I agree 100%. "WCP" is taking this way too seriously and act as if this is a life or death situation. Saying F2P players should be limited to menu chat isn't fair because many people still play even when their subscription expires. Blaming the problems on the F2P isn't right, I've seen most of the problems are started by subscribers. Ki gave us the ignore button for a reason. Although I also don't like the ignore button I use it when things get out of hand, but most of the time I switch realms.
So, let's say I switched realms after that kid inundated my baby wizard with unwelcome sexual advances. That's all fine and well for me, but chances are he's now doing it to someone else... possibly a child, who knows it's wrong but lacks the life experience to handle such a situation. In matters of un-reportable/"wordless" harassment (crude gestures, that dancing thing), changing realms is a band-aid fix that doesn't really solve anything.
Oh, and KI also gave us the report button for a reason. Why you have such a problem with us using it, as was intended by KI, is beyond my understanding.
flarzedrago9 wrote:
Now many of the "WCP" are the ones that actually start the problems. Your job is to report and set a good example, not get into hullabaloos and break the rules as well. "WCP" you guys are regular players, just like the "Knights who say Ni." You're both doing what you think is right, but the only difference is the "Knights" don't take matters into their own hands or act as if they have the power to ban other players. Sure there are some "Knights" who break the rules, but from what I've seen not as much as the "WCP."
No legitimate member of the WCP will ever start a fight or break the terms of use. Remember, all players have access to this badge~ we are aware that some are even wearing it while breaking rules just to discredit us. So don't assume that every WCP badge you see is a member of the group, because most aren't.
All we do is report ToU violations as we see them... How is that acting like we have the power to ban people? The only ones who think we're vigilantes or "acting like we can ban people" are the rule-breakers themselves... As I and others have already said above, we don't ban anyone~ KI does; if you're embarrassed and would rather cry false report than own up to what you did, that's your problem.
flarzedrago9 wrote:
You should report and ignore, like all players should. Don't get into fights with them, don't talk to them, and just leave once you've reported and ignored. Calling them the "Dark side" isn't setting the example you claim you do. You don't own the game, nor should you call them the "Dark side." If anything you are the "Dark side." Ki is working on a new report system, so your group isn't needed. Everyone could be considered a "WCP" if they did what you guys claim you do, but then again since you're paying members apparently you can do whatever you want. I'd say you guys abuse your power, but then again you're just regular players like everyone else.
Recently, I was selling stuff at the Bazaar when I overheard someone say that "WCP banned me". I just laughed and said, "actually, no~ KI did. But, technically, you banned yourself when you chose to break the rules."
We're not KI staff, and we don't pretend to be. So I have no idea what "power" you're accusing us of abusing, since we have no power to abuse. We're just a group of concerned players who care about our Spiral and are making an effort to clean up the game we ALL love and share; yes, people hate us, but that's just human nature~ it's easier to blame someone else than take responsibility for one's own actions.
Contrary to popular belief, most of us don't engage the people we're reporting, and those who do certainly aren't picking fights or breaking the rules. If we were, or if KI didn't want us reporting obscene behaviour, we'd be sanctioned accordingly, because we're "just regular players, like everyone else". The fact that we're mostly paying members is coincidental, but it's useful in nabbing open-chat offenders.
On that note, having open chat does not entitle you to profanity, hate speech, or "adult" activities... See, if I wandered through a coffee shop, park, or grocery store, swearing and threatening other customers, I'd be promptly escorted out by security and carted off to the police station~ the same principle applies in-game as well, to anyone who KI deems a threat to others.
And, for those of you who say, "oh, it happens in the real world"... Sure it does. But there are consequences in the real world as well, as is indicated below:
Rule-breaker: the loud, obnoxious customer who engages in indecent acts and threatens the health/safety of other patrons.
Wizard City Protector: another customer who is concerned and calls security to report a disturbance;
KingsIsle Staff: security officers or police, who make arrests and dole out punishments as required. Sanctions may include being kicked out of the store temporarily, or banning said customer from ever returning.
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Great that KI's working on a new system, as you say. But even if they manage to curb the language problem, the WCP will continue to exist~ we'll continue to be watchful, and we may even find a new purpose... But, whatever that purpose is, we're in it together.
Arron, you simply don't take the time to really look to see what the WCP is doing. You will find that most of the WCP no longer use that badge and for a reason. We have been attacked for standing up and reporting players that are CAUSING THE PROBLEMS. We have seen many of the offender purposely wear the WCP badge so that their actions will be blamed on our group. This is a fact and not just trying to lay blame somewhere else.
As for F2P players, we are not blaming the problems on any particular group. IF you were seeing what we have been seeing, you might want to retract some of your post. We asked for the Menu Chat only for F2P for a reason. Many of the offenders purposely make F2P accounts to protect their subbed/crowns accounts from being muted or banned. Many of the offender have already had anywhere from 1, 2, and even 3 or more subbed/crown accounts muted for up to 10 years or banned. Those players paid for those accounts. When the get muted or banned THEY DO NOT GET A REFUND. That is plainly stated in the ToU. Those that have chosen to make multiple F2P accounts just to come back and pick up where they left off is our main target. You will also find that many of us would also expect to have Menu Chat on a F2P account just the same as we are asking it as a safety measure.
If an account has been subbed, then it is fairly evident that the account owner has more than likely gotten well beyond the F2P area so in this respect if they allow the account to expire, it would revert back to Menu Chat until they renew the sub. These suggestions would also apply to us WCP members. WE have not asked for any special priviledges or immunity for the changes we are asking for. WE are just as much subject to all rules or changes that KI does make. We don't consider ourselves above any one else in the game.
We also know that there are subscribers that have and do break the rules. And when we see them breaking the rules we report them too.
Just because a player may be wearing The WCP badge, does not mean they are an official member of the WCP. Some players are wearing that badge because they just earned it from completing a quest. If one of those players happens to break the rules, it does not mean they are one of us. Those of us that are official members DO NOT threaten to ban or bully the bully. Why would we deliberately make our own group look bad? That just does not make sense. Yes, we also know about the "Knights". I can guarantee you that if we even catch a WCP member breaking the rules, they will be reported and removed from the group.
According to you, the WCP are the ones starting the problems. You know what, that is really funny. You might want to take a really long look at who is really causing the problems. I would make a guess that you have not met any of the OFFICIAL WCP members and I would probably be right. If you have met one that has broken the rules, then you should have reported that player. Just because we are paying members does not give us any special priviledges nor powers to ban or mute any player. We only report. KI is the only one that can ban or mute any account as they see the infractions being committed. Again, we CAN NOT abuse power we don't have and never had nor do we want it. We are perfectly happy with the report button.
For someone that according to your post, you know everything about us. When in fact you know nothing. You are basing your assumptions of what is probably being said by others that would rather see us banned from the game because we decided to use the tools KI gave us. You claim to know that KI is working on a new report system. Frankly, I have not seen that posted anywhere but have only "HEARD" that rumor. If they are Great I hope they are, but that does not mean that WCP or other groups like us will not be needed. KI can not cover every tiny little thing no matter what they do. They do try very hard and it is a shame that there are those that have deliberately chosen to abuse the the game to no end.
