By privacy i didn't mean you can go around saying inappropriate things, and its not welcomed by most people, only parents here are praising it however when you look at it which group profits this game more?, parents or kids that don't even have open chat or the opposing group and we do pay for this game?, and and we buy the things we have and most of the times mute happen to people using words that are yellow and not RED. I oppose to all forms of bad language and i personally don't like it but i think people should have the right to use words that are yellow since they're approved by kingsisle, HOWEVER we can't trust random people with this and that is the main reason i oppose it, i am a adult and i have kids in this game, i personally don't play it a lot however even with young kids i don't think this move is a right one to the problem
Ok, first off, words that turn YELLOW when correctly spelled are allowed, BUT, if a word is RED when correctly spelled it is not allowed. Changing the spelling to make it yellow is considered chatting AROUND THE FILTER and IS NOT allowed. Here is the link to clarify Chatting posted by Professor Greyrose in July 2012.
This next link and Quote is also by Professor Greyrose. You will notice that she states that KI will be doing EXTENSIVE account background checks BEFORE any invitations are sent. KI is not going to just select anyone without a thorough check.
We appreciate your concerns but please have a little faith in us that we do extensive account background checks before we extend an invitation to be a Hall Monitor.
It is solely at the discretion of KingsIsle Entertainment as to who will be included in this program.
And yes, since the program is completely anonymous to everyone but KingsIsle, claiming you are a Hall Monitor is a reportable (and bannable) offense.
I am sorry you don't agree with this change, but for many of us, it is a very WELCOME change.
First of all, I want to thank everyone at KingsIsle for finally stepping up and creating "Hall Monitors"
You are truly keeping this game kid and family friendly and I am very proud to be a member of this game and soon the Pirate101 game.
You have very great products and both games are truly Amazing!!!
You do care about your customers and quality of your products and I dont think there is a better place for people to feel safe and have a friendly enviornment to play and have fun in than the spiral.
Thank you for everything KI and keep up the great work!
Conno, it really does not matter if they are Admins or Mods. They are taking up what the WCP and a few other groups started.
Yea it is about time they get player moderators in the game. Though I think it would be a better idea to have it so players know who is a moderator. The reason I say this is instead of just banning people you are able to keep them in line. The goal of a moderator is not to ban people but rather to keep the game clean. People aren't going to swear around a moderator which will keep the game clean.
Just a thought.
Snowyandspots, Please read the updates. Hall Monitors will not be Identified. The Goal of WCP and others was to help clean the game up as well and some of the WCP were attacked and KI knows this. So why would they place Hall Monitors in the same position. No, this was a very good move for KI to make.
No it's not a good thing, I support keep this game safe however it destroys privacy, I don't like it at all, I've seen protesting at commons, pvp arena, and pet pavilions. I would like Kingsisle to bring it back the old way, if you go around the commons or anywhere cursing mute them however if they're privately doing it with friends all adults, then they should as long as it isn't inferring with younger kids, which in most cases it isn't
Avatarkevin8, this is the best thing I have seen since KI gave us the report button. It does not matter how many Protest. KI is doing what needs to be done to clean the game up.... They also have every right to do this. Afterall, it is there "House", not anyone else's.
As for "Privacy", you may want to do a little research. Professor Greyrose stated in a post quite sometime ago that it does not matter if you are just talking (cursing) in text to yourself, in your home. If they decide to read the chat logs, and they do, they can and will still pass sanctions. Again, this is KI's home, Their rules.
So to those of you that don't like the idea of Hall Monitors, there are many more players that are more than happy to see this change. Hall Monitors do have the options to warn and or mute as they see it needed. We will not know who they are and that is the best part of the whole idea.
Again, thank you KI for this change. It is a very welcome one.
Sigh you completely missed what I am saying. Just because I don't agree doesn't mean I don't understand. I will try this again. Yes it is good there are hall monitors. My suggestion is they should have a title given. By having a title people will see this and keep from swearing. Then no one has to be reported and KI won't lose customers. If people don't know there is a hall monitor around then they will swear get muted and probably quit. Which is a loss customers for KI.
I have played others games that use player mods to keep profanity down. Two examples are runescape and maplestory. They both have player mods with a title so players can see who is a mod.
See I actually give examples instead of just making claims. I just wanted to point this idea out because it has seemed to work on both of the other games I have played. :?
I hope you understand now. You don't have to agree but I am not an idiot. So please don't keep saying I should reread the updates.
