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A small thing I think is becoming a problem..

Aug 09, 2012

Hi all, I'm just going to skip to the point. With Avalon coming out, Wizards-
Paying members that is, can become level Eighty max. AKA Archmage,

Now what about the NON paying members.
With a major advancement in level for paying members. shouldn't the non paying members get a Small, Small advancement also>
Maybe let them get to Adept.
I think that's honestly fair.
Seriously! It is,
I'm not saying give them all of krokotopia.
I'm saying, let them get to do the pyramid of the sun.
Which should leave them at level 17-23 MAX.

With an advance for the paying. shouldn't there be a smaller advance, for the non paying?

Sure i'm a member. Grandmaster to be exact. But... it should be even.
Give the non payers a chance too you know? I want the Archmage Wizards to realize. the low levels or, um. "Noobs" As the more Boastful players call them. Need to realize. the lower levels/non payers are not "target practise'

Kingsisle. If we can be level 80, they should be able to be level 20.

BECAUSE of the following:

When we were only able to be level 50. They could've been level 10.
Triton avenue alone, No other worlds? it's a bit unfair. Krokotopia, JUST
the pyramid of the sun.

Cody Stone
Grandmaster Diviner.

Please reply. I want other people's opinions too,

And kingsisle. I won't just argue without a point.
Please try to see from the non paying members point of view here :D

Mar 12, 2010
Sorry, I disagree. Paying members are doing just that ... paying. I think it's fine the way it is.

Mar 18, 2009

Non-paying members are not level restricted. Non-paying members can reach level 80, but will take a very long time without the extra experience from higher worlds. I've met quite a few non-paying players that have reached level 20 with only the current free areas.

Are you asking for more streets/worlds to be free??? Since the level discussion doesn't make sense to me.

Feb 29, 2012
The free trail is basically a test drive. Let the people see if they like it and if they do, let them buy crowns or membership to continue. It's simply strategy.

(And I cannot say that I haven't had this problem, cause I have. I was on here for over three months with no sub or crowns before I bought some. :/)

Jul 03, 2010
Ideally Wizards101 is a pay for game, for profit - giving out a trial is norm for most games. Getting access to the areas for free is about right to get an idea if you like the game or are going to move on and pay for it.

Oct 24, 2010
It's called a "free trial" for a reason.
I see no reason to change this and doubt seriously that KI will do it.

If you don't want to pay, then you don't advance. This is no different than any other MMORG.

Jul 16, 2012
RavenLady777 is right, its a free trial for a reason. Plus, people CAN get to high levels with free areas. I dont see your point. Ryan RedFlame level 24 pyromancer Happy Questing :) :)

Dec 11, 2011
RavenLady777 wrote:
It's called a "free trial" for a reason.
I see no reason to change this and doubt seriously that KI will do it.

If you don't want to pay, then you don't advance. This is no different than any other MMORG.


Apr 08, 2011
I disagree. You can just get a small sample of Wizard101 for free, then buy the rest if you like it. And I have friends who got to level 24 and 26, and they didn't even buy Firecat Alley or Cyclopes Lane!!

~Melissa&Jasmine, Life&Ice

May 16, 2012
i agree with FunnyBunny77902 your right there! :D


May 16, 2012
gtafreak101 wrote:
RavenLady777 wrote:
It's called a "free trial" for a reason.
I see no reason to change this and doubt seriously that KI will do it.

If you don't want to pay, then you don't advance. This is no different than any other MMORG.


ture i agree too :D

May 07, 2011
tyleralexander1999 wrote:

Hi all, I'm just going to skip to the point. With Avalon coming out, Wizards-
Paying members that is, can become level Eighty max. AKA Archmage,

Now what about the NON paying members.
With a major advancement in level for paying members. shouldn't the non paying members get a Small, Small advancement also>
Maybe let them get to Adept.
I think that's honestly fair.
Seriously! It is,
I'm not saying give them all of krokotopia.
I'm saying, let them get to do the pyramid of the sun.
Which should leave them at level 17-23 MAX.

With an advance for the paying. shouldn't there be a smaller advance, for the non paying?

Sure i'm a member. Grandmaster to be exact. But... it should be even.
Give the non payers a chance too you know? I want the Archmage Wizards to realize. the low levels or, um. "Noobs" As the more Boastful players call them. Need to realize. the lower levels/non payers are not "target practise'

Kingsisle. If we can be level 80, they should be able to be level 20.

BECAUSE of the following:

When we were only able to be level 50. They could've been level 10.
Triton avenue alone, No other worlds? it's a bit unfair. Krokotopia, JUST
the pyramid of the sun.

Cody Stone
Grandmaster Diviner.

Please reply. I want other people's opinions too,

And kingsisle. I won't just argue without a point.
Please try to see from the non paying members point of view here :D

I kinda agree with you since when I was an non member I started to feel like I was cooped up in a chicken pen. But non members can still fight and earn exp cause my friend he is non member and he levels up even faster than me! He is lvl 41 or 42. So I'm kinda torn apart from each choice :? :|
But I'll think I'll agree with you

Christina DreamGem Life level 36
Give me a shout if you see me!

