So I have seen multiple people already, some that I reported, who said their friend is a hall monitor. I was wondering, is this a reportable offense? Or is this a false report against me? Because its like saying your dad works for KingsIsle to me. One of them had other things they could be reported for, he gave away his age (he had text chat, clearly he was lying anyways) (And then said you dont know my age, lol? Contradicting much?). Another said "My friend is a hall monitor and he got banned by another hall monitor" which I reported, because I know for a FACT, he is lying.
PS: Is it against the rules for Hall Monitors to tell ANYONE they are one, even if they are their best friends?
PSS: I am sick of all the people accusing me of being a hall monitor. Anyone else feel this way? >_> If you wanna have fun, go into the Wu realm dye shop, report someone, and watch them all start screaming "HALL MONITOR!" It is quite entertaining.
Ronster KI clearly said Hall Monitors are anonymous. Professor Greyrose said this "And yes, since the program is completely anonymous to everyone but KingsIsle, claiming you are a Hall Monitor is a reportable (and bannable) offense. ". I am hoping she will clarify on claims of friends, uncles, third cousins brothers being Hall Monitors.
For now I will only report people claiming to be Hall Monitors.
So I have seen multiple people already, some that I reported, who said their friend is a hall monitor. I was wondering, is this a reportable offense? Or is this a false report against me? Because its like saying your dad works for KingsIsle to me. One of them had other things they could be reported for, he gave away his age (he had text chat, clearly he was lying anyways) (And then said you dont know my age, lol? Contradicting much?). Another said "My friend is a hall monitor and he got banned by another hall monitor" which I reported, because I know for a FACT, he is lying.
PS: Is it against the rules for Hall Monitors to tell ANYONE they are one, even if they are their best friends?
PSS: I am sick of all the people accusing me of being a hall monitor. Anyone else feel this way? >_> If you wanna have fun, go into the Wu realm dye shop, report someone, and watch them all start screaming "HALL MONITOR!" It is quite entertaining.
Ronster, the answer to your PS is YES it is against the rules.... Hall Monitors are not allowed to tell anyone even their friends if they do and KI catches it, they won't be a Hall Monitor any longer.... If you by any chance discover you do know one, I would make sure you don't ever mention it to anyone. By doing so, could get you into trouble and I would also suggest you don't mention it to the one you think is one.
Reply to your PSS, I think this is something that many of us will experience for a while and especially those of us that are known to be WCP members. I was accused of being one myself last night in the Dye shop. Some were even saying I had been there all day when in fact I had not been in the game very long at all.
There is a lot of protest about the Hall Monitors just the same as there has been about WCP. It will soon die down and players will go about playing their game. It is just something they are not used to seeing and by now seeing other players being muted right in front of them much faster than before, they are getting their little cursing groups turned upside down.
I for one fully appreciate what the Hall Monitors will be doing. I know for me and some other friends, the last SEVERAL weeks has been a trying period and we did not know what kind of difference we could make, but knew we needed to do something. Although there is still a lot to be done, The WCP can now resume our questing and start enjoying the game once again.
But just to clear the air, I am NOT a Hall Monitor. So please don't accuse me of being one.
Wow Hall monitors just came out a few days ago and it became huge. Well anyways claiming you or someone else is a hall monitor is a reportable offense. Plus that person threaten to ban you, well for sure you can tell your best friend in the game that your a hall monitor and as long as they keep it a secret no harm is done. The last one is hilarious i bet if ki members gave people the jobs as admins, anyone who would get reported would scream "ADMIN!!!!!".
Wow Hall monitors just came out a few days ago and it became huge. Well anyways claiming you or someone else is a hall monitor is a reportable offense. Plus that person threaten to ban you, well for sure you can tell your best friend in the game that your a hall monitor and as long as they keep it a secret no harm is done. The last one is hilarious i bet if ki members gave people the jobs as admins, anyone who would get reported would scream "ADMIN!!!!!".