Sigh you completely missed what I am saying. Just because I don't agree doesn't mean I don't understand. I will try this again. Yes it is good there are hall monitors. My suggestion is they should have a title given. By having a title people will see this and keep from swearing. Then no one has to be reported and KI won't lose customers. If people don't know there is a hall monitor around then they will swear get muted and probably quit. Which is a loss customers for KI.
LOL I think the whole point of the current system is people need to follow the rules period. Watching yourself because a mod is present is different than simply following the rules.
Having a few people quit because they suffer the consequences doesn't seem a big deal to me. I am sure KI considered this before instituting this new program. The flip side is parents will see KI taking an active stance to keep their kids safe. I see more good than harm here.
Sigh you completely missed what I am saying. Just because I don't agree doesn't mean I don't understand. I will try this again. Yes it is good there are hall monitors. My suggestion is they should have a title given. By having a title people will see this and keep from swearing. Then no one has to be reported and KI won't lose customers. If people don't know there is a hall monitor around then they will swear get muted and probably quit. Which is a loss customers for KI.
I have played others games that use player mods to keep profanity down. Two examples are runescape and maplestory. They both have player mods with a title so players can see who is a mod.
See I actually give examples instead of just making claims. I just wanted to point this idea out because it has seemed to work on both of the other games I have played. :?
I hope you understand now. You don't have to agree but I am not an idiot. So please don't keep saying I should reread the updates.
This the last time I will reply to any of your posts on this subject Snowy.
The update notes plainly state that the "Hall Monitors" will be ANONYMOUS. In other words they will not be showing any titles or badges stating who they are.
I do believe KI made the decision to do it this way in order to keep the "Hall Monitors" from being attacked in the game in the same manner that some of us WCP members were. Just because other games may have VISIBLE in game Mods, does not mean that KI has to do it that way. In reality, making them INVISIBLE is the best move. WCP fully supports this idea. Keep them invisible.
This game has been online almost 4+ years. KI gave all members the report button. KI has handed out sanction after sanction and repeatedly to some of those players. Yet they come right back and do the same things again until KI gives them an IP ban. KI has given these players every opportunity to clean up their chat. Every player that is reported receives a notice to that effect and they still continue. Do they Stop NO. Now KI has changed Tactics and everyone wants to know who the Hall Monitors are. Sorry, but that is not going to happen. The Hall Monitors would be Attacked in the game if everyone knew who they were.
As I stated at the beginning of this post. I will no longer reply to any more of your posts on this topic.
This post has now been hammered to death, so if I might add...
Kudos to K.I. for recognizing that there has been a problem in this game, which is players frequently circumventing the chat filters in order to say curse words, bully other players, and carrying on inappropriately. I am so impressed with the introduction of the Hall Monitor program.
For the most part, the majority of offending players are free-to-play players. These are people who join the game for the socialization aspect of it, and not for questing, gaining rewards and such at all. They come for the pure desire to socialize with others, and have a sense of entitlement when it comes to typing what they want to say with no regard for whoever might be in the area to see it.
So, for one of those players to get muted, well heck, they'll just delete that wizard and create a new one - they've got nothing to lose. So, they don't care if they get reported or muted, because they'll just continue to curse, or bully, or carry on inappropriately, which will result in a mute and so on and so forth. They never get 'called out' for their actions and as such, don't learn from their actions.
Having Hall Monitors in the game, anonymously, to watch out for these types of behaviors is definitely warranted. They cannot be identified, because if their presence were known, then people would 'watch their tongue' until the Hall Monitor left, and then they'd carry on some more with their foul language and such. The WCP's would often stand around watching the language of others. At one point, they did identify themselves with a Badge... but soon, these offending players started to bully up on the group and singled them out as "Reporters". Then these offending players started wearing the badges themselves (to pretend to belong to the WCP group) and started false reporting others to cause more trouble for the sole purpose of making the WCP group look bad.
The introduction of Hall Monitors with the ability to display Warning and Muting messages for everyone in the area to see is meant to cast a light on these offenders - because then they've now been singled out. And it is working. I saw the perfect example tonight.
One guy was warned, then his buddy got warned when he tried to "test" to see what the Hall Monitor would do if he typed certain words. Neither got muted, but with just those two warnings, both of them immediately cleaned up their language and realized that they had been saying things that weren't appropriate for others to see. One even spoke about how he liked to go to the common areas and cuss up a storm, just because he figured he could; but after getting the warnings, he's thinking twice about what he's typing out.
