Anyways I was wondering, why does the storm school get a lot of " boosts"? I'll just name a few here, if you fellow wizards don't mind
Blades: Stormblade ( 30% I think? ) Supercharge ( Up to 140% percent ) Elemental blades ( 35% ) If there is more, pardon me :D
Traps: Storm trap ( 25% ) Windstorm (20% to all and can be used as an extra trap ) Elemental traps ( 25% percent )
Other: Darkwind ( 25 storm percent to all storm spells )
Storm is pretty powerful itself and you can pretty much get about an ice wizard's accuracy with the storm blade you get near the beginning of the game, turning 70% to 80%
Other spells that aren't storm that they can get their hands on: Feint Balanceblade ( If they go bazaar shopping ) Bladestorm from pet Bladestorm
Levy: About 1300 damage removing 2 charms. Mix it with all of these and including a critical ( and colossal ), your can one shot the opponent.
So this is not rage, but I was wondering how storm was able to get all these boosts when other schools like ice/life/myth could use something?
I think if you dig around young wizard you will find you can get extra blades and traps for all schools. I have quite a few extras on all my wizards that I have collected along the way.
Storm has high hits because they have the lowest health and the lowest accuracy. They need the ability to hit hard and strong quickly--that is if they don't fizzle. If a storm wizard, playing solo, used all those boosts you mentioned, they would more than likely be dead before they could even hit due to their low health.
Every school is balanced. If Ice had the high hits of Storm coupled with their insane amount of health, they would be unstoppable. It would be the same for Life with their heals, and Myth with their ability to cut through defenses.
Elemental blade isn't storm school. Neither is Elemental trap. Death gets more. They get Dark Pact, Death Blade, Feint, Curse, And death trap. You're picking on the wrong school.
Anyways I was wondering, why does the storm school get a lot of " boosts"? I'll just name a few here, if you fellow wizards don't mind
Blades: Stormblade ( 30% I think? ) Supercharge ( Up to 140% percent ) Elemental blades ( 35% ) If there is more, pardon me :D
Traps: Storm trap ( 25% ) Windstorm (20% to all and can be used as an extra trap ) Elemental traps ( 25% percent )
Other: Darkwind ( 25 storm percent to all storm spells )
Storm is pretty powerful itself and you can pretty much get about an ice wizard's accuracy with the storm blade you get near the beginning of the game, turning 70% to 80%
Other spells that aren't storm that they can get their hands on: Feint Balanceblade ( If they go bazaar shopping ) Bladestorm from pet Bladestorm
Levy: About 1300 damage removing 2 charms. Mix it with all of these and including a critical ( and colossal ), your can one shot the opponent.
So this is not rage, but I was wondering how storm was able to get all these boosts when other schools like ice/life/myth could use something?
Because we need these to finish a battle alive? I don't know, but it just might be that.
(Sarcasm is included. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. Have some cheese, as darth might say.)