From now on, I would think it wise to get the facts straight before accusing players or groups of players of doing things that we clearly stand against. Just because someone says they are a WCP, does not mean they are. If you tried to count every player in the game that is wearing that badge, you would come up with a number that is quite larger than our actual group size. Our group has less than 100 members but that is all I will give you and as I already stated, the majority of us no longer wear the WCP badge and have not worn it for a while now.
Now one last thing. Most of the hardcore offenders ignore the fact that they have been reported. I have also asked Professor Greyrose to clarify a reporting limit which she has done so. As long as our reports are valid, we are able to report any player for repeated offenses as is necessary. And there are some that just do not know when to quit. If you doubt this, then I have given you the link below so you can see for yourself.
Lion359 writes: Getting back to the WC group, Why do I say they are an problem, because it is fact, based on both of my younger brother's input and the input of others. The WC group has generate more hate in the game and more conflict than any disagreement over a op spell.
Many of the kids complain and say things, because they can't do what they want to do in the game, which is break the rules without consequences. We aren't the ones generating hate, it's the offenders that create it themselves, because they don't care about anyone but themselves, and when someone steps up and says "we're not going to take it any more", it's always against the person or persons taking action by reporting the rule breakers.
Lion359 writes: The reporting has gone to an extreme, and people are just jumping on the band-wagon, to be part of the witch hunt, which this has become. It is for this reason that I completely disagree with the formation of any Vigilance committee.
The reporting has not gone to an extreme. The offenders are the ones who are extreme in their behavior. Just because some of us jumped in to do reporting, which KI gives us the tools to do so, doesn't mean we're a vigilante group. Because of our publicity, others in the game are reporting more frequently. Before, people were scared to report, because of the possible backlash from the offenders. No ones on a witch hunt. We just expect people who break the rules to take responsibility for their actions.
Lion359 writes: ..... old people don't understand the new generation of kids and don't like it.
The new generation of kids? You mean, the "I want it now" generation? The generation that has no respect for others, or their community, or their parents, or for the rules of the game? Sure, us "old people" don't like it. Who wouldn't? I will say, there are new generation kids that I know that can't stand the way the others in their generation behave.
hunteray09 writes: Ever since WCP came, I have felt non stop annoyance. I am being rude I know, but I have to say this. They make the game a little better but it's human nature. They take it too seriously and make the gae a lot less enjoyable. Me being a mature teenager do not take part in bad behavior but cannot express how annoying it is to see people only talk about this topic. THIS IS A GAME. NOT FACEBOOK. Every game has it's bad players. You have affected the game entirely. I am sorry for my rudeness. No one even plays the game anymore. When I ask for help, most people are talking in the commons or at houses, and it is so hard to level up now a days since people never do anymore quests. Have you seen how empty celestia, Zafaria, and Avalon can be? What about Marleybone and Mooshu? Becuase this game has become Facebook.
Is the annoyance because of us? How is it we are annoying? Because we report? The ones who are annoying are the ones that bully, swear, say racist remarks, enact inappropriate sexual behavior, and other bad behavior that does not belong in the game. It is THEIR problem, not ours.
If "no one plays the game anymore", it's because of themselves, not the WCP. Socializing has become the norm (long before the WCP), by hanging out in locations in the Spiral with their online wizard friends. The only thing we've affected in the game .... is making it 'clean and safe for everyone'.
Yeah, every game has it's bad players, however, we're taking a stand in THIS game. We want the game to keep its E10 rating. We want it safe for everyone. The bad behavior has gone on too long, and it's time these abusers take responsibility for their own actions.
I can't tell you how many times I hear "I was muted by the reporters, and I did nothing wrong". The WCP does NOT mute anyone. KI does. KI looks at the chat logs and determines what sanctions take place. If someone was muted or banned, they did something wrong. They broke the rules. Period. They need to stop blaming everyone else, but themselves.
The annoyance is not just the players at times, but this topic is on the players. All in all, when you look at the community, it's painful. People taking sides, as if it's world war. It disgusts me. I HATE fighting and arguing, I really do, but when people want to make a point, they might as well try. I am not asking you to stop protecting the game. I am saying lay low. A child who is never let out in the real world will be unprepared by the time their old enough. And if you child is bullied online, make them go back to MUTE. If you think they cannot handle online play, make them mute or don't let them play. I in NO WAY am taking sides with either the prosecutors nor the executors. I do not swear, I do not spam. And I most definitely do not post X-rated things. Understand what my message is. A game is for playing. Not for fighting, taking sides, cussing, and facebook. If you would like to make drama, please use a sight that kids aren't on, and that isn't a GAME. If you disagree with me still, i'll give you more reason. Just ask!
Hunter and Joe, I see you both blaming WCP for lots of things. Blaming others is a common human condition. I fail to see how cleaning up the game does anything bad. If the problem people choose to go somewhere else good riddance. In the long run it is better for Wizard101 IMO.
The members of WCP try to be very careful when reporting. KI is the one dishing out sanctions. Their stepping up and doing that suggests they appreciate our help. If we were Vigilantes as you suggest WE would be sanctioned. I don't know of a single WCP being sanctioned.
People leave the game for any number of reasons. School has started. People get bored and yes some get banned. But, people who get sanctioned deserve it.
As for the game being for kids not adults, please explain why KI is marketing it to families. Why do they say all ages play it and actively market it to ADULTS if you are right?
Megan Frostriver WCP
Megan, I appreciate your calmness. The forum has been as I like to say, "HOT HOT HOT!". Meaning, just a lot of angry people, including me. I am not afraid to say I have made a few mistakes on the forum, especially now, with my recurring rudeness. It's just very repetitive. Anyways, I do not mean to point fingers. I am basically calling out the community in whole and just want to stop all this "war" kind of stuff. I agree the sanctioned deserve it, but the game feels so uptight now. Not much talking in the commons anymore. I just wish none of this would have happened. Nor the cussing, bad mouth, etc.
Hmm. Okay. I have read every post on this thread. I can assume that those that are saying "Wizard City Protectors are bad for the game" are very likely the same people getting reported.
Only my family know the reason I sought this group. I will type it here, for anyone interested. If you don't care, just skip over my entire post.
I was playing with my niece (age 14) and nephew (age 10), and we all wanted to dye our clothes to match. We didn't know at the time about the issues in Wu dye shop, and happened to have been placed in Wu when we started playing that afternoon. While there, I got caught up in a nice conversation with someone named Steven, and we talked for awhile. All of a sudden I was approached by someone, calling me a 'dirty *N* reporter', and that I should 'get the *F* off the game'. There were other things they said to me, but I was to busy trying to get my sister's kids out of the room or off the game.
Why did they start calling me names, uttering racist slurs and swearing at me? Because I was talking to someone they didn't like. My sister tried to put them on text chat, but people were swearing by using two or more safe words, that when spoken out loud sound exactly like the word they were masking. Then we tried menu chat. That is the worst punishment imaginable for a family of sesquipedalians (a person who uses big words).
Since that day, I have made a point to spend a few hours a night - after the daily chores are finished and the kids are in bed. My niece has asked me every day since the middle of May if she can play again. It breaks my heart when I have to say no, usually as I'm clicking the report button for someone saying the N word or F word for the third time.
It broke my heart even more tonight when she didn't come in to ask when she gets to play again. I wondered why, and she told me 'the game will never be clean enough for kids like us to enjoy.' then she continued drawing.