I highly doubt Hall Monitors can tell anyone who they are. This old saying comes to mind, "Loose lips sink ships.". I would think KI would swear them to secrecy, but that is just my opinion. Otherwise, identities could get out.
Wow Hall monitors just came out a few days ago and it became huge. Well anyways claiming you or someone else is a hall monitor is a reportable offense. Plus that person threaten to ban you, well for sure you can tell your best friend in the game that your a hall monitor and as long as they keep it a secret no harm is done. The last one is hilarious i bet if ki members gave people the jobs as admins, anyone who would get reported would scream "ADMIN!!!!!".
Conno, I am not really sure if you understand the implications. If a person that is a "Hall Monitor" does tell their best friend, they will NO LONGER be a Hall Monitor and CAN be banned from the game.
i know i have the same thing. there was a girl that i was doing a player vs player match with. i ignored her. she was saying mean things with menu chat. i want to report her but i would not like if it turned on me! :x
Wow Hall monitors just came out a few days ago and it became huge. Well anyways claiming you or someone else is a hall monitor is a reportable offense. Plus that person threaten to ban you, well for sure you can tell your best friend in the game that your a hall monitor and as long as they keep it a secret no harm is done. The last one is hilarious i bet if ki members gave people the jobs as admins, anyone who would get reported would scream "ADMIN!!!!!".
Conno, I am not really sure if you understand the implications. If a person that is a "Hall Monitor" does tell their best friend, they will NO LONGER be a Hall Monitor and CAN be banned from the game.
Ok but you can tell them OUTSIDE the game, and no harm can be done. Its not like your working for the FBI.
Here's the information posted in the August game update:
"Hall Monitors
Something we take very seriously at KingsIsle is making sure that the Spiral is a fun and appropriate place for Players of all ages.
We are expanding our current reporting tools for a select group of players who have earned the privilege of being a “Hall Monitor”. This group of players will operate anonymously and anyone claiming to be a Hall Monitor is certainly not one at all.
These Hall Monitors, who are selected by invitation only, will have the ability to take direct action when they see behavior that violates our Terms of Use. This action includes warning and muting players who circumvent our chat filters. These sanctions will be reviewed by our senior Wizards to ensure the correct action was taken, and may escalate sanctions as necessary.
Hall Monitors are not to be confused with other player initiated reporting groups and the basic reporting function will still be available to our current Members and players who have made a purchase of Crowns in the last 30 days. We will continue to be diligent to keep the Spiral a clean and safe place for all our young Wizards."
I'm extremely annoyed by this new hall monitor thing. I think being reported and then Kingsisle reviewing the chat log was just fine. With or without hall monitors there is still going to be cursing in the game, harrassing, etc. I know alot of people are raging about it. My friend got muted for false reasons. Some girl came up to him and started harassing him, she called him fat and other cruel names then all of the sudden he got muted, and she laughed. I think this is taking the enjoyment out of the game. If this game is meant for kids then the kids that play arent able to see what other people are saying anyways. So that should make the game safe enough. I KNOW that alot of people are going to be drove to quitting wizard101. In my opinion this hall monitor thing was a very bad idea. People are taking advantage of it. :? Kingsisle thinks that they picked people they can trust to mute people for relevant reasons, but the truth is, they dont know for sure if these people are muting them for relevant reasons. These people have there own opinions so they could think calling someone a noob is worth muting this person for when its really not necessary to mute someone for that reason. Now everyone is gonna be scared to talk out loud. Might as well just take chat completely off if youre going to add something like hall monitors
Wow Hall monitors just came out a few days ago and it became huge. Well anyways claiming you or someone else is a hall monitor is a reportable offense. Plus that person threaten to ban you, well for sure you can tell your best friend in the game that your a hall monitor and as long as they keep it a secret no harm is done. The last one is hilarious i bet if ki members gave people the jobs as admins, anyone who would get reported would scream "ADMIN!!!!!".
I highly doubt Hall Monitors can tell anyone who they are. This old saying comes to mind, "Loose lips sink ships.". I would think KI would swear them to secrecy, but that is just my opinion. Otherwise, identities could get out.
