For all you veteran players, what do remember about W101 from the good ol' days? When Malistaire was the ultimate enemy? When everyone thought Malistaire was behind the door behind the water in The Commons? When 7 pip spells didn't exist?
Believe it or not, I actually made my first account in 2008. And, I remember the day I was going to quit until I heard the pvp update as well as Dragonspyre coming out, so I decided to hang on. Ever since, my friends and I were defeating Grandmasters at Journeyman at every corner Good old days...
I remember waaaaaaaaaay back in 2010 when you could get pets at the bazaar. Still you see pets that don't say no auction. Those were pets that were available at the bazaar but they havent changed from 2010. I want this back cause you could get good pets from there for cheap prices that you would have to fight booses for, and that is a pain to do for a pet. If you remember this time waaaaaaaay back when then post a coment. and good luck getting to archmage.
Actually I was playing when malistaire was the highest villian and after I defeated him a few days later celestia came out. I did some cool pvp battles before celestia came out and I kind of missed them now with all the new updates KI is raking in the dough while we have to suffer the games problems.
Yup.... Nothing back then was so difficult with critical and overly powered school (not naming school :?) but I like to call them days the "Golden Days" but i guess people were complaining so this had to happen well cya around the spiral
I remember waaaaaaaaaay back in 2010 when you could get pets at the bazaar. Still you see pets that don't say no auction. Those were pets that were available at the bazaar but they havent changed from 2010. I want this back cause you could get good pets from there for cheap prices that you would have to fight booses for, and that is a pain to do for a pet. If you remember this time waaaaaaaay back when then post a coment. and good luck getting to archmage.
I remember waaaaaaaaaay back in 2010 when you could get pets at the bazaar. Still you see pets that don't say no auction. Those were pets that were available at the bazaar but they havent changed from 2010. I want this back cause you could get good pets from there for cheap prices that you would have to fight booses for, and that is a pain to do for a pet. If you remember this time waaaaaaaay back when then post a coment. and good luck getting to archmage.
What pets did the Bazaar give?
They gave boss drop pets that didn't give you any spells butyou could buy and sell pets for a lot of money, but it would be worth in to get a good pet.
I started the game in 2008 in november and my account got hacked in 2010 but I made a new one and I liked the game because it was before the dreadful critical that I hate and want out of the game.. but I guess ki wont do that :? enchanted malistare was fun too and the level 50 gear was fun collecting but ww gear wasn't too fun because you did the dungeon over and over and over for ALL your gear -.- I bet ki would make a lot of money if they put the level 50 cap back in a different game like right after they put mounts on the game because even the brooms were cool. I havent played the game all week because I am hating the game right now even the new pet games arent bringing too many people back :? I even erased my archmage storm because pvp was getting rediculous with immunity (fire and storm) and over 50 to all other schools. Even life is spamming critical guardian spirits and my doom and gloom gets changed to the healing bubbles and they get full health when they die and as a storm I killed in one hit, but in the golden days you were lucky to get max resist at 47. Another thing was swords. I had 7 swords one for each school that I farmed for except for death because I bought the good one in crown shop :) my first character was a life when I made my second account and I got him in cl at level 60 and erased him, and the only character I had from the level 50 stage was my storm but I erased him so all I got left is memories.