This is effective. It singles those players out. It makes everyone in the area aware of what's going on - so then everyone has a chance to think twice before they type something inappropriately. The result: everyone is using cleaner language and behaving more appropriately, thereby making the whole gaming experience a more welcome environment for all to enjoy.
Again, its been said above a few times already - but the Hall Monitors who have been chosen to act in that role have been very carefully selected by K.I. as those who aren't going to abuse their new abilities. They have most likely made several reports against bad language, bullying and inappropriate behavior in the past, and their accuracy has been rated. I'm sure there's also been a lot of communication between that person and K.I. so their maturity level has also been considered. Don't forget - every single warning and every single mute - is REVIEWED by K.I. Staff for accuracy. The logs surrounding the time when these warnings & mutes, and anyone else's reports for that matter, are thoroughly reviewed. And where K.I. deems appropriate, they will hand out further sanctions to any of those who did break the Terms of Use. The Hall Monitors do not have that level of authority. If someone is sanctioned for say, longer than a one-hour mute, it is most likely because of some egregious behavior they exhibited and that sanction would have come directly at the hands of K.I. staff, NOT the person who brought it to their attention, like a Hall Monitor or someone utilizing the Report button.
Again, kudos to K.I. for introducing this program. I see smooth sailing ahead for the safety of all players in Wizard101.
..... My suggestion is they should have a title given. By having a title people will see this and keep from swearing. Then no one has to be reported and KI won't lose customers. If people don't know there is a hall monitor around then they will swear get muted and probably quit. Which is a loss customers for KI.
It is a very bad idea to label the Hall Monitors. 1) I am a member of Wizard City Protectors, and have witnessed - both from afar and close up - the abuse that is directed at someone who is discovered to be a reporter. It would be the same for a Monitor. 2) Players should not be using foul language in the first place. Having a Hall Monitor should not be required to make people behave themselves. 3) A few months ago when Wizard City Protectors all wore the badge, those that are repeat offenders made a point of saying things like "Oh look! A reporter! Let's all swear until we're muted!" This is an exaggerated example, of course. 4) Since the Hall Monitors were implemented I have seen those same repeat offenders push the limits of the monitors to see what it takes to get a warning or mute. 5) It seems the only players that might quit - according to complaints about the Monitors - are the players that can not follow the rules in the first place. Like someone posted above, others will return and accounts will be re-activated to balance off the lost players.
Snowyandspots wrote:
I have played others games that use player mods to keep profanity down. Two examples are runescape and maplestory. They both have player mods with a title so players can see who is a mod.
Wizard101 is not those games. It is its own entity with it's own action plan. If KingsIsle starts to make this game just like every other game on the market, they will loose more customer then they will over anonymous Hall Monitors.
Snowyandspots wrote:
See I actually give examples instead of just making claims. .....
Maybe it's just me, but that seemed a little rude to me. Members of the Wizard City Protectors do research to assure quality of info before making a post. We read the update notes and Terms of Use regularly and pay attention to the rest of the forums. When a Professor makes a post, we pay attention to it, because it's probably important.
Snowyandspots wrote:
I hope you understand now. You don't have to agree but I am not an idiot. So please don't keep saying I should reread the updates.
Game Updates wrote:
..... This group of players will operate anonymously and anyone claiming to be a Hall Monitor is certainly not one at all.
When KingsIsle says they will be anonymous they have their reasons. They have very likely seen what happens to us who make it known that we report. Someone that can mute would probably be hit with worse abuse than even we endure.
At the end of the day, it is KingsIsle's decision to make the Hall Monitors invisible. I - and many others - think it is a good choice. We are mostly people that have been on the receiving end of the backlash of someone being reported.
But, and I hope you have read this far before making a reply, I can see your point of view. They are more likely to stop swearing for someone that is able to mute them right away than they are for someone that can just report them. The chances of an instant mute (and public ridicule) is a better determent than ten people that can only report multiple times before the offender gets bored.
If a player that normally swears, etcetera sees a "Hall Monitor" badge they will probably stop sooner than a "Wizard City Protector" badge
..... My suggestion is they should have a title given. By having a title people will see this and keep from swearing. Then no one has to be reported and KI won't lose customers. If people don't know there is a hall monitor around then they will swear get muted and probably quit. Which is a loss customers for KI.
