I reached level 80 with my storm and now he is searching for any new spells. Read where one is in Fire elf village but my storm tried to go there but couldnt. So far he has gotten a spell from the Friar in commons and a spell from the entrance to fire elf village., The Buckle that storm is suppose to get I do not know, guess I will just stop and wait till game gets up to par. Right now storm is questing in lake shore. I am following the main line of the story and will go back and pick up sides, I fear that in those sides is my new spells like the Friar. Playing Life with storm I have yet to suffer a death on either one of my wizards. My secret is dont let life hit just blade and heal. Change Lifes clothes to suit the opponent in shields. Going in first he will be hit first. Using the shields he got from wizard city at the Fairgrounds helps tremendously. Jabberwoki was a easy step. I have always said keep storm alive he can kill any opponent in the game. I would love for storms next spell to be Hurricane, or Eye of Hurricane......