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Failed to Load Area

Jan 14, 2009
Everytime I try 1v1 pvp it puts me into the Marleybone Arena. But, for some reason I can't load the Marleybone arena and I keep on getting the error message Failed to Load Zone (Ok) [Quit]
It usually takes 3-4 times logging in and out to get me out of the glitched zone, then it counts as a pvp loss and I can't try again for another 5 minutes.
How do I fix this?
It does this to all my characters so it's probably a client error.

Mar 10, 2010
The same thing always happens to me and also sometimes this thing says failed to connect to server and it either says to quit or ok but when I press ok it says connecting to server and tells me to quick.

May 30, 2010
your Marleybonearena.wad file is messedup. it say something like WizardCity-MB_Arena.wad. the file is 1.5 or so Megabits go to your bank b go to your bank b wizard launcher(in patchclient) go to bottom of the bank b and go to the file wizardlaucher.log click that bottom of that log it say error, and state a link. http:// etc to /WizardCity-MB_Arena.wad. numbers high lite that file link go to browswer and paste that link to browser it take about 2 to 3 min to complete about

Oct 24, 2010
I just had the same thing happen.
and to the poster who posted all the tips about the launcher log, there was nothing at all that mentioned Marleybone (MB) in the errors. I am send the whole file log to support.

May 30, 2010
try the wizardclient log that records all log activity with in game including errors that is located in the BIN folder