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Wheres the Super Bundle?

May 30, 2011
I went out on Saturday excited about getting the super bundle, but come to find out when I tried to buy the card it was just a worthless piece of plastic I can't believe that discontinued the card I really wanted it too. I went to Gamestop to buy the card, obviously they don't have it, please wizard101 tell me you'll bring the card back? that Zafaria theme house was one of the best in my opinion. Please bring back the Zafaria themed house Wizard101 answer my cry


Bailey LifeSong

level 51 grand master

P.S professor Greyrose please respond to my cry

Nov 19, 2009
What do you mean they don't have the card? It's available right now.

Jul 15, 2011
Super bundle is available for purchase online through the crows store. This is the one with the zafaria house, the rhino mount, giraffe pet, dancing blade weapon, and chieftain's attire.

Also available online through the crowns store is the Mega bundle which has the sultan's palace.

Dec 03, 2010
Tatiana Winterhear... on Oct 22, 2012 wrote:
Super bundle is available for purchase online through the crows store. This is the one with the zafaria house, the rhino mount, giraffe pet, dancing blade weapon, and chieftain's attire.

Also available online through the crowns store is the Mega bundle which has the sultan's palace.
Uh, no. You buy the card at a Gamestop store, which is a really good deal actually since you get a lot of things for only 40$, and trust me, it could have been expensive buying individually, however, it's not an option to buy ANY of the bundles in the Crowns Shop. Thank you for listening.

Jul 25, 2011
it's still here but it's not really popular any more,so it's senseless to get it.