Amber Rose (Ambrose XDDDD) Brilliant name is brilliant o;
I named my new character this and I want to thank you for posting that :P
Amber Rose will become the greatest sorcerer in the history of Wizard101!!
Emma Troll, pretty clever! I'm going to use that one for my myth.
Luke Skywalker is fairly common, along with Sierra Mist and Taylor Swift. I have seen a Jack Frost that was ice, then another that was fire. o_O and I made a Patrick Star that was storm (storm-ocean)
Ooh! I know one! Robert Pants. Bob is a nickname for Robert so it would then be Bob Pants. I hope square is a last name..
Scarlet Hawk Promethean Necromancer Amber Rose Apprentice Sorcerer "Why? The world may never know."
My biggest pet peeve regarding names, is the name Fallon. It's not because I don't like it. In fact, I think it's a beautiful name. The thing is, most people don't know how to pronounce it - especially when trying to use it in a witty context.
To all the people posting about wizards named Fallon Pants, Fallon Angel, etc, the problem is that the name Fallon is NOT pronounced "fallen".
The name Fallon is pronounced as 'Fal-in' Fal, like pal in like bin It rhymes with Talon.
I'm really sorry to burst everyone's bubble on that name, but I mean, I can't be the only one who noticed that. So think of this as like a public service to any future Fallons that may be created. The name on its own is awesome. But combine it with a corny 'look-how-cute-I-am' name combo, and it loses all meaning (and none of your friends want to say anything)
dude fallon angle is even funnier a fallon angle you
Wolf Bane anyone? Or go for Wolf Hunter..or Hunter Hunter (yes you can name your character that)..or Wolf Skull (that's part of my name my friends call me that in game)
XD just thought of this, have 3 people named Wolf Night stand next to each one? Three Dog Night XD LOL.
My friend first joined the game named Hunter Nightstalker. He has been that since the game started. Guess what badge he wears? NIGHTSTALKER.
Wolf Skullslinger (more commonly known as Wolf Skull)
I have a person named Scarlet Hawk and on another account I made a Scarlet HawkStalker. Next time I log on, I am so going to add them. I'll then make it look like I'm not the same person. Evil laugh time. :D
I have to admit, these are all funny names Siera Mist and Jack Hammer are by far the most funniest names to me I have also seen the name Luke Skywalker a ton of times...
My biggest pet peeve regarding names, is the name Fallon. It's not because I don't like it. In fact, I think it's a beautiful name. The thing is, most people don't know how to pronounce it - especially when trying to use it in a witty context.
To all the people posting about wizards named Fallon Pants, Fallon Angel, etc, the problem is that the name Fallon is NOT pronounced "fallen".
The name Fallon is pronounced as 'Fal-in' Fal, like pal in like bin It rhymes with Talon.
I'm really sorry to burst everyone's bubble on that name, but I mean, I can't be the only one who noticed that. So think of this as like a public service to any future Fallons that may be created. The name on its own is awesome. But combine it with a corny 'look-how-cute-I-am' name combo, and it loses all meaning (and none of your friends want to say anything)
Coincidentally, I've got a fire Wizard called Chris Griffin .
Extending into Pirate101, I've also seen Morgan Freeman (Actor), Scarlet Johansson (actress), and a boy dressed all in black with blonde hair called "Wesley" (subtle reference to The Princess Bride).