I doubt they would go that far. To make it legal they would have to get a contract signed which is legal matter that you don't want to get into. Would be a waste of money, time, and effort.
I'm extremely annoyed by this new hall monitor thing. I think being reported and then Kingsisle reviewing the chat log was just fine. With or without hall monitors there is still going to be cursing in the game, harrassing, etc. I know alot of people are raging about it.
Three things you mention here and three responses I will give: * I believe you think KingsIsle's current review of chat log was working. Well if you've been reading the forums for the past 3 years, it has been well pointed out that something was lacking, because people were still abusing their chat priviledges. The WCP group was formed starting with a group of parents concerned that the language in the game was getting out of hand. People have posted about this problem for 3 years or more. * I think you made a good point, with or without Hall Monitors there will still be cursing in the game. But what people who curse have failed to realize is that their cursing in game is a violation of the terms of use, and is a report-able offense. The introduction of the Hall Monitor program is yet another way to target this behavior just one step further than the Report feature that is available to us. K.I. has stated that they take this very seriously. *And thirdly, people are raging about it. Whenever there is change, not everyone adapts quite as well as others, and some will speak out about it and fight it because they don't understand it. Those who are mostly opposed to this program would, in my opinion, be those whose chat privileges are at risk due to the crackdown on their choices to break the terms of use.
If this game is meant for kids then the kids that play arent able to see what other people are saying anyways. So that should make the game safe enough.
If the game was 'safe enough', then there wouldn't be the need to have to improve on the safeguards of this game. Open chat is a privilege not to be abused. Using it to circumvent the chat filters is a violation of the terms of use and has been getting out of hand for some time. K.I. recognized that improvements to make the game 'safe enough' had to occur.
I KNOW that alot of people are going to be drove to quitting wizard101. In my opinion this hall monitor thing was a very bad idea. People are taking advantage of it. :?
People are taking advantage how? By trying to "test" the system by cursing more when they know a hall monitor is present? If you think that hall monitors are abusing this extra privilege that K.I. has felt they deserved and earned, I'm sure you are mistaken. However, if they are found by K.I. staff to be abusing this privilege, then I'm sure K.I. will deal with that individual fairly and justly. And perhaps those who feel they are being "driven away" are probably those who don't respect rules or Terms of Use and therefore, I'm pretty sure K.I. wouldn't want them as customers anyways if they are going to continue to abuse the product K.I. has given them to play on. That said, knowing that the disrespectful clientele is gone, will in fact, be a win for the safety of this game, attracting more families in the process.
Kingsisle thinks that they picked people they can trust to mute people for relevant reasons, but the truth is, they dont know for sure if these people are muting them for relevant reasons. These people have there own opinions so they could think calling someone a noob is worth muting this person for when its really not necessary to mute someone for that reason.
KingsIsle is the company that created this game and if they feel that someone is deserving and earned the right to be a Hall Monitor, then we, as clients, need to respect their decision. They have been clear in stating that they review every chat log and every decision by a hall monitor thoroughly and impose further sanctions as they see fit. We need to respect and trust that they have somewhat of an inkling of a clue what they're doing.
Now everyone is gonna be scared to talk out loud.
Oh, give me a break! Are you really that ignorant? When people use chat the way it was designed and in a respectful manner, and not violate the Terms of Use, then there's absolutely nothing to be 'scared' about. The only ones who should be scared are those who purposely violate the rules that K.I. has put in place to protect us.
I think the Hall Monitor program is an excellent idea; and my hope is that K.I. will continue to build their team member base for the safety and protection of all wizards.
I, for one, approve and support the hall monitor program KI has implemented. I am sure that those who do not approve either simply don't understand the purpose and intent of implementing this and maybe just don't like change, or are those who abuse the system and just want to continue to be able to do so. The only people who will really be affected by this change, however, is those who do abuse the system.
