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Aug 07, 2010
Are you kidding me i have to do sunken city again for the dryad spell. Wow i had trouble doing it the first time now i have too do it again

Jun 14, 2009
I am with you.It is a great spell, but going BACK to sunken city is just plain annoying.I give you advice:
Beat it before you get to mooshu, or beat it before you face this oni:
The Plague Oni.
You get the quest after sunken city to beat him.I beat the first part of the quest after the Plague oni.The quest is so annoying for such a good healing spell.The only thing i don't like about the spell is that it eats up all your pips. :(
I haven't used the actual spell yet, i have it in my deck( i am in the lvl40s so i have a big spell deck ).
William Shadowfriend, Lvl43 Theurgist
Either Master Theurgist, Master Of Karate and Friendship, or Oni Slayer.

Feb 25, 2009
There are other times you will have to return to a certain quest or area just for a school spell. You are not the first to do this and will not be the last.

Apr 27, 2012
Quests are like that sometimes.

I had to go back in the Labyrinth (a really hard Dragonspyre dungeon) to get my Rebirth spell. :(

I got it though. I equipped lots of TCs. :)

Savannah LifeHunter, Level 59 Theurgist