It is a very bad idea to label the Hall Monitors. 1) I am a member of Wizard City Protectors, and have witnessed - both from afar and close up - the abuse that is directed at someone who is discovered to be a reporter. It would be the same for a Monitor. 2) Players should not be using foul language in the first place. Having a Hall Monitor should not be required to make people behave themselves. 3) A few months ago when Wizard City Protectors all wore the badge, those that are repeat offenders made a point of saying things like "Oh look! A reporter! Let's all swear until we're muted!" This is an exaggerated example, of course. 4) Since the Hall Monitors were implemented I have seen those same repeat offenders push the limits of the monitors to see what it takes to get a warning or mute. 5) It seems the only players that might quit - according to complaints about the Monitors - are the players that can not follow the rules in the first place. Like someone posted above, others will return and accounts will be re-activated to balance off the lost players.
Snowyandspots wrote:
I have played others games that use player mods to keep profanity down. Two examples are runescape and maplestory. They both have player mods with a title so players can see who is a mod.
Wizard101 is not those games. It is its own entity with it's own action plan. If KingsIsle starts to make this game just like every other game on the market, they will loose more customer then they will over anonymous Hall Monitors.
Snowyandspots wrote:
See I actually give examples instead of just making claims. .....
Maybe it's just me, but that seemed a little rude to me. Members of the Wizard City Protectors do research to assure quality of info before making a post. We read the update notes and Terms of Use regularly and pay attention to the rest of the forums. When a Professor makes a post, we pay attention to it, because it's probably important.
Snowyandspots wrote:
I hope you understand now. You don't have to agree but I am not an idiot. So please don't keep saying I should reread the updates.
Game Updates wrote:
..... This group of players will operate anonymously and anyone claiming to be a Hall Monitor is certainly not one at all.
When KingsIsle says they will be anonymous they have their reasons. They have very likely seen what happens to us who make it known that we report. Someone that can mute would probably be hit with worse abuse than even we endure.
At the end of the day, it is KingsIsle's decision to make the Hall Monitors invisible. I - and many others - think it is a good choice. We are mostly people that have been on the receiving end of the backlash of someone being reported.
But, and I hope you have read this far before making a reply, I can see your point of view. They are more likely to stop swearing for someone that is able to mute them right away than they are for someone that can just report them. The chances of an instant mute (and public ridicule) is a better determent than ten people that can only report multiple times before the offender gets bored.
If a player that normally swears, etcetera sees a "Hall Monitor" badge they will probably stop sooner than a "Wizard City Protector" badge
Ok thank you for responding. Yes I do read all of the post. I try not to just read the top of someones post even if it is very long lol. I was not purposely being mean to golden but I was referring to another topic he posted on. He made a general statement that was not backed up by evidence. So I was making a statement.
You stated that wizard101 is not like those other games, which is both yes and no. Both games are MMORPG games which means they follow a basic set up. So in that sense it is the same. It isn't the same age wise and control wise.
You have seen my reasons for letting hall monitors have a title but another is because those games are successful maybe it should be tried and let hall monitors have a title. Yes I know they will be targeted but the people that are doing this won't stop just because a hall monitor got them. The people you are talking about just make new accounts so I don't see how hall monitors can help this.
If you think about it the game was designed for kids in mind but anyone can play it. So the majority of the people should be kids and maybe their parents. The thing is saying people read the update notes then they know that someone who claims they are a hall monitor is a report-able offense. Though I highly doubt kids read the update notes so there could be a rise in scamming. Even if parents read this they may not tell their kids, forget to , etc.
I am aware of the rules but 2 of my friends just today have freaked out about hall monitors. They are unaware of the limits a hall monitor has, who can be a hall monitor, etc. Mass panic might be extreme but this could make people quit the game over false rumors.
So this was just my thoughts. I am not imposing this to be set in I just wanted to make it aware to people. If enough people like the idea KI will be more willing to change it. Never anger the costumers.
I have never seen so many "adults" cry about such a ridiculous thing in my life. I dont agree nor disagree with this Hall Monitor thing because both me and my children do not curse. One thing I do wonder some days is if people realize this is just a game.
If you sit all day in the "Commons" or "Dye Shop" (I dont even know where the Dye Shop is), then you need to check and see why you even play this game. Dont do bad and then you wont need to complain.
Hall Monitors... I feel, this was only a reward to the WCP. Be that as it may, good luck Monitors.
Seems like it. Though that is life make enough noise and you will get attention. Though I have heard some negative comments about hall monitors and false mutes. :? Seems like they need to get another background check done.
