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Can't choose a school fairly

Jul 09, 2009
Hi I like to take the personality quiz to make your wizard to see what wizard I really am but it isn't fair. Blah blah you take the quiz and at the end, it will ask you what your favorite gem is. It's obvious if you choose Jade, you'll get life.
If you choose ruby, you'll get fire.
And so on
Now that I see that its a little unfair ( I don't really know how to word it ) I don't know if life is my true school. :(

Sep 08, 2008
Well, what truly is your favorite gem?

My favorite gem is Ruby. But, when I first took my test for the very first time, I however ended up with Storm. I remember that. And Storm is the school that I feel very personally attached to.

Not sure if that helped you in any way. Another way to simply look at it is in terms of schools. Simply put, what is your favorite style of play? Like many, many people and posts already point out:

Storm: Damage, damage, damage.
Fire: Damage over time, split up over rounds. Hard to shield against.
Myth: Trickster of sorts. With stuns and ability to remove shields and charms.
Balance: Supporter. Traps and blades for all schools, healing. Very unique attacks.
Life: Master of healing, but also a deadly attacker if need be.
Death: Damage dealing attacks that heals the caster at the same time.
Ice: A living tank. Able to take anything thrown at him/her and then some.

All schools can attack. Think of them as colors/emotions. Which one are you most drawn to?

Wizard of Earth and caller of mythical creatures?
Bright red heat of fire and lava?
A forest that comes alive to heal and attack?
A Jack of all trades, master of none, and supporter of many? (Balance)
Harbringer of white blue ice and snow and freezing winters?
Furious and deadly wielder of lightning and controller of deadly seas?
The master of the underworld that steals opponent's life force?

What description do you like the most?

Jan 03, 2010
Any school is right for you. It doesn't matter about the gem. Every school has its advantages. A life wizard is talented at many things while my balance wizard is not doing too well at the moment, but will get better. Your wizard is what you make of it. If you have a wizard and you do nothing with it, sadly, you won't have much fun. My friend is a life wizard, and he got to level 30 in just a few days. Like, 5! He is now level 79. Life wizards have very powerful spells, and they have amazing healing too, while other schools do not have as much. I should have actually chosen life as my school, even though I chose balance. You can be the most powerful life wizard in history if you try at life. You can always delete that wizard if you really hate the school, but you won't. I hope I helped. :)
-Hannah Goldenriver
Balance School, level 39
" A balancing act is an act. Without balance, there are no acts."

Feb 26, 2012
helv wrote:
Hi I like to take the personality quiz to make your wizard to see what wizard I really am but it isn't fair. Blah blah you take the quiz and at the end, it will ask you what your favorite gem is. It's obvious if you choose Jade, you'll get life.
If you choose ruby, you'll get fire.
And so on
Now that I see that its a little unfair ( I don't really know how to word it ) I don't know if life is my true school. :(

When I took my school i didnt know what all of it meant so i picked truthfuly and picked the coolest looking gem which made me a balance wizard :D right choice for me!!!! Sojust forget the gems and all that and choose the gem which is coolest if you dont like the school after beating WC then try a different school, there is a reason why there are six character seats.
~John Dragoncather Archmage Sorcerer~

May 27, 2012
Yeah. I mean come on! My sister was going for Life. She picked Unicorn and Jade, and guess what? SHE GOT BALANCE!

Look at this! I chose Bat and Onyx, and guess what? I GOT FIRE!

Oh look, my cousin went for Fire. He chose Dragon and Ruby, and guess what? HE GOT STORM!

Apr 24, 2010
Shiningfantasia wrote:
Well, what truly is your favorite gem?

My favorite gem is Ruby. But, when I first took my test for the very first time, I however ended up with Storm. I remember that. And Storm is the school that I feel very personally attached to.

