Several casting items were performing the incorrect animation (a staff casting like a wand for example) and those should all now be corrected
Cyrus has been using his big red pen and has corrected several spelling errors throughout the Spiral
Mounts will also become semi-transparent after a duel while the player is immune from being pulled into battle
Death Ninja Pig Spell is now different from the regular Ninja Pig spell and is more awesome!
Zamunda now has Health Wisps
Feeding an item purchased with Arena Tickets will now prompt you for confirmation that you want to feed this high value item to your pet
The pillar in the back room of the Sun Palace will now open the interior door, allowing access to the rest of the house.
Duels against the "Professors" in Wysteria can now be repeated
Menu Chat Players will no longer have the option to type in the chat window - you cannot bring up the chat typing area if you do not have Text Chat or Open Chat permissions.
Coming soon!
Pressing H on your keyboard when you're in your House or Dorm will open your Housing menu so you can decorate.
Pressing G on your keyboard when you're in your House or Dorm will open your Gardening menu so you can tend to your plants.
Several casting items were performing the incorrect animation (a staff casting like a wand for example) and those should all now be corrected
Cyrus has been using his big red pen and has corrected several spelling errors throughout the Spiral
Mounts will also become semi-transparent after a duel while the player is immune from being pulled into battle
Death Ninja Pig Spell is now different from the regular Ninja Pig spell and is more awesome!
Zamunda now has Health Wisps
Feeding an item purchased with Arena Tickets will now prompt you for confirmation that you want to feed this high value item to your pet
The pillar in the back room of the Sun Palace will now open the interior door, allowing access to the rest of the house.
Duels against the "Professors" in Wysteria can now be repeated
Menu Chat Players will no longer have the option to type in the chat window - you cannot bring up the chat typing area if you do not have Text Chat or Open Chat permissions.
battles against the wysteria professors? i thought we only fight the earth teacher chester droors do ya mean fight the tournement enemies over cause if so then YES
Several casting items were performing the incorrect animation (a staff casting like a wand for example) and those should all now be corrected
Cyrus has been using his big red pen and has corrected several spelling errors throughout the Spiral
Mounts will also become semi-transparent after a duel while the player is immune from being pulled into battle
Death Ninja Pig Spell is now different from the regular Ninja Pig spell and is more awesome!
Zamunda now has Health Wisps
Feeding an item purchased with Arena Tickets will now prompt you for confirmation that you want to feed this high value item to your pet
The pillar in the back room of the Sun Palace will now open the interior door, allowing access to the rest of the house.
Duels against the "Professors" in Wysteria can now be repeated
Menu Chat Players will no longer have the option to type in the chat window - you cannot bring up the chat typing area if you do not have Text Chat or Open Chat permissions.
battles against the wysteria professors? i thought we only fight the earth teacher chester droors do ya mean fight the tournement enemies over cause if so then YES
What they mean is you can fight all the opponents you faced in the spiral cup tournament. You can't battle chestor droors again though.
This is great! I had great fun beating the socks off of Randolph Spellshine again. Also fought the wildclaw in the library archives again. Chester Droors didn't show up for the fight.
I think in the testing realm, each time a player gets off, the game should automatically re-equip their gold and crowns, so they can try out new things and figure out if there's anything that needs to be changed and what not. Or, so people don't "cheat", only re-equip it each day/2 days.
On the next update notes, friends will teleport to Ghost Avalon, and Mirror Lake, and even other dungeons, except Keep of Ganelon (which gives Sword of Kings when not a high level) maybe?.
"The pillar in the back room of the Sun Palace will now open the interior door, allowing access to the rest of the house."
About that. I assume you mean the Sun Palace from the super bundle right?
The sun pillar in the back room is still not interactive in my Palace, so if I go inside from the arena door, I still can't access the rest of my house. I have to run back out & around to the front door.