistance to Elemental. There is also plenty of gear that provides high resistance to Spirit as well.
If Ice has super high resistance, then their damage boost, accuracy, power pips, healing, and even health, will suffer. An Ice wizard should have a good balance of defense, as well as offense. It's not going to do much good to have high resistance if you can't hit your opponent and do decent damage.
70% Ice shields 50% tri-shields Shatter Tower Shields Feint Steal/Remove blades Steal/Remove shields Amulets Secondary schools Crafted/purchased/dropped gear with secondary school boosts Gear with high Ice resistance
These are all going to assist in bringing down an Ice. You have to work around it, just like an Ice wizard has to work around the advantages of other schools.
My Archmage Ice kept her secondary school - Death. I have found gear that not only benefits my Ice, but also gives me boosts to Death (damage = 28%, accuracy = 102%). Add in a Death amulet, and she's got a deadly combination (pun intended).
I soloed my Ice through the entire game, and even did Waterworks by myself. That's because I didn't want just good resistance, I wanted to do damage to my opponent as well, with very little fuss.