well i have a few wizard names one of them i think is funny Scarlet RainbowFountain level 12 Alia DreamSmith level 86 Roslyn DreamRider level 15 Kymma BattleHeart level 10 Jasmine DreamSmith level 8 Fallon DreamFinder level 43 do you know they mostly all have dream in there last name
When creating a new character I feel it is always worthwhile to spend a few minutes coming up with a good name. However, most of my names aren't particularly funny. My high level balance wizard, for instance, is Tarlac Battlestrider.
When I created my life wizard, though, I was in a playful mood, and he became Angus Ogrebreath.
Some of those are pretty funny. Have to love the creative ideas flowing through Wizard City. I know I accidentally named my first two characters Malorn Nightshade and Finnigan Ashthorn. Completely oblivious at the time that Malorn Ashthorn was an in-game character. Anyway, none of my characters are that funny, but I like to play with the pet names. The other day I was renaming my little Shaolin Monkey, and noticed I could name him Boots. So now I have a little monkey dressed in red named Boots. My kids loved the nod to Dora the Explorer.
(Any name) Wildsword • Patrick Star • Angel Angle • (Any name) Frogbreath • Paul Walker • (Any name) Disyblossom • and wanna say my name is funny to because imma weird like that Heather DreamHaven
I once ran into a Noah Pants in Wysteria... and, just when I thought I was done giggling like a schoolgirl, his wife- a Fallon Pants- showed up. it was a struggle to stay in my chair after that. :P
If I wasn't in a bungee chair, I'd be on the floor.