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Card Packs featuring new spells

May 10, 2009
So I get that Kingsisle needs money, but why are they putting new spells in card packs? I just opened my Wizard101 launcher and I noticed that there was a new pack call "Knight's Lore" so I checked it out and I saw that there are new spells and after seeing the ninja's lore I wondered why were would be paying for spells with real money, because thats pretty much what we are doing. You can post your comments here. Thanks for reading!

Feb 29, 2012
Some people have more time than money, some have more money than time.
This way KI can accommodate a wider audience.
I have no problem with the card packs or crafting the spells.
My only gripe is that I will get Deer Knight when I am about archmage I think.
Would have been great to have in Marleybone!

Chris Nightwraith
Transcended Necromancer

Sep 08, 2008
Lol, Piggyfan218.

You should have seen the uproar that followed the release of the Ninja Lore pack, with the new spells from that pack.
KingsIsle's response to that was releasing those spells as ultra-rare monster drops, from bosses.

At that time, I think KI had already made the other 3 spells craftable, but not entirely sure. I just hope there is a monster drop for those said spells, because I took one glance at the crafting materials and requirements, and it made my stomach turn.

But omg, please Piggyfan218, do not buy packs for the spells. It absolutely shames me to say that I spent over 180,000 crowns on Ninja Lore packs for the Ninja pig spell for my Myth wizard, which I NEVER got!

You may get lucky, but buyer beware.

May 19, 2012
Personally, although I do buy packs, I disagree with spells being sold in packs. This is again, giving those who spend real money an advantage over their free players, and this should not be allowed to happen. I think it's a bad business move on KI's part and if they continue to make moves like this, will chop off their own heads in the end.

May 28, 2012
I wouldn't worry to much, it is currently not working correctly anyway, they say on the advertisement that:

"If you receive a spell from the Knight's Lore Pack, it will not appear as a reward again on that character. "


The only spell it keeps giving out is Handsome Fomori, it ins't checking if you already have the spell and keeps giving you the same one, maybe this is by design because they want people to spend more money thinking they will get all 3, then convieniently they will explain there was an oops later after everyone has spent their paycheck and then fix it.