Jan 05, 2012
I think that's a great idea, it really isn't that fair to the lower levels. They shouldn't have to be stuck fighting the Kraken, hoping to finally level up to 17 or whatever (believe me, I've done that tons of times on my other, non-membership, account). Besides, if you think about it, Kroktopia has a ton of quests, so if they get to do the Pyramid of the Sun, won't they probably be like, "Woah, I"m leveling up crazy fast!" And then end up buying the membership or crowns to buy the area. So really KI it won't just benefit them, it'll benefit you too. See, it works out for everyone, isn't that great?

Jasmine Silversword, Grandmaster Sorcerer
Celestia, Stormriven/The Floating Land

Mar 12, 2010
JLALELIL1234 wrote:
I think that's a great idea, it really isn't that fair to the lower levels. They shouldn't have to be stuck fighting the Kraken, hoping to finally level up to 17 or whatever (believe me, I've done that tons of times on my other, non-membership, account). Besides, if you think about it, Kroktopia has a ton of quests, so if they get to do the Pyramid of the Sun, won't they probably be like, "Woah, I"m leveling up crazy fast!" And then end up buying the membership or crowns to buy the area. So really KI it won't just benefit them, it'll benefit you too. See, it works out for everyone, isn't that great?

Jasmine Silversword, Grandmaster Sorcerer
Celestia, Stormriven/The Floating Land

No. It doesn't work out for everyone; it will work out for just those people. And then, when they get tired of doing Krokotopia, then they'll start saying "open up more areas for free". So, when does it stop? Give them an inch and they'll take a yard. :(

May 13, 2009
That seems to be a good idea noobs hate it when they cant have any fun in the new worlds because they dont pay i agree they should extend the free to play zone :-)

Jacob FireFist

Apr 22, 2009
I posted something similar to this a while back. They should extend the FREE TO PLAY area just to finish Wizard City. They could do Firecat Alley, Cyclops Lane, Colossus Blvd, and fight Foulgaze and Nightshade, and complete the book and Smith quests. Then WC would be done so that when they DO pay to play they can begin Krokotopia. With so many worlds now available, it would be a good idea. The new people, (non payers) would feel good that they accomplished something. NOT coming to a complete stop because they can go no further like it is now.

Jan 11, 2012
They should extend the FREE TO PLAY area just to finish Wizard City.

Then WC would be done so that when they DO pay to play they can begin Krokotopia.

The new people, (non payers) would feel good that they accomplished something. NOT coming to a complete stop because they can go no further like it is now.

I'm on both sides of this. I can see why it should remain a teaser, leave them wanting more kind of thing, but I also see the benefit of being able to complete all quests in Wizard City. I have played only one other MMORPG, and you could complete ALL quests you received F2P. I think that if people were able to complete a full world, they'd be even more interested in converting to P2P.

To those who say that some F2P would keep asking to extend it more, all it would take is a page, during logon that would say something like:

"We have just extended the free play side to include all the quests of Wizard City. We wanted to give future players a better understanding of the game before they paid for the rest of the game. We have NO intention of extending the free realms any further than Wizard City and we hope you enjoy the game."

Or something to that effect.

Oct 29, 2010
I highly agree to this. But, there is no level restriction to non members. Yet it will take a year or two to be at least a grandmaster when you are not paying. This is also giving high level wizards tonpick on lower level wizards. Everywhere I go there are high level wizards calling lower levels "noobs". Yes it is a free trial but maybe they can not afford the pay but still adore the game. I say let them have ALL of krokotopia and let the ones who don't experience avalon and at least let them explore krokotopia.

-Michael Moonstone lvl 73

Oct 29, 2010
I know this is my second time posting this, but many of you disagree. Before I became a member, I was miserable with people picking on me. The main reason I agree to this topic is because of higher wizards picking on lower level wizards. If you are someone who picks on lower level wizards, please stop, it really hurts someone when you call them a "noob". So agree to the topic or everyone stop picking on lower level wizards.

-Michael Moonstone
Level 73 Pyromancer

Oct 29, 2010
Honeybee313, Yes, maybe they will ask for a yard when they recieve an inch, but again, some people can't afford a membership, and who knows, they may even be grateful and not ask for more.

Feb 25, 2012
I disagree.
I have a friend that is level 29 and is also very strategic. He is not a member and has no crowns. That proves that non members can still enjoy, level up and be smart of the game. I'm a member and I remember I got up to the 30's when I wasn't a member.

Level 38 Magus Theurgist Gabriel Ashleaf

Apr 16, 2012
I was once a non member. I felt like the game was unfair. I totally agree that they should get some more places. Agreed

Alexis SilverHeart,Lvl 33, Storm

If you see me, just say you read this

Aug 06, 2011
Well.....I think that it is a good idea but that's just how it is. Non-paying members can still level up but, paying members thats what they are paying for. KingIsile would have to lower the prices so whats the point of paying if you have some of the world parts already