How dose one get Pips and how do you keep them? I am a lvl 72 Pyromancer and almost all my spells are high lvl and require pips to use them, I always start out with no pips or one pip and my opponent has three or more of the power pips and is hitting me hard before I can get started. Shouldn't it be more equal since there is always two of them with numbers equal or higher than mine? Even with help of other players or henchmen I struggle so can you help me with this? Thanks
At the start of every battle, your wizard and your opponent will have atleast one pip or power pip, which counts for two in their main school only (unless they have a mastery amulet in which case allows power pips to be used towards their secondary school aswell)
However, when you level up, you can get better and stronger wands that can start you off with an additional pip or even power pip other than the pip or power pip you always start off with.
Higher level creatures start out with multiple pips/power pips to make the game more challenging. As for us, I think we are limited to a wand giving you the extra pip/power pip at the start. I have heard of people speaking about gear that will add a pip at the start, but I have not seen any.
So just use a wand that gives you the extra power pip at the start. Almost all higher level wands give you the extra power pip at the start. pods