Sigh you completely missed what I am saying. Just because I don't agree doesn't mean I don't understand. I will try this again. Yes it is good there are hall monitors. My suggestion is they should have a title given. By having a title people will see this and keep from swearing. Then no one has to be reported and KI won't lose customers. If people don't know there is a hall monitor around then they will swear get muted and probably quit. Which is a loss customers for KI.
LOL I think the whole point of the current system is people need to follow the rules period. Watching yourself because a mod is present is different than simply following the rules.
Having a few people quit because they suffer the consequences doesn't seem a big deal to me. I am sure KI considered this before instituting this new program. The flip side is parents will see KI taking an active stance to keep their kids safe. I see more good than harm here.
That's the thing mods will always be present. You don't need a ton of them to cover wizard101. Simply would you rather rule by force or by fear? Using force can cause anger, riots, etc. While ruling with fear will leave the masses to do work and stay quiet.
The reason why I stated this is because other games(maplestory,runescape) have these in place and they are successful games. It never hurts to take a page from someone else's book when it can benifit you. If you are going to state these games are different please read my other posts before you make an arguement.
Also stating the HM will get harassed is a possibility but the thing is they have the power to mute. Not to mention people wo t get confused about how people are claiming to be a hall monitor when in reality they are not.
Hall Monitors... I feel, this was only a reward to the WCP. Be that as it may, good luck Monitors.
Just to make things clear here. I am a Founding Member and a Group Leader of the WCP. I can assure you, even we do not know who the "Hall Monitors" are.
Even if you know us as WCP members in the game, WE are not the Hall Monitors.
I much agree with the idea of hall monitors. KingsIsle have made a good choice introducing this into the game, as it will keep the community under control!
But I do think it needs to be tweaked. Such as not displaying when people getting warned and muted, as this can change people's behavior and making them stop without such a huge warning as other who get is direct from the hall monitors, thus they do not find these abusive people so easily.
OK, get real. I can't believe anyone is saying that steps like hall monitors shouldn't be taken given the shape the spiral has deteriorated to.
I deeply resent those here who are trying to say the dye shop is theirs to hang out in and act out in even though every child that wants to dye clothes or change their pet's name needs to trek into said shop to do so and the last thing they should encounter is a totally packed wall to wall shop of people who think it is their place to just hang out and chat. No, its purpose is to dye clothes and change pets' names.
I am absolutely and totally appalled that any mother would say it's okay if my kids are subject to this. Maybe that attitude by mothers who went before you is why there are so many potty mouths running rampant in the Spiral. Maybe that is why there is a need for Hall Monitors. BTW, I have seen some mother scream at the commons there's children here, please stop using this language only to be laughed at -- in the middle of the afternoon.
There's also one further reason I'm glad there's Hall Monitors. Emotes are being used to simulate lewd acts -- and I doubt anyone crass enough to do this will listen to a mother who protests stop. I've come across simulated assault crime in the Pet Pavilion -- you know where children come to play cute games with their pets. You really think someone with that mentality is going to stop because some teary-eyed mother says please don't do that in front of my babies? I don't. They have no respect for themselves let alone anyone else, including little kids. Heck, that they're behaving this way on a children's game should give you a clue that they just don't care what they do to themselves or others, including children. Even, if you unrealistically assume they would, your child wouldn't magically unsee that. This concerns me far more than the language in open chat for that reason. My grandson is under 13 and on menu chat. I put menu chat on when he's around. He's not seeing the language.
I doubt very much they are all teens. I think there are some very creepy types that like to prey on children in this group. It's common logic that this kind of unchecked behavior would draw unsavory child predators. KI should be taking every step possible to prevent that and I think they have thought of that and are making every effort to prevent any child -- including a teen that thinks being bad makes them cool -- from coming to such harm through their game. Why do you think the exchange of personal information is one of the biggies on the not permitted list?
As for stopping buying because the game is boring -- I'm sorry but just what kind of mother are you; you should be ashamed to admit that you're perfectly willing to look the other way when your children are subject to this atmosphere and that you resent the people who are trying to change the atmosphere back to the wholesome atmosphere KI obviously intended it to be -- I'm paying for three memberships and buying a lot of crowns on top of that so you and I are a wash at best because if next summer isn't an improvement over this one, I'll be the customer they lose. Me and people like me who just can't take the filth any more or risk their young family members being exposed to it.