Now is anyone going to tell me again that it's the fault of WCP that there are people swearing? If you go back to the old, old posts - I mean posts from 2008 and 2009 - you will see people were complaining about swearing even back then. It took that long for someone to finally stand up, put a foot down, and say enough is enough.
If anyone wants PROOF that it's been going on a long time, it's implied here, and posted here, here, and here. All dated May 5, 2009 and OLDER
That is just four messages from as far back as the forum keeps messages for. The bad language didn't start because of WCP. On the contrary, WCP started because of the bad language.
Vollons, Thank you so very much for this post.
I am so sorry that your niece and nephew have not been able to play because of all the trash that is going on in the game. These players do seem to find a way to use the most innocent of words and turn them to something dirty.
It is not right that those of us that do not use this kind of behavior have to downgrade our chat to accommodate those that do. Many of us do think that for some of the younger players having chat, even filtered also helps them learn to spell correctly.
I know I have to agree with you and, I am sure that many of the other WCP members will also agree, that those calling us "Vigilantes" or anything else they can think of, ARE in fact some that have been reported. The sad part is they don't care about what they do or say to others in the game and it makes me wonder just what kind of person is on the other side of that screen.
Frankly, I don't care what they call us, we know what and why we are doing this. Some of us also have young players that have been told they can not play until this problem is cleaned up and that means that some accounts are currently disabled in order to not be paying for one that is not being used.
WCP was founded and started with only 9 members. Once we went public with our concerns with the filth in the game, it quickly grew to 89 members.
There are some out there that prefer to blame us for the trash in the game instead of taking responsibility for their own or family members actions.
Yes, I and many others know who Steven is and he has tried many, many times to get some of these players to really take a look at their actions. And Yes, this is why they started doing this to you. They don't like Steven because of what he stands up for. Unfortunately, most of those players will attack you very quickly if they even suspect you are a WCP. And we ARE still there, just not as visible as we were in the beginning. Some of us have started moving into other areas of the game as well. Wu still has some issues but it is getting better.
We have noticed that more and more players, even though they don't belong to any of the "House Cleaning" groups, have joined in this effort. I think that most players just stored that "Report" button in their attics and forgot about it. Most of us were so busy questing and hitting the Bazaar, that we just did not take the time to stop and look around. This is the biggest reason everything got out of hand. Now that we have decided ENOUGH is ENOUGH, those who chose to break the rules have become rather aggressive at times. They chose to either NOT read the ToU or to ignore it altogether. Many of them even brag about how many accounts have been muted or banned. This is something else we would like to see changed. These players should not be allowed to make more than the 3rd account if they continue with this kind of action. In other words, "STRIKE 3 YOU ARE OUT".
It also appears that some still don't understand what "vigilante" really means. I don't think they know how to use a dictionary.
As for your niece and nephew playing, you may want to check out a couple of other realms such as Scarecrow ( I normally run in that one but have not had much opportunity in the last few months) , Troll and maybe a couple of the other lower realms. Take the time to look at a few of them and hopefully you can find one that is relatively clean. We know some of the are but we will keep working on those we know are not and any others we find.
@Lion359, unfortunately it is you that does not understand this whole issue. You can not accept the fact that KI GAVE members the tools to do just exactly what we do.
You are the one that is wrong. WCP is not the only group doing this and there is no way I would name any of the other groups here to be called "Vigilantes". No matter what you or many others may think, we will continue to report this rubbish anywhere we see it in the game.
I am a Wizard City Protector and as El Veeb said, I am not going anywhere.
Fallon WinterLeaf
Golden, i'd like to express once again that I, Hunteray09, do not take part in the bad language, X-rated material, etc.
If you don't believe me, you are entitled to your own opinion. I post this thread because I want you guys to see the changes the game has had from a nice little community that helped each other when in need in 2009…..
To a swear filled, X-rated, screaming battle ground. Am I overreacting? Just go to the realm Wu. The evidence is there.
I just want the cussing, the teams, and WCP to STOP. You have done your job well, but retire awhile until we are in need of you again. You have all taken it a little overboard and the game is much changed. So thanks.
Vigilantes. What about all those comic book heroes that every little boy used to look up to back in the day? I can list them off if you like. Batman Superman Spider-man Wolverine Captain America Cyclops Iron Man Beast Thing Storm Mr. Fantastic Human Torch Hulk Dick Greyson Wonder Woman Thor Professor X Invisible Woman Colossus Arch Angel Jean Grey Iceman Night Crawler Rogue Emma Frost Judge Dredd Kitty Pryde Daredevil Punisher I could go on and on. Most of these heroes - and the groups they belong to - have been called vigilantes by the people they were fighting, too.
J. J. J. was always trying to bring down Spider-man. Lex Luther and Superman Batman had more than I can think of (many retired villains)
The people calling us a vigilante group...they are the Shredder's foot-soldiers to our T.M.N.T.
(All characters mentioned above are copyright their respective owners)
: a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law are viewed as inadequate); broadly: a self-appointed doer of justice
Exactly the WCG, can't anyone see this?
So, by your own Definition Joe, How can you keep saying WCP are Vigilantes? WCP can not Punish anyone, now can they? How can you not see that? WCP can not mute, sanction, or ban anyone Joe.
Joe, please get your facts straight before you post anymore, thanks.
Hunter and Joe, I see you both blaming WCP for lots of things. Blaming others is a common human condition. I fail to see how cleaning up the game does anything bad. If the problem people choose to go somewhere else good riddance. In the long run it is better for Wizard101 IMO.
The members of WCP try to be very careful when reporting. KI is the one dishing out sanctions. Their stepping up and doing that suggests they appreciate our help. If we were Vigilantes as you suggest WE would be sanctioned. I don't know of a single WCP being sanctioned.
People leave the game for any number of reasons. School has started. People get bored and yes some get banned. But, people who get sanctioned deserve it.
As for the game being for kids not adults, please explain why KI is marketing it to families. Why do they say all ages play it and actively market it to ADULTS if you are right?
Megan Frostriver WCP
Megan, I appreciate your calmness. The forum has been as I like to say, "HOT HOT HOT!". Meaning, just a lot of angry people, including me. I am not afraid to say I have made a few mistakes on the forum, especially now, with my recurring rudeness. It's just very repetitive. Anyways, I do not mean to point fingers. I am basically calling out the community in whole and just want to stop all this "war" kind of stuff. I agree the sanctioned deserve it, but the game feels so uptight now. Not much talking in the commons anymore. I just wish none of this would have happened. Nor the cussing, bad mouth, etc.
I miss 2009… DEEPLY.
Hunter-the game has changed. Even since I started to has. I see the game changing to reflect society as a whole.
I see a change in the game too. I see people monitoring what they are saying and doing. I see the sudden realization there are rules and consequences. For me that is a positive change.
This is a hot topic. I think that is why KI is taking the action they are. Hats off and many thanks to KI for taking action.
Thanks to you too for posting this and allowing the discussion that followed to happen.
I for one have pets to train and a baby ice starting MB.