It is a fact that we all make mistakes, so I can see where a hall monitor might occasionally mute someone who shouldn't have been muted, but I tend think those cases will be few and far between. I would gladly be the victim of an accidental mute and have the hall monitors keeping the game safe for our children and grandchildren, than to continue letting those who abuse the chat system to do so.
I do have a question for Fallon, though. What does WCP stand for? If I had to guess, I would say Wizard Chat Protection. All I can say is thanks to you all for being diligent enough to get KI to implement this program. :)
Wow Hall monitors just came out a few days ago and it became huge. Well anyways claiming you or someone else is a hall monitor is a reportable offense. Plus that person threaten to ban you, well for sure you can tell your best friend in the game that your a hall monitor and as long as they keep it a secret no harm is done. The last one is hilarious i bet if ki members gave people the jobs as admins, anyone who would get reported would scream "ADMIN!!!!!".
I highly doubt Hall Monitors can tell anyone who they are. This old saying comes to mind, "Loose lips sink ships.". I would think KI would swear them to secrecy, but that is just my opinion. Otherwise, identities could get out.
I doubt they would go that far. To make it legal they would have to get a contract signed which is legal matter that you don't want to get into. Would be a waste of money, time, and effort.
My, you certainly like to be contrary.
They have one called a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). They used it for Pirates101 Beta testing. I know I agreed to it. I have no doubt it is in use for Hall Monitors too. Basically, you agree not to say a word about anything until KI releases from it. It is a legal agreement.
Wow Hall monitors just came out a few days ago and it became huge. Well anyways claiming you or someone else is a hall monitor is a reportable offense. Plus that person threaten to ban you, well for sure you can tell your best friend in the game that your a hall monitor and as long as they keep it a secret no harm is done. The last one is hilarious i bet if ki members gave people the jobs as admins, anyone who would get reported would scream "ADMIN!!!!!".
I highly doubt Hall Monitors can tell anyone who they are. This old saying comes to mind, "Loose lips sink ships.". I would think KI would swear them to secrecy, but that is just my opinion. Otherwise, identities could get out.
I doubt they would go that far. To make it legal they would have to get a contract signed which is legal matter that you don't want to get into. Would be a waste of money, time, and effort.
My, you certainly like to be contrary.
They have one called a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). They used it for Pirates101 Beta testing. I know I agreed to it. I have no doubt it is in use for Hall Monitors too. Basically, you agree not to say a word about anything until KI releases from it. It is a legal agreement.
That requires a signature. Meaning you have it on physical paper which would require them to either email it out have someone print it out sign it then fax it back. The other option would be to mail it to the person where they would then sign it and have to mail it back. I am not saying that is impossible but seems like a lot of extra work to get someone to become a hall monitor. -.-
I am aware there are contracts out there but it just seems like too much of a hassle to deal with. Most companies are notorious for being lazy they want to gain as much money as possible with little effort. So for hall monitors I speculate that they wouldn't have a NDA.
For pirates101 it is a little bit more secretive since it is a game indevelopment. Each contract varies in severity of punishment ranging from fines all the way to prison. Though what I laugh at is its easy to find a leak on the interent since a person can be ananymous. The government is finding that out the hard way. Also some companies have learned of it also.
Anyways got off topic there. So yes I don't believe hall monitors would be signing NDA since in the end its just part of the game.
Since many online companies and federal/municipal/state (IRS, USPS, INS, state assistance websites etc etc) regulated sites have electronic signatures that are legal and binding, they can have a NDA (or any rule.) that is binding with an electronic signature with serious consequences if said rules are violated. Long gone are the days of handwritten signatures as the ONLY legally bound signature.
Similar to when we all agreed to follow the terms of Use when we signed up to use/play wizard101... if we choose to not follow the rules, there are consequences. So if one chooses not to uphold the NDA there are consequences as in being banned from playing any KI game or accessing any of their sites.
I believe there is a version of an NDA for hall monitors simply because of the serious implications if they break the code of anonymity.