My grandson has been limited to a few hours a day with me along in the quiet realms. I resent that he has to have me tag along after him everywhere, looking ahead of him, to see anything visual before he does and port him away (he can only transport on my rhino). I deeply resent that it has become necessary to take these steps. DEEPLY. Mostly we played together but sometimes he went off on his own and me mine. I wasn't concerned because we sit together on the couch side by side on laptops and I could watch over his shoulder and make sure everything was okay. Now I'm nervous about letting him on even with the restrictions. If next summer makes this feeling come back, we're gone. Others have already left.
Let's face it, families paying to play together on family accounts make up the bulk of the money made off the game. KI knows that. We were their target customer base to begin with. The game was designed as a family game and marketed as such. Other players are certainly welcome and KI is very generous but we are probably 75% or more of their paying customers. (I'm guessing. I haven't any actual stats on that but it's a guess based on their marketing strategies and the feedback I see on various forums.) So the threat that you will leave because it's "boring" when KI sees to your children's safety (!!??) is a hallow threat at best.
I have been playing and seeing Hall Monitors in action, I have not seen one false mute yet. So kudos to KI on their choices of Hall Monitors!
This is quite a hot topic, but it need not be. KI explained Hall Monitors will be anonymous, period. In fact they are not allowed to tell anyone about their position.... nor can anyone claim to be. (both are reportable) KI gave us very clear terms of use rules to follow when we signed up to play their game. This is their "house", their company and they make the rules, so therefor there is no freedom of speech (as professor GreyRose reminds us).
KI has chat filters in place. Any word that turns red when typed is a "no-no" word, it is a word that violates the terms of use. IF we type it as red, it shows as three dots on the chat log. SO those who want to use that word anyway will type it in such a way to have it turn yellow OR white so it will be seen by others. This is creative swearing or creative profanity. This too is a clear violation of the terms of use. But there is more to it than simply using profanity or swearing, it is also bullying, racism and other derogatory, hate speech type conversations that are also reportable and sanctionable. Furthermore the sharing of account info or any personal info is also violating the terms of use. (Also all chat is logged in game, live realms, test realms, public chats, private whisper chats, chat in homes/dorms, dungeons, gauntlets and closed instances.. furthermore anything we type here on their site can also cause our W101 accounts to be sanctioned IF we break the rules. (not sure about their FB pages though))
So if you do not want to be reported, muted or banned simply follow the terms of use, it is very very simple and easy. Want to prevent some of the false reports? Do not engage others, especially in drama filled situations. (IF you do not chat, KI will see it as a clear false report and nothing bad will stay on your account record.)
Also, Just because a "friend" says they did nothing wrong, or said nothing wrong does NOT mean it is true! OR if you did not SEE them say anything wrong, do not assume they in fact did not say anything wrong, there is whisper chat and I can not count how many unsolicited vulgar nasty whisper chats I have gotten in game that I had to report.
Hall Monitors are a huge asset to our game! KI takes this position very seriously, they have explained not only the anonymous aspect of it, but that when they are looking to add someone to that position they thoroughly review their entire account history , including any possible sanctions placed against them, reporting history, false reports etc etc.
As far as wanting KI to require all hall monitors be wearing a badge.... that is simply silly, no one should be violating the terms of use, period, so IF they were to follow the rules, whether or not a hall monitor is present does not really matter.
Let me close by saying just because there are WCP out there, that does not mean at all that any of us are Hall Monitors... just because there are Hall Monitors, does not mean WCP are gone. KI did not do this to reward the WCP they did this to clean up their game... there is NO place in our game for adult triple X, violent, racist, vulgar or similar type of conversations. KI has finally had enough as well... and for that I am thankful.
It seemed like a good idea at first, but then I realized that some kids are just plan cruel, I've seen a hall monitor mute someone who didn't deserve it. " The Hall Monitor " is way too much for kids to in this game to handle, to temptation to abuse there powere is to great, and people are quiting the game as a result.
It seemed like a good idea at first, but then I realized that some kids are just plan cruel, I've seen a hall monitor mute someone who didn't deserve it. " The Hall Monitor " is way too much for kids to in this game to handle, to temptation to abuse there powere is to great, and people are quiting the game as a result.
Really? I can tell you that I have watched the "Hall Monitors" in action and I have not ONCE seen a player muted that did not deserve it. Get Real.
If you are assuming the Hall Monitor is a kid, not likely. KI would not put something like this in the hands of a child. KI doesn extensive background checks on those they select for this HIGHLY stressful position.