Vigilantes. What about all those comic book heroes that every little boy used to look up to back in the day? I can list them off if you like. Batman Superman Spider-man Wolverine Captain America Cyclops Iron Man Beast Thing Storm Mr. Fantastic Human Torch Hulk Dick Greyson Wonder Woman Thor Professor X Invisible Woman Colossus Arch Angel Jean Grey Iceman Night Crawler Rogue Emma Frost Judge Dredd Kitty Pryde Daredevil Punisher I could go on and on. Most of these heroes - and the groups they belong to - have been called vigilantes by the people they were fighting, too.
J. J. J. was always trying to bring down Spider-man. Lex Luther and Superman Batman had more than I can think of (many retired villains)
The people calling us a vigilante group...they are the Shredder's foot-soldiers to our T.M.N.T.
(All characters mentioned above are copyright their respective owners)
So you see yourselves as "imagined" superheroes who fight against the dark side, couth louts, evil doers, hooligans who spread anarchy?
I do hope you are in the right frame of mind when correcting the most badmouthed kid on the block. If you see yourselves as such and see them with those terms I quoted from you guys, remember that most of them are kids and this is still a game.
Kids who need proper guidance and adults who they can look up to and not hate for seeing them as such. Yes they can be adults posing as kids but what if they are not?
I do report on my own little world but i do that without feeling the need to join or make a group. Cause it's easy as ABC and because it is so simple. Why can't the youngest kid online do the same on their own?
I am for what you guys are standing up against for but please don't see them as such. That's where things so simple get blown up out of proportions.. overeacting doesn't do all of us any good.
Golden, i'd like to express once again that I, Hunteray09, do not take part in the bad language, X-rated material, etc.
If you don't believe me, you are entitled to your own opinion. I post this thread because I want you guys to see the changes the game has had from a nice little community that helped each other when in need in 2009…..
To a swear filled, X-rated, screaming battle ground. Am I overreacting? Just go to the realm Wu. The evidence is there.
I just want the cussing, the teams, and WCP to STOP. You have done your job well, but retire awhile until we are in need of you again. You have all taken it a little overboard and the game is much changed. So thanks.
The game is much quieter and less fun… Sorry...
Hunter, to my knowledge, no one has accused you of cursing or anything else in the game.
There have been a lot of changes in the game in the last 4+years Hunter. But IF you went back through the forums, you would also find that this kind of behavior was a problem in 2009.
Of course, I did not see this when I first started playing because I did not OPT for open/filtered chat until I actually SUBBED the game. If I had seen this, I probably would not be playing the game today. But I and most of my friends and many others in the game DID take the time to ready the ToU. Unfortunately, many either did NOT or just deliberately chose to ignore it. You will also find in the ToU the following statement that KI has every right to enforce.
If you do not wish to agree to these Terms of Use, do not access or use any part of this Site.
As for Wu realm, that is exactly where the WCP started "House Cleaning". And just WOW. Never in my life would I have expected to find the filth in a game such as what we found there. You will find that Wu, although not spotless, is much cleaner than it was when we entered it in June.
I am sure you did find a nice little community in 2009. Most of us did. But, unfortunately, the problem was already here and we as a community wore blinders. Never again will we wear blinders.
We all want the cursing and other bad behavior to stop but as for the WCP disbanding, not going to happen. You and other may think we have gone overboard and that it your right. But we are not going anywhere and will always be vigilant regardless of where we are in the game.
Yes, the game is Much quieter but it is only less fun if you let it. That makes me wonder why you think it is less fun. Is it because we have taken a stand to eliminate as much of this kind of bad behavior as we can or is it something else?
Most are resistant to change, because it's not what they are used to and have become accustomed to.
Wizards is not in any way, shape, or form, anything like FaceBook. They can't even be compared....
Everyone has the right to report.
All WCP has done, was become a group of people that have banned together to assist, support, and encourage reporting. Some have been bullied or scared to report and we have helped people, so that they are no longer afraid to do the right thing and stand up for what is right.
WCP is not a vigilante group, nor on a witch hunt. Some people over exaggerate and must attack groups that they dont like.
We have tried to educate people in the spiral as to what the Terms of Use are, the appropriate use of Chat, and what is acceptable behavior in the game by KI's standards, not our own.
If people are mad because the forums have had a lot of talk about this issue or because WCP was formed, then why attack us? Do you think nobody will defend themselves or try to clarify our purpose?
If you truly wanted things to cool down, then quit bringing up the subject.
KI has taken what WCP has started and are expanding it on the game with "Hall Monitors" That does not mean that WCP will ever go away, we will still report when times arise.
I don't claim to be a Hero, Super Hero, Vigilante, or anything of that type, I am simply a person that loves this game and wants to keep it clean and safe for everyone that plays in the spiral.
There are enough foul things in the real world, there is no reason to carry that to a great imaginary world too. This is a Game, it should be safe, clean, and fun, fun for everyone, not just those with potty mouths and indescent bahavior. So, if you cant understand the cause, maybe you can understand the effect, which happens to be a safer and cleaner spiral for all.
For those that state, parent are too overprotective and should let KIDS learn it on this game, or that we should no be playing this game, or that we should be punished or punish our kids with menu chat, I say this in closing.
If you can not handle chat responsibly and adhere to the code of conduct, it is you that should not be playing this game or stuck to menu chat, not others. Do not expect people to cater to your inadequacies.
I do hope you are in the right frame of mind when correcting the most badmouthed kid on the block. If you see yourselves as such and see them with those terms I quoted from you guys, remember that most of them are kids and this is still a game.
Kids who need proper guidance and adults who they can look up to and not hate for seeing them as such. Yes they can be adults posing as kids but what if they are not?
I am for what you guys are standing up against for but please don't see them as such. That's where things so simple get blown up out of proportions.. overeacting doesn't do all of us any good.
What our group has discovered over the last couple of months is in fact, that many of those we have reported will say "I am an adult, I have the right to say what I want". They also try to enforce "Freedom of Speech" which DOES NOT apply in this or any other online game. We have also seem many of them state they are 15, 16, 17, or even older. THESE players of all kids should know better and they should have had NO problem reading and following the ToU.
We have not just blindly or deliberatly targeted any specific age group and we are not blowing anything out of proportion. The fact of the matter is that those that are throwing the hate at our group are the ones blowing things out of proportion. Our group has become for the most part virtually invisible. Most of us no longer wear the WCP badge for the reasons of others posing as one of us and doing the very things we took a stand against. We have also stated that we hold ourselves to the rules of the game to the highest degree. IF any member of our group is at anytime caught breaking ANY rule of the game, that member will be reported and removed from the group without question.
For those that state, parent are too overprotective and should let KIDS learn it on this game, or that we should no be playing this game, or that we should be punished or punish our kids with menu chat, I say this in closing.
If you can not handle chat responsibly and adhere to the code of conduct, it is you that should not be playing this game or stuck to menu chat, not others. Do not expect people to cater to your inadequacies.
I totally get you, but you need to understand that kids can easily be guided to do these things on their own. Without you hovering around them ALL the time.
Fine its them who shouldn't be playing the game if they break the rules but their age group can DO change. You just need to know when to stop lecturing them all the time and settle this amongst themselves. Because I was a kid once and I don't get the point of a broken record playing the same tune all the time. I need to be trusted to handle things on my own.
