I've been looking around and about the spiral, for hours, and days, and weeks and months, but just no luck. I went on wizard101central and found a page, but that led to Yokai's hat that he drops. I want an Elegant Hat (You know, the apprentice hat with the little feather into it), but with Balance symbols on it. I've been struggling forever to find it! If it's not out there, please KI, make one, I'm tired of wearing the plain old Elegant Hat.
There are 2 really good guides you may like: (I like them at least XD) Sandy's Guide to school-graphic elegant outfits. (Includes the elegant gear) Unfortunately, there is only a robe and boots. But the boots like pretty boss :3 (Death Oni's Introverted Shoes) HERE IS THE LINK: http://www.wizard101central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65552 The other one is: Guide to Outfits This is the second guide I like. It has all the other decorated gear outside of elegant. I would try the Daredevil hat or the Mage's hat. HERE IS THE LINK: http://www.wizard101central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153570