Those that are quitting are doing so because KI has taken steps to protect their interests for a Game THEY developed and set RULES in place. Those that are quitting are doing so because they are getting caught for breaking the rules plain and simple. MANY of those that are quitting have already had long term mutes or bans on certain accounts and some have been IP banned.
The biggest problem I am seeing is players ranting because they or a friend has been warned and or muted for saying things or doing things that are not allowed in the game. If you have TEXT chat there are some things you can not see. So if your friend or someone else gets muted you might want to stop and think about the chat option that player has. Just because you did not see it, does not mean it was not said.
All Hall Monitors will have OPEN chat other wise, it would be a waste of KI's time to put them in the game. Hall Monitors are going to be mature, responsible adults, and it would not surprise me in the least if some of them were actually KI staff, but that is something WE will not know.
KI has been very gracious with letting players have various chat options, but too many have chosen to abuse that little perk. Now that KI has stepped up their efforts to keep the game clean and safe, all we hear now is players screaming "False Reports", and various other rants.
If those players had not started breaking the rules and becoming more and more foul mouthed, harassing, threatening and just down right abusive, then none of this would be happening. Don't blame the Hall Monitors or anyone else for your/other players actions in the game. Follow the rules and you are safe.
I fully support the HALL MONITORS and KI for this change.
The creative director and co-creator of Wizard101 continues to say on his own facebook page, that senior wizards are monitoring and reviewing absolutely everything the hall monitors (and the rest of us) are doing and saying. IF they are found to abuse their "power" they will lose that power and be sanctioned seriously. But he has also stated that upon review of these "complaints" of false reports and false mutes, so far very few if any were really false.
Also just because we do not visually SEE something in the chat box on our screen does not mean beyond a shadow of a doubt that TOU violations are not in fact taking place. (since it is more than just public chat of creative swearing)
Senior wizards are reviewing both sets of chat logs from both the Hall Monitor or reporter AND the one who was reported/sanctioned and will either remove the mark and place the mark against or sanction the false reporter and/or take action against the Hall Monitor, OR if true violation was found in the logs (2 hrs before 2 hr after, some cases accounts are reviewed as well) they can turn that 24hr mute into a 3 day, or even 10 yr mute.
In the end, this is Wizard101 world/business and they can enact any rule or restriction they want, all they have ever asked of us is to follow the TOU to a "T". The ones who constantly abuse the rules and show such disrespect as to spawn a level ! wizard just to continue their vulgar profane activity is the reason why W101 will continue to enforce and uphold their own TOU, continue to tighten it further. So far, it is flushing out the bad ones and is working quite well. They make a big scene once muted when they return on a spawn and then are quickly wiped away again, if you are here to simply test and break the rules, you will be muted and eventually banned. IF things do not turn around soon, I would not be surprised if we begin to see IP mutes and bans.. which those on family accounts may complain about, but just stress to family members that they need to follow the Terms Of Use. It is simple. They have the right to make any rule they need to and we have the right to either follow those rules or find another game that is rated M so we can be nasty somewhere else. Yes they may lose a couple baskets of bad apples, but there are many many more than that wanting and ready to join and play but won't until the filth is cleaned up. For ever apple they lose, at least 5 new ones will join and they know this, a cleaner/friendlier game is a more successful game/business.
As for me and my family, we thank KI and W101 for stepping up and taking action against the Bad Apples of the spiral, it is already improving and I see a very wonderful future ahead! Thank you Wizard101!
It seemed like a good idea at first, but then I realized that some kids are just plan cruel, I've seen a hall monitor mute someone who didn't deserve it. " The Hall Monitor " is way too much for kids to in this game to handle, to temptation to abuse there powere is to great, and people are quiting the game as a result.
Just because you THINK you saw a HM mute someone for no reason, doesn't mean they didn't deserve it. Cursing isn't the only thing that can get you warnings or mutes. I see people complain all the time that they were muted unfairly. If that's the case, then they are not telling the whole truth.
Too much for kids in the game to handle? Kids should NOT have filtered or open chat. The main account holder is the one that allowed this to happen, thinking their little 'sweethearts' would never do anything wrong.
If people are quitting the game as a result, then so be it. If you play the game and obey the rules that KI has established, then HM's will not be a problem. HM's enforce the Terms of Use. The abuse of the chat system in the game has come to the unfortunate conclusion that HM's are necessary.
I for one am incredibly happy the HM's are present. They deserve a huge amount of kudos for what they have to endure.
I need one question answered. Saying you are muted by a Hall Monitor how long can a hall monitor mute you? Does the hall monitor choose how long the mute is place or is the mute indefinet until KI checks the mute?