Hehe, well. I suppose we were not taking poor behavior in the Spiral too seriously after all. KI obviously shares the concerns of groups such as the WC Protectors, and has given tangible proof that they recognize the problems so many have described in these forums.
Ah yes, so nice to see a contentious point settled with such clarity.
Thanks, KI, for taking the initiative, being innovative, and showing all of us concerned citizens that our Spiral is a safe and clean place for us to explore.
Kudos to the WC Protectors and other groups who diligently made this a high profile topic in various forums. As a parent and a lady wizard, I appreciate your efforts.
I will be so happy to allow my young wizard, Dolan Mythcaster, his freedom to run and play in the Spiral again. I know he will be a very happy young free-range wizard :)
Warmest Regards to the Professors of Ravenwood School of Magic and the Wizard City Protectors,
Arron, you simply don't take the time to really look to see what the WCP is doing. You will find that most of the WCP no longer use that badge and for a reason. We have been attacked for standing up and reporting players that are CAUSING THE PROBLEMS. We have seen many of the offender purposely wear the WCP badge so that their actions will be blamed on our group. This is a fact and not just trying to lay blame somewhere else.
As for F2P players, we are not blaming the problems on any particular group. IF you were seeing what we have been seeing, you might want to retract some of your post. We asked for the Menu Chat only for F2P for a reason. Many of the offenders purposely make F2P accounts to protect their subbed/crowns accounts from being muted or banned. Many of the offender have already had anywhere from 1, 2, and even 3 or more subbed/crown accounts muted for up to 10 years or banned. Those players paid for those accounts. When the get muted or banned THEY DO NOT GET A REFUND. That is plainly stated in the ToU. Those that have chosen to make multiple F2P accounts just to come back and pick up where they left off is our main target. You will also find that many of us would also expect to have Menu Chat on a F2P account just the same as we are asking it as a safety measure.
If an account has been subbed, then it is fairly evident that the account owner has more than likely gotten well beyond the F2P area so in this respect if they allow the account to expire, it would revert back to Menu Chat until they renew the sub. These suggestions would also apply to us WCP members. WE have not asked for any special priviledges or immunity for the changes we are asking for. WE are just as much subject to all rules or changes that KI does make. We don't consider ourselves above any one else in the game.
We also know that there are subscribers that have and do break the rules. And when we see them breaking the rules we report them too.
Just because a player may be wearing The WCP badge, does not mean they are an official member of the WCP. Some players are wearing that badge because they just earned it from completing a quest. If one of those players happens to break the rules, it does not mean they are one of us. Those of us that are official members DO NOT threaten to ban or bully the bully. Why would we deliberately make our own group look bad? That just does not make sense. Yes, we also know about the "Knights". I can guarantee you that if we even catch a WCP member breaking the rules, they will be reported and removed from the group.
According to you, the WCP are the ones starting the problems. You know what, that is really funny. You might want to take a really long look at who is really causing the problems. I would make a guess that you have not met any of the OFFICIAL WCP members and I would probably be right. If you have met one that has broken the rules, then you should have reported that player. Just because we are paying members does not give us any special priviledges nor powers to ban or mute any player. We only report. KI is the only one that can ban or mute any account as they see the infractions being committed. Again, we CAN NOT abuse power we don't have and never had nor do we want it. We are perfectly happy with the report button.
For someone that according to your post, you know everything about us. When in fact you know nothing. You are basing your assumptions of what is probably being said by others that would rather see us banned from the game because we decided to use the tools KI gave us. You claim to know that KI is working on a new report system. Frankly, I have not seen that posted anywhere but have only "HEARD" that rumor. If they are Great I hope they are, but that does not mean that WCP or other groups like us will not be needed. KI can not cover every tiny little thing no matter what they do. They do try very hard and it is a shame that there are those that have deliberately chosen to abuse the the game to no end.
From now on, I would think it wise to get the facts straight before accusing players or groups of players of doing things that we clearly stand against. Just because someone says they are a WCP, does not mean they are. If you tried to count every player in the game that is wearing that badge, you would come up with a number that is quite larger than our actual group size. Our group has less than 100 members but that is all I will give you and as I already stated, the majority of us no longer wear the WCP badge and have not worn it for a while now.
Now one last thing. Most of the hardcore offenders ignore the fact that they have been reported. I have also asked Professor Greyrose to clarify a reporting limit which she has done so. As long as our reports are valid, we are able to report any player for repeated offenses as is necessary. And there are some that just do not know when to quit. If you doubt this, then I have given you the link below so you can see for yourself.
You can claim that I'm saying this from rumors I've heard, that's okay. False, but okay. I do what I should on this game, which is following the rules I agreed to, and reporting anyone breaking the rules. I don't care if you believe me or not, but my point is you're all taking this way too seriously. Any true player would report anyone breaking the rules, even a friend.
Making a group just to try and stop foul language isn't necessary. I've seen actual members of the "WCP," again you're free to say I haven't. Although not all of you start the fights, some have. Don't believe me if don't want to, you're choice. There is no point making a group or calling people the "Dark side," which I've seen. You don't have to be in a group to make a difference. The Ki staff is sick of hate speeches as well and are doing something about it. When you warn the rule breakers, you need to realize that most of them are probably ten years old. You tell them to stop, they continue simply to annoy you. Report and ignore, you don't need a group to do that. The group nonsense really does need to stop. You're all taking this too seriously if you feel a group is needed to stand up to rule breakers. You don't have to agree with me. I'm getting my point across, just because someone doesn't agree with group doesn't mean they are the ones breaking the rules.
I agree 100%. "WCP" is taking this way too seriously and act as if this is a life or death situation. Saying F2P players should be limited to menu chat isn't fair because many people still play even when their subscription expires. Blaming the problems on the F2P isn't right, I've seen most of the problems are started by subscribers. Ki gave us the ignore button for a reason. Although I also don't like the ignore button I use it when things get out of hand, but most of the time I switch realms.
So, let's say I switched realms after that kid inundated my baby wizard with unwelcome sexual advances. That's all fine and well for me, but chances are he's now doing it to someone else... possibly a child, who knows it's wrong but lacks the life experience to handle such a situation. In matters of un-reportable/"wordless" harassment (crude gestures, that dancing thing), changing realms is a band-aid fix that doesn't really solve anything.
Oh, and KI also gave us the report button for a reason. Why you have such a problem with us using it, as was intended by KI, is beyond my understanding.
flarzedrago9 wrote:
Now many of the "WCP" are the ones that actually start the problems. Your job is to report and set a good example, not get into hullabaloos and break the rules as well. "WCP" you guys are regular players, just like the "Knights who say Ni." You're both doing what you think is right, but the only difference is the "Knights" don't take matters into their own hands or act as if they have the power to ban other players. Sure there are some "Knights" who break the rules, but from what I've seen not as much as the "WCP."
No legitimate member of the WCP will ever start a fight or break the terms of use. Remember, all players have access to this badge~ we are aware that some are even wearing it while breaking rules just to discredit us. So don't assume that every WCP badge you see is a member of the group, because most aren't.
