I'm a Life wizard and i have every single badge EXCEPT one in a million! For life wizards its unfair that its nearly impossible to hit 1,000,000!! if someone can help please do so!
You may need teamwork and a really good friend to make this happen - but I do not believe it is impossible. I do not have this badge, but I did help a friend get it, so I have done this first hand. (and I am not sure anyone but storm has the tools to do this solo anyway)
First - do your research - You need the trained / TC / Pet /Gear Item cards of each blade/trap you can get- feint being the most important of the group. It took me and my friend about an hour of just taking inventory of what we had, and what we needed. My ice even bought an off-school fire amulet for 80k to help him (yeah, he STILL owes me for that favor)
We loaded my friend with all the TC blades/traps he would need, and he put on his most "creative gear" - selected ONLY for the item cards. Stats didn't much matter, except damage (he is fire, for the record)
Once the battle started, he set all the blades and traps he had. At the same time, I was porting in and out on my Balance, Life, Death, and Ice wizards to apply the trained traps /blades from those schools. I also changed my gear a couple times for additional item cards. I also dealt with shields and healing (his one BIG mistake was not to pack any heals - he did this fight against Jade Oni, so he did take some damage).
Last step was using cleanse to remove the weakness put on him by Jade Oni (which was about 5 or 6 if I remember - just something else to think about, depending on who you fight)
*Note - while I was putting up the blades/traps, I would "call out" what card/pet/gear it came from, and he was marking them off his list. He was able to keep track and make sure all the amulet cards were used. There was no way I was going to be able to keep track with all the fleeing/getting mana/changing clothes....)
First try with a colossal Efreet was a success. We actually planned the first one as a "test run" to see how close, but it turned out to be the ONLY run.
Good Luck!
Note to EL Veeb (I know you are out there somewhere!) - You have said (a few times) that your balance can't/won't get this badge either. But I think there would be a way using this method, and you using either spectral blast (would take 3 times the set up to cover all 3 schools) or using an off school treasure card. Just a thought.... :)
I think the only way to do that kind of damage is if you had friends helping you out with THEIR blades and the treasure card version of those blades.
Hmm, lets see. With blades, you'd want weakest blade first, with the strongest blade last. With traps, it is the other way around, strongest trap first, followed by weakest trap last.
Ok, lets get to it.
Bladestorm. TC Bladestorm (TC = Treasure Card) Spirit Blade TC Spirit Blade Balance Blade TC Balance Blade Life Blade TC Life Blade Death school's blade (The one were the caster takes damage for a blade) Equipment: IC Life Blade (Item card from equipment, and pet) ** Note, if multiple item cards are same damage boost, they will not stack. Life Bubble (Whether cast last or first, it does not matter.) ** TC Life bubble (If there is such a thing. IC bubbles are stronger.)
Hex TC Hex Spirit trap TC Spirit trap Life trap TC Life trap Feint TC Feint Equipment: IC trap ** Note, if multiple item card traps are of same type with same damage boost, they will not stack.
And of course, Colossal!
So, strongest Life spell, which is Gnome, I believe, boosted with Colossal! Preferably the IC Colossal, since those tend to give even more damage than regular Colossals.
Life blade regular Life blade TC Spirit blade regular Spirit blade TC Life trap regular Life trap TC Spirit trap regular Spirit trap TC Hex trap (balance school TC) Curse trap ( death school TC) Feint regular (if trained) Feint TC Feint amulet card Dark pact TC Berserk aura spell
And I know you're life but also grab:
Death trap TC Life prism ( to convert life damage to death)
Once you have all these items, go and select your victim. Wizard city bosses are not a threat while you buff yourself, and they won't use a weakness. Alicane, in Firecat alley is a great punching bag.
Make sure to use the death trap first, followed by the life prism. After that, you may lay down your other traps and blades in any order you wish. But the death trap needs to be laid down first, immediately followed by the prism, or it won't activate. Wait till you're ready to hit, then use your berserk card for extra damage.
Also, try to use a small deck, so u get what u need efficiently. You only need 1 copy of anything. Same with your TC deck. Just 1 copy of each TC is enough. In your main deck, pack 1 attack spell that u wanna use, and 1 collosal or garg.
Try this out. Good luck. Have fun.
PS - a balance friend can give u a balance blade + bladestorm for some extra damage
Actually, I have a wizard in every school and every single one of my wizards has the Million in One Badge. Some are not even Grandmaster yet, like my Balance, and has the badge already.
I'm a Life wizard and i have every single badge EXCEPT one in a million! For life wizards its unfair that its nearly impossible to hit 1,000,000!! if someone can help please do so!
Not impossible at all. I've seen several running around the spiral. The tips listed here are excellent... this can be done, and solo, it just requires planning. But what I wouldn't recommend is fighting Alicane or any non-Death foe because you totally lose out on the boosts. And Death NEVER shields.
Actually, I have a wizard in every school and every single one of my wizards has the Million in One Badge. Some are not even Grandmaster yet, like my Balance, and has the badge already.
It's possible for every school.
but you can only have six charactors. how do you have all?
Note to EL Veeb (I know you are out there somewhere!) - You have said (a few times) that your balance can't/won't get this badge either. But I think there would be a way using this method, and you using either spectral blast (would take 3 times the set up to cover all 3 schools) or using an off school treasure card. Just a thought.... :)
You got me... totally lurking!
