So anyways, I purchased this bundle, and decided to check the gauntlet out on my life wizard. Well, it was quite the surprise to find that at the very beginning of the gauntlet, she has to face four tier 5 monsters (death, fire, balance, myth) on her own, since I was trying to solo this.
Needless to say, she was defeated but not before taking down the death monster. I ran back in, and all that remained were the three monsters she had not defeated. I took all three of them down, and when I tried to advance to the next level, the door won't open. It's locked to her. The npc won't talk to her anymore either.
I left, went back in, and it did not reset, but she still cannot get into the next level. Is this because she was defeated? How do I reset the gauntlet so she can try again? And why oh why would you have a solo player face four monsters on their own? She was able to manage the three, but four was a bit much.
I can just imagine if I had been on my storm or my balance wizard. I don't think they could have survived as long as my life wizard did, because with four monsters incessantly pounding on one solo wizard, well...trying to keep yourself healed, yet trying to keep enough pips to attack, pretty impossible as you are constantly on the defense, and unless you're a life wizard, you aren't packing enough heals or big enough heals to keep up with these monsters. You can't constantly shield every turn, but with the monsters incessantly attacking you either have to shield every turn or attack without shielding and take massive damage.