All we do is report ToU violations as we see them... How is that acting like we have the power to ban people? The only ones who think we're vigilantes or "acting like we can ban people" are the rule-breakers themselves... As I and others have already said above, we don't ban anyone~ KI does; if you're embarrassed and would rather cry false report than own up to what you did, that's your problem.
flarzedrago9 wrote:
You should report and ignore, like all players should. Don't get into fights with them, don't talk to them, and just leave once you've reported and ignored. Calling them the "Dark side" isn't setting the example you claim you do. You don't own the game, nor should you call them the "Dark side." If anything you are the "Dark side." Ki is working on a new report system, so your group isn't needed. Everyone could be considered a "WCP" if they did what you guys claim you do, but then again since you're paying members apparently you can do whatever you want. I'd say you guys abuse your power, but then again you're just regular players like everyone else.
Recently, I was selling stuff at the Bazaar when I overheard someone say that "WCP banned me". I just laughed and said, "actually, no~ KI did. But, technically, you banned yourself when you chose to break the rules."
We're not KI staff, and we don't pretend to be. So I have no idea what "power" you're accusing us of abusing, since we have no power to abuse. We're just a group of concerned players who care about our Spiral and are making an effort to clean up the game we ALL love and share; yes, people hate us, but that's just human nature~ it's easier to blame someone else than take responsibility for one's own actions.
Contrary to popular belief, most of us don't engage the people we're reporting, and those who do certainly aren't picking fights or breaking the rules. If we were, or if KI didn't want us reporting obscene behaviour, we'd be sanctioned accordingly, because we're "just regular players, like everyone else". The fact that we're mostly paying members is coincidental, but it's useful in nabbing open-chat offenders.
On that note, having open chat does not entitle you to profanity, hate speech, or "adult" activities... See, if I wandered through a coffee shop, park, or grocery store, swearing and threatening other customers, I'd be promptly escorted out by security and carted off to the police station~ the same principle applies in-game as well, to anyone who KI deems a threat to others.
And, for those of you who say, "oh, it happens in the real world"... Sure it does. But there are consequences in the real world as well, as is indicated below:
Rule-breaker: the loud, obnoxious customer who engages in indecent acts and threatens the health/safety of other patrons.
Wizard City Protector: another customer who is concerned and calls security to report a disturbance;
KingsIsle Staff: security officers or police, who make arrests and dole out punishments as required. Sanctions may include being kicked out of the store temporarily, or banning said customer from ever returning.
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Great that KI's working on a new system, as you say. But even if they manage to curb the language problem, the WCP will continue to exist~ we'll continue to be watchful, and we may even find a new purpose... But, whatever that purpose is, we're in it together.
"El Veeb" founding member, WCP.
Report and switch realms. If what they were doing was a serious offense, they'd be muted. I never said I had a problem with the report button, I said I tend not to use the ignore button. Read carefully.
I never said anything about the badge. Most people like to state the group they're part of before tell the offender what they were doing was wrong. Don't assume.
My apologizes I thought you were all Ki staff...
Most people I've met and know on the game try their best to stop the rule breakers on Wizard101. I do too, but I don't agree that making a group is the answer. That must mean I'm a rule breaker. I never accused you of abusing any power, since you really don't have any. That's when reading carefully is helpful.
You're free to claim I'm a liar, but a decent amount of people like to say: "I'm the one who reported you," when the rule breaker says: "Who reported me?"
If Ki didn't want anyone reporting others why would they give us the option to? I never said Ki didn't, you might be referring to other people, but I highly doubt that.
"WCP" aren't the worried customers. You guys actually formed a group. There's power in numbers, true. A group isn't needed when the mass majority, who aren't part of group, are standing up for the same thing.
*Knock, Knock* The word "overreacting" is knocking on your door. Will you answer?
When a lot of people don't agree that a group is needed for this, does that mean they're the rule breakers? No. Sure some may break the rules, but the majority doesn't.
I do think I'm the one who should be asking you: "The truth hurts, doesn't it?" You're taking it way too seriously and being way too stubborn. A lot of parents talk to their kids about things like this before they're even allowed to go on games like this.
Lion259: While I don't agree with some of the WCP's propositions, I do agree with the WCPs goals. I do not see the WCP as a vigilante group, they have no power to punish players on their own and are not using arbitrary standards to judge the players they report. Rather, they are using the well established and clearly stated TOU . I see the WCP as a monitoring/watchdog group. Much as The Southern Poverty Law Center or the Anti-Defamation League, the WCP is a group of concerned players who have banded together to report incidents that are clearly against the rules. What they are doing is in no way wrong. The players in said areas who are abusing the system are the ones who are in the wrong. If we are to start treating players who are doing nothing more than identifying and reporting clear problem areas as in the wrong.... I really have nothing to say to that.
Flarez, or however you spell it, what are you mumbling about?
"Knock, Knock" Who's there? "Orange" Orange who? "Orange you glad Wizard City Protectors was formed and made this movement to clean up the spiral? I sure am"
Once again, you might feel that a group may not be needed, or was not needed, and of course, a few will. Do you think "Hall Monitors" would have been created without this movement?
You can say what you wish, call us names, say we are Overprotective, Over Reacting, or that we start the fights, but until you have facts to back up your claims, they are all false accusations and rumors.
Sometimes, it does take a group to become vocal to create change. The cursing and inappropriate behaviors were getting too bad in the game that something had to be done. Some of you state, just report, ignore, then change realms, but that does not help the next victim of that person. No, by taking a stand and letting it be known that this type of language and behavior is unacceptable, that is what gets the spiral safe and clean.
Ignoring a problem does not make it go away, in fact, ignoring it only makes it get bigger and worse. By forming WCP, what happened? Actions happened, plans formed, and people learned that there are rules in place in the spiral and that some things are unacceptable. Hall Monitors are now in place, to help keep this a good fun family game. This is how to get things done.
So, while you and a select few, say the group was not needed or taking things too far, or that trust is needed, I disagree with you.
Trust was given at the beginning, look how out of control it got and how bad the cursing and inappropriate behaviors got. No, apparently, that can't be trusted. So, sometimes, a helping hand is needed. We helped out those that were scared, afraid, intimidated to report, and now, KI is helping WCP with Hall Monitors.
Not sure how anyone can post a rebuttal to this, but go ahead, tell me I am wrong, but bring some type of facts and coherent sentences with you.
[Most of the hardcore offenders ignore the fact that they have been reported. I have also asked Professor Greyrose to clarify a reporting limit which she has done so. As long as our reports are valid, we are able to report any player for repeated offenses as is necessary. And there are some that just do not know when to quit. If you doubt this, then I have given you the link below so you can see for yourself.
Making a group just to try and stop foul language isn't necessary. I've seen actual members of the "WCP," again you're free to say I haven't. Although not all of you start the fights, some have. Don't believe me if don't want to, you're choice.
You don't have to be in a group to make a difference. The Ki staff is sick of hate speeches as well and are doing something about it. When you warn the rule breakers, you need to realize that most of them are probably ten years old. You tell them to stop, they continue simply to annoy you. Report and ignore, you don't need a group to do that. The group nonsense really does need to stop. You're all taking this too seriously if you feel a group is needed to stand up to rule breakers. You don't have to agree with me. I'm getting my point across, just because someone doesn't agree with group doesn't mean they are the ones breaking the rules.
Aaron Drakewalker Archmage Pyromancer
As I already told you, IF you have seen an official "WCP" member breaking the rules then YOU should have reported it. I certainly would have if I had seen it.
