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Training points and No Secondary School?

Aug 27, 2010
Ok I see it all over the place by several dozen people who say don't waste your training points on a secondary school. I just have to ask, Why? When you get to level 42, You have gotten the last of your spells in your main school and you should have acquired a few dozen training points to spend. I have heard of people cherry-picking school spells, but is that really adviseable? Only purpose I see in doing that would be to get any shields and the few high level spells for combat in PVE, but by the time you reach lvl 79 or 80, You should have quite a few Training Points left over, unless you like the Polymorph spells in Celestia. Somebody explain this to me please.

Jul 03, 2010
Well for me - on my first wizard I did spend my training points on secondary schools and I was never sorry I did death to feint because being life I didn't get my all over spell till lvl 58 so it did help but all the rest were kicked to the curb when I started getting gear that gave me more power pips. At that time I found it wasteful to use outside school spells, this is about mid Mooshu.

I do get the blades from Niles but am finding I can now, with gear, fill in with balance blades so probably won't be doing them any more. I do train the Sun boost spells at level 50 because I don't have to take the Accuracy ones to get to Colossus, I find these applied to my regular schools spells very helpful, you can fill in with treasure cards till then. It used to be the thing to go to the Golem tower and make a bunch of keens and toughs.

I think it all boils down to how you play too. I am more of a hit and run player so I focus on the most bang for my buck in the least amount of time, I solo a lot so it works better for me not to hang around in fights.

The norm was Ice to Tower, Life to Satyr and Death to Feint. Now every wizard gets a 2 pip health spell on Unicorn Way. Death to Feint is ok but gear has improved quite a bit in the Damage area and you can also supplement with other blades and not have the 30% trap on your self. Ice to tower may never be a bad idea if you like to shield in between blade and trapping.

Feb 03, 2012
I dont waste my training points on other schools only because of personal ideals, but i'll always advise on these spells:

1. Sun spells every one of them
2. Star spell every one of them
3. The blades from Niles
4. The spear spells in Avalon

Feb 12, 2011
rebelrenegade1 wrote:
Ok I see it all over the place by several dozen people who say don't waste your training points on a secondary school. I just have to ask, Why? When you get to level 42, You have gotten the last of your spells in your main school and you should have acquired a few dozen training points to spend. I have heard of people cherry-picking school spells, but is that really adviseable? Only purpose I see in doing that would be to get any shields and the few high level spells for combat in PVE, but by the time you reach lvl 79 or 80, You should have quite a few Training Points left over, unless you like the Polymorph spells in Celestia. Somebody explain this to me please.

You're right. you will have points leftover - all of my wizards (varying levels from 50 to 80) have at least a couple training points - some have 9 or 10.

I think the reason that most people avoid a secondary school at higher levels, is you can usually power up your own school, and use pips much more efficiently than an off school spell. If I have a full board of pips, only 1 or 2 will be white pips - so it is really a waste to cast an off school spell that is 5 or 6 pips, taking out all the power pips. (this is assuming no mastery amulet is being used). That is why the Ice to Tower/Death to Feint/ Life to Satyr are popular to train - all helpful spells to have, and the death/ice spells are 1/0 pip cost, so it makes them more practical for off school use. (and when satyr is about to save your life, you probably don't care about pip use lol)

The sun spells you can start training in CL are totally worth it - and you need to have 5 or 6 points to train up to the Colossal spell, so that is why you hear people say, save them for the sun spells!

Lastly - your last school attack spell is actually level 68, so you do have more spells to collect after level 42. They just aren't available for free from your teacher. They are quests your teacher will give you as you hit the level requirements. Then you will get your utility spells in AV, but unless you PvP don't get too excited about those.

Aug 27, 2010
Yeah. The level 42 was the last of the spells that are gained for free was what I was referring too. As far as the Sun spells, I have a bunch of the Sun Spells. I just avoided the transformation spells. I tried a Trans potion and the spells that come with the trans pot didn't seem strong enough for a battle. Maybe I am wrong tho. I just avoided those spells and stuck with the Colossus, Giant and spells of that nature. I am not totally sure of how many Training Points I have currently, but I am pretty sure I have enough to start another school if I wanted too. I already have 3 schools trained on my Fire Wizard. I know once I got my Helephant, Efreet and I believe the spell was called Rain of Fire, I don't use any of the others. Occasionally I will use the Pheonix if I have too, but for the most part, I stick to my hard hitting spells and seeing as how me and My wife do every single Quest together, with the exception of the personal quests, I have no need to Cherry pick( for a lack of a better way to say it) the other schools. When we start new characters, My wife usually goes for the Schools that I haven't picked, so really there is no need for me to pick and choose what spells I want.

As far as the Secondary spells, I use those as a last resort in combat. Say for example We have worn an enemy down and he has very little health left, I hit him with whatever I have in my hand. Doesn't matter at that point whether I have 5 or 6 pips and they are all gold. For bosses I Generally get a second deck for Boss battles and have it stacked with the hard hitting spells, Blades, Traps and Sheilds and leave everything out that is below 6 pip spells. I only do that so I do not have to keep rearranging my main dekc over and over.

Anywho, Thanks for the information. I was just wondering if it was the way things were done or if it was just a personal choice on how a person wants their wizard to be.

Aug 22, 2010
The main reason people say not to spend TPs in a 2nd school is b/c your power pips don't count outside your Specialized School. With the intro of MASTERY AMULETS, that argument is somewhat moot.

Still even with a Mastery Amulet you can't boost the damage of spells outside your school as effectively b/c you can't learn blade & trap spells of other schools. Of course this can be rectified some with TCs. Although, getting TC school blades at the bazaar can be a real pain. Best to wiki the blade you want & learn which boss drops the TC & farm.

Even then you still can't boost the damage of a 2nd school as high as someone of that school for 2 reasons.

1) You can't learn the school blade & trap that would stack with their TC equivalents.
2) You are stuck having to wear a Mastery Amulet to efficiently use the spell outside your school instead of wearing a blade amulet or a feint amulet that could give you even more damage boost.

For the most part it is best to cherry pick schools for spells that boost your own school.

BALANCE__ blades & traps from Niles that boost your Specialized School
( & Reshuffle )
SUN__ train to Colossus
( the accuracy boosting spells in Sun school are iffy. Since you can only put 1 enchantment on a spell most people prefer damage. Plus Accuracy boosting TCs drop like candy, & at higher levels you find gear that boosts your accuracy; so I find it better to just train the damage boosting Sun spells & use accuracy TCs for those rare (almost never moments) I need accuracy over damage.)

STAR__ train Fortify & Amplify to Vengeance

Train the Spear spells in Avalon.

DEATH__ train to Feint

After all this you'll still have 10-12 TPs to spend for a 2nd school if you wish. Now you could buy a 2nd school & depend on TC shields, or you could continue to cherry pick other schools for shields instead.

Honestly I lean to spending for a 2nd school. I personally depend on Shield TCs, b/c spamming your deck with shields of all types would make it ineffective. Even if you learn the shield spells you'll find yourself culling them out of your deck & only adding the appropriate shield for the enemies you're about to battle. Shield TCs are cheap & have the advantage of being drawn at will rather than, "Oh I hope I get my storm shield before he attacks."

Feb 24, 2009
Because unless you have a mastery amulet you are wasting power pips.