*feeds cake*
I heard on Central that the only way for a Balance wizard to get the badge was to with a Triton TC; find gear with Storm damage boosts, find some treasure Stormblades, Elemental, and Supercharge. But, since I'm going to be lazy and /not/ do that, I wonder if doing the same with Spec (or maybe a Hydra, since Balance does everything in 3s anyway) would work.
I suppose I'll have to experiment on Malistaire this weekend, since he's my guinea-pig for stuff like this (and I'm not ambitious enough to attempt soloing Waterworks again, heh). If that doesn't work, I'll enlist some other vic... er, willing volunteers... to supply me with TCs and item cards.
Note to EL Veeb (I know you are out there somewhere!) - You have said (a few times) that your balance can't/won't get this badge either. But I think there would be a way using this method, and you using either spectral blast (would take 3 times the set up to cover all 3 schools) or using an off school treasure card. Just a thought.... :)
You got me... totally lurking!
*feeds cake*
I heard on Central that the only way for a Balance wizard to get the badge was to with a Triton TC; find gear with Storm damage boosts, find some treasure Stormblades, Elemental, and Supercharge. But, since I'm going to be lazy and /not/ do that, I wonder if doing the same with Spec (or maybe a Hydra, since Balance does everything in 3s anyway) would work.
I suppose I'll have to experiment on Malistaire this weekend, since he's my guinea-pig for stuff like this (and I'm not ambitious enough to attempt soloing Waterworks again, heh). If that doesn't work, I'll enlist some other vic... er, willing volunteers... to supply me with TCs and item cards.
Time to lurk some more!
*lurk lurk lurk*
-El Veeb
HA! Caught you!
I can tell you that Hydra/Chimera won't do it for you - gotta be a single hit (and has to be a damage hit - death drain spells don't work either)
As an avid gardener (6 wizards, all with full sized gardens) I would be more that happy to be your vic...er, volunteer if you need some tcs - or other help. You can find me on central as well (AmyMoonPetal) if you get up the urge to go for it.
Actually, I have a wizard in every school and every single one of my wizards has the Million in One Badge. Some are not even Grandmaster yet, like my Balance, and has the badge already.
It's possible for every school.
but you can only have six charactors. how do you have all?
Six characters on one account. You can have more than one account.
I'm a Life wizard and i have every single badge EXCEPT one in a million! For life wizards its unfair that its nearly impossible to hit 1,000,000!! if someone can help please do so!
Get friends, buy a whole bunch of Death Traps, get a Balance wizard with you, if someone has the Red Ghost pet, use the spell before placing anything else for the Death damage bubble, place as many Death Traps as you can (Spirit Traps included), then put a Life Prism on the enemy, spam Life Traps, then focus on using blades, Colossal your spell that you're going to use, use Vengeance to up the critical rating (Or just get the Vengeful elixir with Zafarian gear), then cast your spell and see what happens
To get a better chance of hitting a million, fight a Life boss, and always keep Pierce TC's or a Myth wizard with the Pierce/Shatter spell to break the Death Shields. It's easy! :D
I agree with most other posts on here: It's possible! I recently hit a million on Centaur, no critical. It took me a week to get the tc and gear however, so hope you're up for farming! Just lurk around the Bazaar for a while, and I found many tc. I got a Collosal tc from a drop in Avalon, just equipped gear that gave me unique buffs ( such as Balanceblade, Hex, Curse, Feint, etc. ) and damage, and gather up your Death and Balance friends. If the One In A Million badge is unfair for anyone, I would say balance, with so few traps and blades they're able to use. Lenora Nightstone - Grandmaster Theurgist
I tried hitting " The Big Mill " with my lvl 22 life (at the time) with woodwalker I used about 10-25 blades [ish] and about 15-20 traps. and beserk [bad spelling :P] 10 natural damage and no critical, i hit about 829,000. Thats a LOT. Now if i had gnome and better gear and critical, i could of gotten it easy. Now I think you need some tips on what to use :P.
WELL... I think the first step to hit a million with ANY school is to..
1: GET FRIENDS TO HELP!!!!! They will add extra blades with their pets and maybe give spells that you dont have!!! [different tc, pet blades, etc] When you are choosing a friend i would choose a balance, a death, and a person with a lot of pets with blades and traps. if its a death and/or balance with good pets, thats big money! Also you can make your friends flee, then new ones come in, so you can bring in an extra life too :)
2: Find the right boss/enemy For life, i would reccomend foulgaze, he gives a boost to life [he's death] and also NEVER shields! you can find him in olde town in sapphya's tower
3: Get the right treasure cards. Theres a lot of tc to get for your wizard, so try to get as many different kinds as you can! but you got to put them in an order so some tc wont get wasted. so i would use these tc in this order
Life Banshee Dark Pack School Blades [regular, tc, amulet] School Traps [both tc and regular,amulet] Spirit Blades and Traps Feints [tc, regular, amulet, gear, as much as you can!!!!] Death all school traps [hex, etc] Balance blades [tc, regular, etc] Pet blades [O.K if its same blade on different pets, they stack!] Beserk [Hard to spell xP] Your attack card
Now, i used woodwalker because of lack of gnome. They didnt show up in the bazaar! But i would say to TRY to get it. it will help you a lot. And one more tip, if the tc is enchanted, different enchants stack too. you can tell if their enchanted by the little picture on the card that looks different every time. try to get as many as you can! And if you cant get gnome, use woodwalker, it isnt that good, but it works!
I hope that is good enough for you, Its a habit that i have to write a BIG story for everything :D And one more thing...