I been reciently discovering the new areas in the game like Pigswick academy. However reciently i been getting bugs. The game disconnecting in combat, very slow loading periods. For example I see programs like "PirateNoCape" and "Adventurer body" they are loading in the game but no matter how long they always remain at 0 percent. Is this a temp bug, connection issue or are other people experiencing the same problems? Your help would be appreciated. Ty.
I found your post because I searched "load stuck at zero percent," or some such. I'm having the exact same issue right now. Things like "adventurer body," and whatnot are stuck spinning at 0% in the upper left-hand corner, and it's preventing me from loading other people's avatars, item skins, and other graphics. I would re-install the game, but it sounds like the solution might be a server issue rather than a file issue on my end.
Okay, so a friend finally coaxed me into uninstalling and reinstalling the game. So far, everything is loading as it should. I know, you'll probably be impatient with the idea of reloading content you've already got the files stored for, but it seems as though this is working after the last hour or so of playing.
go to your Wizardclient log in the Bin folder go to the bottom of that log and copy the link it gives for that file that messed up and download it again. replace download one with the copy already there. it fix it most of the time. the line will say ERROR . it probably the equipment .wad patch cause the adventure boots is an equipment