One idea I would like to add is the mute should be for 3 days. That should be plenty of time for a KI employe to check over the mute. If it is more than 3 days then KI should get some more support to cover these mutes. Some people are getting muted for illagitamte reasons.
It seemed like a good idea at first, but then I realized that some kids are just plan cruel, I've seen a hall monitor mute someone who didn't deserve it. " The Hall Monitor " is way too much for kids to in this game to handle, to temptation to abuse there powere is to great, and people are quiting the game as a result.
I don't buy that for one second. KI is not silly enough to use kids instead of mature adults first of all. And second of all, all the claims that they're muting just to mute have been so far unfounded and I'm betting yours is too. 3rd, KI reviews their decisions and they know it. Any hall monitor abusing their power won't be there long to do so. And fourth, just because you didn't see the reason doesn't mean it wasn't there and wasn't deserved. Maybe someone whisper chatted them or maybe it was before you got there or maybe it was when the chat was busy and they caught something you didn't. I don't believe you're right about this one. I have seen deserved warnings and mutes protested as not deserved. Any breaking the ToU is deserved. Point blank.
It seemed like a good idea at first, but then I realized that some kids are just plan cruel,
You're right. Some kids (people in general) are cruel. They're also irresponsible and disrespectful. These kids seem to think its funny to see their friends get muted, and then they think it's cool to speak out and try to get themselves muted. They try to taunt the hall monitor thinking that they look cool to their friends. But once the mute happens to them, they probably either (a) freak out thinking they did nothing wrong, or (b) sit back and reflect on everything that was said prior to their muting, and realize just how stupid they actually were.
I've seen a hall monitor mute someone who didn't deserve it. "
Ahh, example (a) from above. The next time you see someone scream "i was false muted" after you see the broadcast message that 'a hall monitor muted so-in-so', scroll back in the chat log, scroll way waaaaayyy back. I'll just bet, 99.9% of the time, you're going to discover the reason. It may not because of something they immediately last said; it could easily be from something that they said up to a couple of minutes ago. Also, in common areas, and depending on how crowded (dye shop in Wu gets very very crowded at the best of times), the chat log can scroll very quickly. As it takes a bit of time to type out your reason for 'reporting', my belief is that it is much the same for a Hall Monitor's mute report. So don't assume a false mute has taken place if you can't immediately see the infraction. Take a scroll back down memory lane - I'm sure you'll find it. And besides, if it was In Error, K.I. will determine that when their moderators review the log for the Hall Monitor's accuracy.
The Hall Monitor " is way too much for kids to in this game to handle, to temptation to abuse there powere is to great, and people are quiting the game as a result.
Don't assume a Hall Monitor will "abuse" their power. As I mentioned, K.I. reviews everything a Hall Monitor does for accuracy. When a mute has been properly applied, depending on the level of the infraction, K.I. could extend the mute time beyond that which the Hall Monitor is able to impose. If K.I. determines an error has occurred, they will also deal with that appropriately. I'm sure if the mute was a malicious attack by the Hall Monitor (as you seem to think they would/could be), that will be determined in their review as well, and I'm sure if that is proven, that sanctions may be dealt in the Hall Monitor's direction which could include cancellation of their Hall Monitor status indefinitely.
If people are quitting the game because they feel they're not allowed to curse around the filter anymore, or bully others anymore, or carry on inappropriately anymore, then good riddance to them! For every foul mouthed entitled F2P player who quits this game because K.I. is imposing stricter penalties for their bad behavior, that is one more subscribing family who joins this game. It's a win-win for K.I. in my opinion, and therefore, a good business decision!
Out with the trash, as they say, for a cleaner tomorrow!
I meant yellow words not red, I've been muted once for one day for saying something in yellow. My friend got muted for saying something in yellow, I don't say things in red but yellow and i get in trouble for it.
I meant yellow words not red, I've been muted once for one day for saying something in yellow. My friend got muted for saying something in yellow, I don't say things in red but yellow and i get in trouble for it.
Some people will change a red-letter word to a yellow-letter word just by changing the letters or adding to it.
Just because it's a yellow-letter word, doesn't mean it's appropriate to say. Especially if it's put in a sentence that can change the meaning to something inappropriate. Context is what reporters look for. A single word alone might not warrant a report, warning, or mute, but depending on how that word is included in a sentence (and how it's read), it may trigger actions by those of us who watch for it.