I, for one, approve and support the hall monitor program KI has implemented. I am sure that those who do not approve either simply don't understand the purpose and intent of implementing this and maybe just don't like change, or are those who abuse the system and just want to continue to be able to do so. The only people who will really be affected by this change, however, is those who do abuse the system.
It is a fact that we all make mistakes, so I can see where a hall monitor might occasionally mute someone who shouldn't have been muted, but I tend think those cases will be few and far between. I would gladly be the victim of an accidental mute and have the hall monitors keeping the game safe for our children and grandchildren, than to continue letting those who abuse the chat system to do so.
I do have a question for Fallon, though. What does WCP stand for? If I had to guess, I would say Wizard Chat Protection. All I can say is thanks to you all for being diligent enough to get KI to implement this program. :)
Fiziali, thank you for supporting the update that KI made by putting the Hall Monitors in the game. I know I can honestly say that as much as we were wanting KI to take action against the abusive nature, we did not expect something like this to happen. This was the greatest safety update we could possibly ask for.
In answer to your question as to what WCP stands for it is "Wizard City Protector". I am sure you will remember earning that badge by defeating Nightshade in the Storm Drain Tower. We chose that because it was the only one that really fit for the quest we set out to accomplish. We as a group have put in a lot of time to make the actions of those players that chose to abuse the game and other players well known to KI and others. I am sure KI was aware there was a problem but we have no way of knowing how much they did know.
So many players have chosen to ignore these problems and not report when they should. We have seen more and more players taking a stand since we started our group and we applaud them and thank them as well for doing so. There are a few other groups that are also doing the same thing we do but I will not name them as we feel each should make that choice for themselves. We don't even name our own members until they make it known who they are. Everyone should feel comfortable with what they do whether it is with a group or as an individual. But, no one should have to endure any kind of abuse in the game and especially a child.
Now as to those wondering about HMs being held to a "contract or NDA". Ever hear of ELETRONIC SIGNATURE. It can be done and it is BINDING.
If you don't know what an NDA is, it stands for NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT. Which also means YOU DON'T TELL.
HI all, I am new to this game and just now getting the hang of chat and of the relationships between wizards (good and bad). I am also a mom who plays the game with her three daughters. I appreciate everything that KI is doing to keep this game safe for my kids. I have seen the things that go on as wizards work to get around the safety shields and my daughters have encountered mean and naughty wizards. I am happy about the hall monitors. I am also happy about all of you that have opinions and questions about it. Any new system needs tweeking and I hope KI is open to hearing the feedback.
As a "noob" with three "noob" kids I would ask where is the best place I can go for more information about chatting and about what is reportable and not reportable? One of the reasons I play this game is to be an advisor to my kids. I am sure there have been some lively threads on these topics. Can you point the way for me? Also, threads about the chat filter and how it works. (I get confused in my chatting about what is allowed and what isn't)
I know this stuff is in the handbook but deeper understanding can be found in a good discussion.
I'm extremely annoyed by this new hall monitor thing. I think being reported and then Kingsisle reviewing the chat log was just fine. With or without hall monitors there is still going to be cursing in the game, harrassing, etc. I know alot of people are raging about it.
Three things you mention here and three responses I will give: * I believe you think KingsIsle's current review of chat log was working. Well if you've been reading the forums for the past 3 years, it has been well pointed out that something was lacking, because people were still abusing their chat priviledges. The WCP group was formed starting with a group of parents concerned that the language in the game was getting out of hand. People have posted about this problem for 3 years or more. * I think you made a good point, with or without Hall Monitors there will still be cursing in the game. But what people who curse have failed to realize is that their cursing in game is a violation of the terms of use, and is a report-able offense. The introduction of the Hall Monitor program is yet another way to target this behavior just one step further than the Report feature that is available to us. K.I. has stated that they take this very seriously. *And thirdly, people are raging about it. Whenever there is change, not everyone adapts quite as well as others, and some will speak out about it and fight it because they don't understand it. Those who are mostly opposed to this program would, in my opinion, be those whose chat privileges are at risk due to the crackdown on their choices to break the terms of use.
