Well fires special is dots but other schools have it Myths is minions but other schools have it Deaths is drains which luckily still isn't piggybacked Bals is tri attack. Which too is luckily not piggybacked Ice is resist which others schools are cracking it with gear Storm is damage well others schools have high damage and health Life is heal but now most schools can do better
And waterworks gear is a controversy for pyromancers
Isn't fire supposed to be second in damage,well it is last with myth which is so not fair And ki won't even give us more health,and all others have more health and damage same for myth. Well ki I buy about 60000 crowns per month(at least used to) but something unfair like this has made me to stop playing I only hang out in the forum Ki please fix all these huge errors and give fire more damage or health in waterworks gear and give myth a killer aoe(just to be in the clear I don't have a myth character I'm just being fair)
Anthony mistblade Lvl 80 pyro Hero of Avalon Waterworks warrior Hero of wintertusk A+ student
Well fires special is dots but other schools have it Myths is minions but other schools have it Deaths is drains which luckily still isn't piggybacked Bals is tri attack. Which too is luckily not piggybacked Ice is resist which others schools are cracking it with gear Storm is damage well others schools have high damage and health Life is heal but now most schools can do better
And waterworks gear is a controversy for pyromancers
Isn't fire supposed to be second in damage,well it is last with myth which is so not fair And ki won't even give us more health,and all others have more health and damage same for myth. Well ki I buy about 60000 crowns per month(at least used to) but something unfair like this has made me to stop playing I only hang out in the forum Ki please fix all these huge errors and give fire more damage or health in waterworks gear and give myth a killer aoe(just to be in the clear I don't have a myth character I'm just being fair)
Anthony mistblade Lvl 80 pyro Hero of Avalon Waterworks warrior Hero of wintertusk A+ student
Really? I am afraid there are many players that don't want these changed. Learn to use a strategy that works best for you. These are not errors and they are also what many players have asked for in the different schools.
My main on both accounts is life, but I certainly do not have a problem with others schools being able to use some of the heals. And no, it is not necessarily true that other schools can do better. If they don't have a Life Mastery Amulet, they have to use more pips but at least they can keep a team mate alive and that is what counts.
I also have 2 Fire, 2 Death, 2 Balance, 1 Myth, 1 Storm plus the 2 Life. I don't have a problem with the health or other stats on any of my wizards at their current levels. I will also be starting another Storm on second account soon. Ice is not my favorite school, but may start one on the same account as well.
You may need to upgrade your gear. Each school does have its specialty, but with the Mastery Amulets (which I and many others don't use) it gives each wizard a little more versatility.
Fire has the strongest DoTs.
Myth does have more minions but all schools have minions, Myth has AoEs
Death is drains and AoEs and can still be used by other schools
Balance is all schools and with the right blades and traps, Other schools can use them also. And has AoEs But Balance does NOT have a specific trap, shield or blades for Balance ONLY. We do have Judgement, Sandstorm, and a couple of others that are not linked to any other school, but we do not have the traps, blades or shields like all other schools have.
Ice is high resists, but have you ever noticed how long Ice will remain after an Ice Storm IN REAL LIFE. Not that easy to get rid of. Also has AoEs and a couple of DoTs
Storm is damage but it takes them a while to get to a point they don't fizzle every other spell. Has AoEs
Life is STILL the healing school but we also like to fight. Did not get first AoE until Forest Lord.
How you gear and what you use in battle will make the difference in the amount of damage each school will give you.
If you are having a problem with Pyro, then you are missing something. I certainly don't have any problems with my Pyro lvl 70 and my wizards have done a lot of solo since I started playing over 3 and 1/2 years ago.