No, you don't have to be in a group to make a difference. Yes, I am sure KI probably is sick of all the "Hate" speeches and frankly, I have not seen any here. The Mods would make sure of that.
Warning: The rule breakers actually are NOT the 10 year olds. The rule breakers for the most part are from the ages of 13 for fairly mild cursing all the way up to and including adults. (just to clarify, I DO NOT include ALL players in this). I know this the same as most of the OFFICIAL WCP members do for the simple fact, too many times we have seen these same offenders give their age or say "HEY, I am an adult". Frankly, I don't care what your age is.
Group Nonsense? You can call it whatever you want, I don't care about that either. But, know this, WCP is not disbanding nor will we stop being vigilant.
The only point you and a few other are getting across is that you don't like the idea of players standing up to those that break the rules.
No one ever said that just because someone does not agree with the group is breaking the rules. But I will say that some of the posts against Official WCP members have gotten rather harsh..... Some players just assume that if an offender is wearing a WCP badge, they are an actual member. I have already state this many times, Most of our official members no longer use that badge and have not for quite some time. So DO NOT assume that just because a player is wearing it, that they are a member. Our group numbers LESS THAN 100. You will find throught the game MANY, MANY players that have and wear that badge. That does not mean they are one of us.
You may also see a member actually chat with an offender. Most of us don't. We report and if necessary report again. We will not just as you say "report and switch realms".
Most of our members and especially those that I have had the pleasure to do "house cleaning " with DO NOT brag about belonging to any group. That is rather childish if you ask me. And we do not tell the person we reported them. That also is rather childish.
When the MASS majority is wearing blinders just like we admitted we did, then the report button does not work very well on its own.
"Who's There"** answer: You're Overreaching.
"The truth hurts, doesn't it?" Take your blinders off and look around.
I will say this ONE TIME only. "Just because you or anyone else does not agree with a group does not make you a rule breaker." So please stop with that assumption. You are wrong in that aspect.
We formed a group for the simple reason of being able to work for a common cause which it seems we have been rediculed for. There have been times that things were so bad in WU realm that was more practical to have friends with you. There have been times in WU realm that the foul language was flowing so fast and furious that it was impossible for 1 or even 2 to be able to report. So having a few more friends helping is what started making the difference in the language being used there.
Since school is now in full swing there is even less foul language flowing through the Spiral. Hopefully by the time the Holidays get here KI can have a few things in place that will help keep it clean.
You will notice that I left the link at the top in the quote box to Professor Greyrose reply to my question to her about reporting limits. The title of that topic is "Professor Greyrose Please Clarify". It is also found in Ravenwood Commons Forum.
Arron, this is my last response to any of your posts. I am tired of having to defend what the WCP actually do. You and anyone else can call us whatever you wish. I do not hate you or anyone else. I just think some need to step back and really take a big look around before making assumptions.
We know what we stand for and we will not be leaving.
So you see yourselves as "imagined" superheroes who fight against the dark side, couth louts, evil doers, hooligans who spread anarchy?
Hardly. I was trying to make a point that those that are doing things to try to make it a better place to be are more often than not put down by the ones they are fighting against, or even the people they are protecting.
Sarahnimo wrote:
..... remember that most of them are kids and this is still a game.
One of the reasons I used comic book heroes as an example.
Sarahnimo wrote:
Kids who need proper guidance and adults who they can look up to and not hate for seeing them as such. Yes they can be adults posing as kids but what if they are not?
What about the kids that don't WANT guidance? Tonight I was reminding someone that swearing is not acceptable. They turned around and told me that it's their life to live, and they say what they want to, I'm not their parent, and so on. How do you propose we deal with this kind of player?
Sarahnimo wrote:
I do report on my own little world but i do that without feeling the need to join or make a group. Cause it's easy as ABC and because it is so simple. Why can't the youngest kid online do the same on their own?
No one is told they HAVE to join a group to report the bad language. It is not mandatory in order to be a good citizen. On the other hand, using the report button has gotten a social stigma (the extreme disapproval of, or discontent with, a person on the grounds of characteristics that distinguish them from other members of a society. Stigma may attach to a person, who differs from social or cultural norms. Erving Goffman defined stigma as 'the process by which the reaction of others spoils normal identity').
Report and switch realms. If what they were doing was a serious offense, they'd be muted. I never said I had a problem with the report button, I said I tend not to use the ignore button. Read carefully.
Non-verbal harassment cannot be reported and, therefore, is not subject to mutes or the ban-hammer. Again, changing realms is a band-aid fix and doesn't solve anything.
flarzedrago9 wrote:
I never said anything about the badge. Most people like to state the group they're part of before tell the offender what they were doing was wrong. Don't assume.
It was implied, when you claimed to have "seen" the WCP causing problems~ how would you know if or not someone was a member of the WCP, when we don't identify ourselves as such?
Back in the early days, there were a few people who did identify themselves as WCP members, but I have never done so in public~ unfortunately, that's asking to be mobbed and false-reported. If you ever run into one of us, you probably won't even know we're there.
We aren't the only ones who report, either. So perhaps take your own advice and don't make assumptions.
flarzedrago9 wrote:
My apologizes I thought you were all Ki staff...
Accepted~ misunderstandings happen. ;)
flarzedrago9 wrote:
Most people I've met and know on the game try their best to stop the rule breakers on Wizard101. I do too, but I don't agree that making a group is the answer. That must mean I'm a rule breaker. I never accused you of abusing any power, since you really don't have any. That's when reading carefully is helpful.
Actually, you did:
flarzedrago9 wrote:
I'd say you guys abuse your power, but then again you're just regular players like everyone else.
As for the group itself, creating one was far from the initial plan. It just so happens that there's safety and strength in numbers~ banding together was much more fun, and it shows solidarity; we support each other, so no one ever has to feel alone.
I'll admit that I was a tad shaken up, after being victimized in-game. But I continued to play, because I knew that my fellow WCPs had my back and were looking out for me. We stand up for each other, because no one should have to be afraid of a game that's supposed to be fun.
flarzedrago9 wrote:
You're free to claim I'm a liar, but a decent amount of people like to say: "I'm the one who reported you," when the rule breaker says: "Who reported me?"
I never called you, or anyone, a liar. And yes, some people do that, but it doesn't make them a WCP~ we aren't the only ones who report, you know.
flarzedrago9 wrote:
If Ki didn't want anyone reporting others why would they give us the option to? I never said Ki didn't, you might be referring to other people, but I highly doubt that.
If I recall correctly, you called us vigilantes because we report people~ we're either on the same page, or we aren't, but it's hard to tell when you keep contradicting yourself.
flarzedrago9 wrote:
"WCP" aren't the worried customers. You guys actually formed a group. There's power in numbers, true. A group isn't needed when the mass majority, who aren't part of group, are standing up for the same thing.
You're right~ a group isn't needed. But we ended up with one anyway, just because we'd spent so much time getting to know each other in the forums and figured we may as well put faces to names. Forming a group wasn't even a thought in our minds back then, but we all liked each other enough to join forces.
As my high-school chaplain once said, "groups outperform individuals"~ it applies in cheating-boss dungeons, the real world, and even the WCP.
flarzedrago9 wrote:
*Knock, Knock* The word "overreacting" is knocking on your door. Will you answer?