If this game is meant for kids then the kids that play arent able to see what other people are saying anyways. So that should make the game safe enough.
If the game was 'safe enough', then there wouldn't be the need to have to improve on the safeguards of this game. Open chat is a privilege not to be abused. Using it to circumvent the chat filters is a violation of the terms of use and has been getting out of hand for some time. K.I. recognized that improvements to make the game 'safe enough' had to occur.
I KNOW that alot of people are going to be drove to quitting wizard101. In my opinion this hall monitor thing was a very bad idea. People are taking advantage of it. :?
People are taking advantage how? By trying to "test" the system by cursing more when they know a hall monitor is present? If you think that hall monitors are abusing this extra privilege that K.I. has felt they deserved and earned, I'm sure you are mistaken. However, if they are found by K.I. staff to be abusing this privilege, then I'm sure K.I. will deal with that individual fairly and justly. And perhaps those who feel they are being "driven away" are probably those who don't respect rules or Terms of Use and therefore, I'm pretty sure K.I. wouldn't want them as customers anyways if they are going to continue to abuse the product K.I. has given them to play on. That said, knowing that the disrespectful clientele is gone, will in fact, be a win for the safety of this game, attracting more families in the process.
Kingsisle thinks that they picked people they can trust to mute people for relevant reasons, but the truth is, they dont know for sure if these people are muting them for relevant reasons. These people have there own opinions so they could think calling someone a noob is worth muting this person for when its really not necessary to mute someone for that reason.
KingsIsle is the company that created this game and if they feel that someone is deserving and earned the right to be a Hall Monitor, then we, as clients, need to respect their decision. They have been clear in stating that they review every chat log and every decision by a hall monitor thoroughly and impose further sanctions as they see fit. We need to respect and trust that they have somewhat of an inkling of a clue what they're doing.
Now everyone is gonna be scared to talk out loud.
Oh, give me a break! Are you really that ignorant? When people use chat the way it was designed and in a respectful manner, and not violate the Terms of Use, then there's absolutely nothing to be 'scared' about. The only ones who should be scared are those who purposely violate the rules that K.I. has put in place to protect us.
I think the Hall Monitor program is an excellent idea; and my hope is that K.I. will continue to build their team member base for the safety and protection of all wizards.
Destiny SpiritGiver
I totally agree Destiny!!! With everything that you said!! Jasmine Nightshard
HI all, I am new to this game and just now getting the hang of chat and of the relationships between wizards (good and bad). I am also a mom who plays the game with her three daughters. I appreciate everything that KI is doing to keep this game safe for my kids. I have seen the things that go on as wizards work to get around the safety shields and my daughters have encountered mean and naughty wizards. I am happy about the hall monitors. I am also happy about all of you that have opinions and questions about it. Any new system needs tweeking and I hope KI is open to hearing the feedback.
As a "noob" with three "noob" kids I would ask where is the best place I can go for more information about chatting and about what is reportable and not reportable? One of the reasons I play this game is to be an advisor to my kids. I am sure there have been some lively threads on these topics. Can you point the way for me? Also, threads about the chat filter and how it works. (I get confused in my chatting about what is allowed and what isn't)
I know this stuff is in the handbook but deeper understanding can be found in a good discussion.
Thanks, and thanks KI. Love the game!
Tourmalinequeen, welcome to you and your children to a wonderful game.
I will give you some links to some of the posts by Admins and Professors in regards to chatting and other rules of the game.
I am sure you have already read the Terms of Use for which a link can be found at the bottom of every page in this site.
This first link is to a post by Mr. Lincoln and probably the first one posted.
This next link is to Headmaster's Announcements that contains a few topics you may want to take a look at. This link does show topics that will give you a good amount of information regarding chatting and what is and is not allowed. The following topics can be found under this same link.
"Chatting Clarification" "I got Reported!?" "Why was I muted?" "How do I get Open Chat?" "How do I get Text Chat?"