Not sure if that helped you in any way. Another way to simply look at it is in terms of schools. Simply put, what is your favorite style of play? Like many, many people and posts already point out:

Storm: Damage, damage, damage.
Fire: Damage over time, split up over rounds. Hard to shield against.
Myth: Trickster of sorts. With stuns and ability to remove shields and charms.
Balance: Supporter. Traps and blades for all schools, healing. Very unique attacks.
Life: Master of healing, but also a deadly attacker if need be.
Death: Damage dealing attacks that heals the caster at the same time.
Ice: A living tank. Able to take anything thrown at him/her and then some.

All schools can attack. Think of them as colors/emotions. Which one are you most drawn to?

Wizard of Earth and caller of mythical creatures?
Bright red heat of fire and lava?
A forest that comes alive to heal and attack?
A Jack of all trades, master of none, and supporter of many? (Balance)
Harbringer of white blue ice and snow and freezing winters?
Furious and deadly wielder of lightning and controller of deadly seas?
The master of the underworld that steals opponent's life force?

What description do you like the most?

LIFE?!? A DEADLY ATTACKER!?! WOW you have obviously never attempted to be life school. Life school is horrid. Storm gets all the damage they want. US? We have to be healers. I HATE BEING A HEALER! I like to fight alone yes. I want to start a new character but i rather not do all those quest again. Sorry for this mega rage moment but seriously mega fail on describing life

Feb 03, 2012
The quiz does seem a little bit unfair consider some of the question will point to one school. The best way to pick a school is to reflect on your own battling style. If you live to survive and defend pick ice, if you like to help and support your team, pick life or balance, they're great. I'm a solo player and i prefer quick matches, thats why i'm storm. It should come naturally in time.

Feb 07, 2011
My favourite gem is Amethyst, but my first wizard ended up as Balance... When I did the quiz again, I got a different set of questions and ended up as a Storm wizard... and I've been Storm on every quiz since then, since it's far more "me" than any other school is.

...of course, that would be boring. So I made wizards of all 7 schools (I have more than one account) and experimented with all of them. :)

May 10, 2011
Necromancer Mark D... on Aug 19, 2012 wrote:
Yeah. I mean come on! My sister was going for Life. She picked Unicorn and Jade, and guess what? SHE GOT BALANCE!

Look at this! I chose Bat and Onyx, and guess what? I GOT FIRE!

Oh look, my cousin went for Fire. He chose Dragon and Ruby, and guess what? HE GOT STORM!

so annoying right and here is mine i was going for myth and guess what i got life!

Jul 03, 2010
mommala wrote:
LIFE?!? A DEADLY ATTACKER!?! WOW you have obviously never attempted to be life school. Life school is horrid. Storm gets all the damage they want. US? We have to be healers. I HATE BEING A HEALER! I like to fight alone yes. I want to start a new character but i rather not do all those quest again. Sorry for this mega rage moment but seriously mega fail on describing life
Deadly attacker describes my life wizard exactly. Actually I call her my Swiss Army Knife wizard. Accept for a few runs though Water Works I never played a healer. I am always the fighter in control of the entire battle.

It's all about making the most of what you are given.

Mary StarGem
"Savior of the Spiral"
Level 80

Jul 30, 2012
When I signed up I answered the questions as best I could and I got death. I like it and I think it suits me well. Is it like a horoscope where we look for the things that suit us well? I don't know.

A few months later I wanted to create another wizard and answered the questions. I didn't remember how I answered the first time, but I got death again!

I just tried now and I got death again! Is that not weird? But I tested your theory and you are right, regardless of what you answer if you choose onyx you always get death school. I tried this many many times.

I also discovered that if you create a new wizard from the Wizard101 website (creating a new account instead of from your regular login) it is a bit different and you don't always get asked your favorite gem. I many times and I got asked about gemstone only once. I chose onyx and I did not get death.

Conclusion: The initial wizard test is different depending on whether you take it from wizard101 website or from your regular login.

At the end of the questions and it recommends your school it asks you if you would like to change your school and gives a small explanation of each one, so I don't see any issue.