Actually, I did answer the door. This "overreacting" was quite well-mannered, and it asked me where I was hiding the person who called my friends and I vigilantes... I then wished it well and gave it some fish-paste cookies for the road.
flarzedrago9 wrote:
When a lot of people don't agree that a group is needed for this, does that mean they're the rule breakers? No. Sure some may break the rules, but the majority doesn't.
No, it doesn't, and that's not what I said; I stated that the ones calling us vigilantes are usually the rule-breakers, since we're not bothering anyone (save for said rule-breakers being "inconvenienced" by KI's ban-hammer). So I don't see what your problem is~ yes, there's a group, but you're not required to join us; no one is twisting your arm or giving you an ultimatum... Why are you so intent on bashing us?
And obviously, KI didagree that a group was needed~ they added hall-monitors, didn't they?
flarzedrago9 wrote:
I do think I'm the one who should be asking you: "The truth hurts, doesn't it?" You're taking it way too seriously and being way too stubborn. A lot of parents talk to their kids about things like this before they're even allowed to go on games like this.
I'm not stubborn~ I simply stand up for what I believe in, and I won't change my opinions because you don't like them.
Honestly, I'm glad I'm not a parent~ it lets me report objectively and without any emotional attachment, meaning that I report because something is against the rules, not because it offends me.
If I had a child, she definitely wouldn't have open chat... on a good night, the filth in the common areas is still eyeball-melting. and, if I ever caught her talking like some of these kids in the dye-shop do, let's just say she'd taste soap in her mouth for a verrrrry long time... I'm young, but old-fashioned.
Eyes are burning now~ must stop typing. /3am giant block o'text.
This will be my final post post on this thread because the main reason this thread is still open is because of the constant arguing. I don't want to see 10+ pages of arguments.
This is for both Vonawesome1 and Goldendragon18.
Wether you both agree with me or not is perfectly fine with me. I've given my opinion on this long enough. Much like the both of you, I've overstayed my welcome. You've both created a group called the Wizard City Protectors or "WCP." You both made the group because you're sick of the foul language, bullying, and abuse of both text and open chat. The majority of the players on W101 are also sick of it, but we aren't all in the group. When we oppose you because we feel a group isn't necessary for something like this, you claim we're the ones breaking the rules. Not only is that a bad assumption, but a rude one too. Yes some of the people against you are rule breakers, but not all of us.
Like a lot of people, I feel you're overreacting and just being overprotective. You need to understand that kids can learn certain on their own and don't need "Mommy" and "Daddy" showing them everything. My sarcasm may come off as rude, but it's my way of self defense. When I feel threatened or annoyed, sarcasm is a shield and a sword.
My point is if you feel making a group to deal with this situation is correct, you're overreacting. Wether you like me or dislike that's fine. I'm not bothered by that. I just want this group nonsense to stop. It creates more hullabaloos and arguments. I may slip once and awhile and curse in real life, but I know better than to use it on a game. Kids are a lot smarter than you think and know more than you're led to believe. They don't need help with everything, let them learn somethings on their own. I'm not saying let them learn it from games. Before they're allowed to go on games like these, talk to them about the dangers of certain things and tell them what they should do in certain situations.
Like I said before this is my final post on this thread so don't bother replying since I won't be replying to you. You can think of it as me being a coward, but there isn't a point to continue since another thread on the same thing will be posted again.
I feel for you and your issue. Countless times I have been online, and this behavior has been happening. It promotes hatred, abuse, and plain rudeness. Personally, I think after Kingsisle has looked over a report on the chat log, if the person continually used cuss words and harsh sentences, they should get no warning and automatically be banned. Why do people act this way? Partly Human nature. But the biggest reason would be is because they know that there is not much you can do and want reaction. I don't know how this would be considered fun to harass small girls but there are crazy people in this world that have different (and rather bad) looks on life. Next time someone does this to you, or anyone for the matter, Please, take pictures of the conversation. Then send the pictures to Kingsisle, or show them to close friends (or both ), and we can see what to do from there. You always need your proof, even on a family game.
Anyways, good luck to you and your daughter, and let's hope the incident doesn't happen again. "
Hunter , You have changed your tune about how seriously we should take this. In July you were advocating we take pictures and send them to KI. Unfortunately taking pictures does not help because there are so many wizards with common names. The report button is still the best tool KI has given us to alert them to problems of TOU violation in the game.
This will be my final post post on this thread because the main reason this thread is still open is because of the constant arguing. I don't want to see 10+ pages of arguments.
This is for both Vonawesome1 and Goldendragon18.
. When we oppose you because we feel a group isn't necessary for something like this, you claim we're the ones breaking the rules.
Like a lot of people, I feel you're overreacting and just being overprotective. You need to understand that kids can learn certain on their own and don't need "Mommy" and "Daddy" showing them everything. My sarcasm may come off as rude, but it's my way of self defense. When I feel threatened or annoyed, sarcasm is a shield and a sword.
My point is if you feel making a group to deal with this situation is correct, you're overreacting. Wether you like me or dislike that's fine. I'm not bothered by that. I just want this group nonsense to stop. It creates more hullabaloos and arguments.
Aaron Drakewalker Archmage Pyromancer
Aaron, you are entitled to your opinion the same as the rest of us.
But we did not assume that if you did not join a group that you were a rule breaker. So False on your part.
Overreacting, Overprotective, again, your opinion. In reality we are being RESPONSIBLE parents. Just because we formed a group that most of the Spiral is now aware of, does not mean a whole lot. The only difference it really made (now that Hall Monitors are in game) is that in many of the cases, an offending player did get more than one report for the same thing.
Again Overprotective parents is your opinion. Fine, you are not the first and more than likely will not be the last to state this. I don't remember seeing anywhere in the posts, (I do read them all) anyone stating where we did or did not like anyone. Reaching a little bit here aren't you?
As for the group disbanding? We are not. Call it nonsense or whatever you wish. WCP will remain a group and will not break down just because you or any other player does not like the efforts we put forth to help clean up the game. WCP did not create the problems but we did bring them to the attention of KI staff and asked for changes.
To KI staff, I do think at this time, it may be a good idea to close this topic.
What about the kids that don't WANT guidance? Tonight I was reminding someone that swearing is not acceptable. They turned around and told me that it's their life to live, and they say what they want to, I'm not their parent, and so on. How do you propose we deal with this kind of player?
I just want to point out one thing cause your other points were all over the place so I'll try to be as objective as I can be. No matter how wrong they were and even if you are on the right side of things. In this game who really are you tell them how to live their lives?
You are in a game. Report them if they did something wrong, turn around and do your thing. If found guilty, they will learn anyway that what they did is really wrong.
They do need guidance but maybe not just from you. Who are you anyway? just another paying customer...even if you are wearing a WCP badge. I would still ask who are you anyway? I'm not condoning deplorable acts of rudeness but I'm trying to point out one thing where you may have stepped out of bunds.
Just because someone else doesn't act or "live their lives" the way you do, as you seem to be so gravely affected with to even passionately quote it from them, qualifies you to impose your way of looking at things on anybody. It's sad but its true.
Anyway, with the advent of Hall Monitors, i do agree this thread outlasted it's course.
Proud to be a responsible player even though I'm not in a group.