I've kept quiet on the hall-monitor debate so far, since admitting that I'm a WCP on these boards often gets me mobbed and attacked for no good reason. That said, I think it's a fabulous idea and something that was long overdue. ;)
As for false-reporting, I'm sure KI reviews any sanctions doled out by the HMs and verifies their validity; HMs are players, just like the rest of us, and are therefore subject to the same penalties as everyone else, should their mutes be deemed invalid.
To echo what Destiny said above, a lot of people resist change~ some are even fearful of it, because it's unfamiliar, and most of those who rage about it until they're blue in the face are probably the repeat offenders, who don't like being "inconvenienced".
On a side note, I also think that KI needs to hand out IP-blocks more freely. Case in point: I was changing some pet names the other day, when I overheard someone saying he couldn't wait for a hall monitor to show up, so he could "cuss them out again". I asked him why he would want to do that, and he said, "because I don't care about this account".
Oh well, cross one bridge at a time... Good call, KI!
"El Veeb" Wizarding aunt, Archmage of Awesomeness, Wizard City Protector ;)
Since many online companies and federal/municipal/state (IRS, USPS, INS, state assistance websites etc etc) regulated sites have electronic signatures that are legal and binding, they can have a NDA (or any rule.) that is binding with an electronic signature with serious consequences if said rules are violated. Long gone are the days of handwritten signatures as the ONLY legally bound signature.
Similar to when we all agreed to follow the terms of Use when we signed up to use/play wizard101... if we choose to not follow the rules, there are consequences. So if one chooses not to uphold the NDA there are consequences as in being banned from playing any KI game or accessing any of their sites.
I believe there is a version of an NDA for hall monitors simply because of the serious implications if they break the code of anonymity.
Yes I am aware of the electronic signature. Pretty much clicking ok to any terms of use is your signature. Though I doubt they could have a very serious punishment due to the fact of how open the internet is.
Though my question still has not been answered. What happens if a HM mutes without a ligitmate reason? Also the second part... What is the punishment for them being wrong?
If you think about it. A HM could just go A wall and mute a ton of people. Then they get banned from the game. Though thats not a very serious punishment. So I would asume that electronic signatures can only have minor punishments.
If a HM mutes without reason, or goes Awall or what have you, That is for KI to deal with and none of our business. It is their business SOLELY.
Electronic signatures are NOT to be taken lightly. They are just as binding as a HAND WRITTEN signature and legal action can be taken against anyone that breaks the contract unless they are given permission to release information.
If you think about it. A HM could just go A wall and mute a ton of people. Then they get banned from the game. Though thats not a very serious punishment. So I would asume that electronic signatures can only have minor punishments.
I believe we are starting to get off topic here, but just a comment. True, someone might not end up fitting the profile they were screened against. There were too many "what if" scenarios even before the Hall Monitor implementation (example...a KI employee doing a similar action).
If the Hall Monitor was even an actual player before getting chosen to be a Hall Monitor; a ban is a serious sanction for them. They are no longer a Hall Monitor, nor provided access to this game, while the players that were unjustly muted can simply have their mutes lifted (I think they will be okay not using chat for one or two days). Hall Monitors are likely players that have invested some sort of time into the they have something to lose in a ban situation.
For all we know, some Hall Monitors could be KI employees that now have a requirement to log into the game and "police up" addition to their normal job (designing, modeling, storyboards, etc).
Again, this is some very remote possiblity stuff to be bringing up as a downside to Hall Monitors. It's really not necessary to be concerned with what sanctions KI will hand out to "unruly" Hall Monitors. Rest assured, if KI is committed to cleaning up the Spiral with Hall Monitors, they certainly will be making sure the Hall Monitors are doing their job the correct way.
For every Hall Monitor watching the Spiral...there is a senior wizard watching them.
Thank you for your responses. I have reviewed the information you suggested and it is exactly what I was looking for. I will be meeting with my young wizards in the coming week to discuss this further.
I am also facinated by the Wizard City Protectors. I have seen postings from them and references to the group as I have cruised these forums. I applaud what I have seen of your purpose. How can I learn more about this group?