Aug 07, 2011
mommala wrote:
LIFE?!? A DEADLY ATTACKER!?! WOW you have obviously never attempted to be life school. Life school is horrid. Storm gets all the damage they want. US? We have to be healers. I HATE BEING A HEALER! I like to fight alone yes. I want to start a new character but i rather not do all those quest again. Sorry for this mega rage moment but seriously mega fail on describing life
You've got to be kidding me! Forest lord, gnome, centaur, seraph, not attackers? They're attackers to be reckoned with. Even our noob spells -- leprechaun, imp. We're healers and attackers both.

As for the OP, I took that quiz and got Balance on my orginal wizard and I'm amazed at how well it tests your personality. Balance is about right for me. I'm always screaming middle road people because it drives me crazy that they usually only see two extremes and no compromise in the middle. I think that personality quiz nailed me. Balance is fitting.

I've other schools because I've just got to try out a variety. Yep, Balance is fitting. I even put the Balance aside to quest the Life through for very practical reasons as to her having the health to get through fast to craft and garden for everyone.

Dec 27, 2010
MirandaSkyWhisper1 on Aug 11, 2012 wrote:
Hi I like to take the personality quiz to make your wizard to see what wizard I really am but it isn't fair. Blah blah you take the quiz and at the end, it will ask you what your favorite gem is. It's obvious if you choose Jade, you'll get life.
If you choose ruby, you'll get fire.
And so on
Now that I see that its a little unfair ( I don't really know how to word it ) I don't know if life is my true school. :(
who cares about the quiz? all you have to do is click skip test and you get the full list of schools to pick from!

Jun 20, 2012
If you don't want to take the quiz you don't have to. i didn't because it kept giving me myth every time i took it even though i clicked saphire not only is it my favorite gem i wanted an ice wizard. if you like one more than the one it gives you then skip the test and click on the one you like the most.

May 22, 2011
when i first took the quiz i chose amethyst ( or whatever ) and got balance

Sep 03, 2012
I like sapphire so I got an ice wizard

~Elijah Deathforge Level 35 magus thaumaturge~

Jul 09, 2009
RottenHeart on Oct 18, 2012 wrote:
When I signed up I answered the questions as best I could and I got death. I like it and I think it suits me well. Is it like a horoscope where we look for the things that suit us well? I don't know.

A few months later I wanted to create another wizard and answered the questions. I didn't remember how I answered the first time, but I got death again!

I just tried now and I got death again! Is that not weird? But I tested your theory and you are right, regardless of what you answer if you choose onyx you always get death school. I tried this many many times.

I also discovered that if you create a new wizard from the Wizard101 website (creating a new account instead of from your regular login) it is a bit different and you don't always get asked your favorite gem. I many times and I got asked about gemstone only once. I chose onyx and I did not get death.

Conclusion: The initial wizard test is different depending on whether you take it from wizard101 website or from your regular login.

At the end of the questions and it recommends your school it asks you if you would like to change your school and gives a small explanation of each one, so I don't see any issue.
Thank you for testing the theory. Does wizard101 work for different computers?

One time I said earthquake is the most powerful, favorite animal is the snake and all that and chose a gem that's different than myth and guess what? I didn't get myth.

Honestly, i'm starting to think the gems are put there unless you don't have one school over the other like 3 for life and 3 for myth. They will give you a choice of the life gem, the myth gem, and some other random school.

May 07, 2011
MirandaSkyWhisper1 on Aug 11, 2012 wrote:
Hi I like to take the personality quiz to make your wizard to see what wizard I really am but it isn't fair. Blah blah you take the quiz and at the end, it will ask you what your favorite gem is. It's obvious if you choose Jade, you'll get life.
If you choose ruby, you'll get fire.
And so on
Now that I see that its a little unfair ( I don't really know how to word it ) I don't know if life is my true school. :(
You don't have to do the quiz you can skip it and choose whatever school you want. I skipped mine and chose Life. I am quite happy being a Life Student and as Death as a secondary but I think I should have done Storm for a secondary but I'm still happy with Death .

~Christina DreamGem Life level 42
"Nobody owns you everybody just be free and do what your comfortable with nobody minds as long as your happy" <----That sounds really lame >.>