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new avalon spell failing

Dec 22, 2008
i am a ice wizard that recently learned the spell cooldown. that removes 1 tick from all friends. so me and my friends were doing mirror lake, and we were hit by a snow angel. so i used cooldown to stop it. it cast and did its think. the one problem is. THAT THE TICK WAS STILL THERE, and it stayed and did damage on my team. i dont know if this has happened to other people. but plz post if it has

May 07, 2011
1 tick=1 round of damage. So if you used Cooldown, everybody would only have the over time damage two rounds.

Oct 15, 2010
I have experienced this spell, but then realized what it actually does.

Cooldown removes one TICK of the damage over time, which means it hits you for one less round.
Also, it says "to all." This means that it affects all damage over time effects on all friends.

Example: Two snow angels casted on you+ 1 friend. Using cooldown makes the snow angels do 1/3 less dmg on the DoT effect by removing one round.

Jul 23, 2011
My suggestion for any wizard that wants to avoid damage over time spells is to either train for "Triage" in Life School or buy the treasure cards. That is the only spell I know of that will completely remove the damage over time spell, and it is a zero pip spell. Very handy indeed.