Oh I sympathize dearly with the poster's complaint.
Agreed, no one owns a fight. It's an MMORPG. With realm shifting you can't use the excuse that there aren't enough enemies to go around. That being said, a great reason for fighting with multiple people in the street is when you need drops. We all appreciate that more people in a fight means more enemies, which means more chances of the drops, which means less time spent on street fights, which for normal people is a happy thing - can we say lions *cringe*?
However, joining a battle is not only rude but can rob the person who started the fight of the entire credit for the fight, which boils down to their time and effort. If I've JUST cast my hit-all spell that was bladed up for a kill, dragging in a brand new healthy enemy at best means I have to start all over and spend twice the time on the fight for just one more enemy or at worst means I'm dead and have to run all the way back.
My first time through The Labyrinth, I wanted to reach through the internet connection and throttle a kid who kept using his myth wand on my twin myth traps necessary for trap-boosting Orthrus. He was young. I patiently spent three battles telling him not to use his wand and trying to explain why he shouldn't use his wand. "But it's my only wand!" he'd say and then hit and I'd bang my head against the keyboard.
I don't flee a fight - ever - for any reason other than death. It's just a point with me. I commit to a fight and stick with it. That doesn't mean I don't resent it when people waste my time and steal the benefit I should have gotten from a fight I started. Some people may be inconsiderate and not realize that they're stealing something from you - time. Others are inexperienced and have somehow muddled through to a higher level probably relying on someone else to do the work. And of course in the spiral, in all MMORPGS and in real life, there will always be trolls who take pleasure in ruining things for others.
agree: nothing is worse than when you really gotta pee, you are almooooooost done the battle, and someone new drops in.
If they are appologetic and curteous I hold on. If not...
I had to delete my whole friends list becouse i got sick of lower levels orbing to where you are just so they can get to that area and then flea a battle that they added other monsters too. i was tired of many ppl orbing to me and i was in a battle so now i only have 1 friend they should have it where ppl have to send request to orb to you it wouls solve alot of issues when one clicks to orb to u u can have the option to decline at this point im only accepting higher level friend request becouse of this issue
You know this will ever change because ive said it more than once no one owns the mob! So the way i see it if you are that weak that you cant hold your own after 2 mobs then maybe you arent geared for the zone. If you dislike this answer then there is a flee button. I grow tired of hearing people complain because boohoo someone joined my circle and i have no cards left, well the new person has a full deck. If someone joins my circle and i am low in cards (whick never happens due to a card all should have ///RESHUFFLE) i simply would say im all out so i cant help much. And if you lose so what its a game. also that person that jumped in may just have given you the last drop you need. Either way i truely dont care because i am not wasting my time to change realms and if i need a mob im coming in like it or not and if the person flees so be it im better solo anyway hoorah.
Bologna! Yes, with a capital B. If there's utterly no free mobs, which is rare, hop realms from that crowded one, go to a perfect one and get your counts without making someone else do all the work for you. Or ask if you may join. Just because it's an MMO doesn't mean you can't/shouldn't use common courtesy. They just might say yes because you asked and they're not worn out or may be thinking the same thing, the more mobs the more likely I'll get the drop.
However, to not care if another player has been in battle for 3 hours or not says volumes about you as a person. People tire. Many of us who play this game have health issues or someone may be needing to finish the duel and get off the game without losing the count themselves for any number of reasons from they've got to go to work or their mother is telling them their computer time for the night is up. But you seem to think that all that matters is you get to use them for your own ends.
I make people pay for it when they try to glom off my work. I'm Life. I stand there and heal myself after finishing my original two mobs and refuse to heal them. Next time ask. If you still refuse to lift a wand, I will continue to heal myself but I'll let that timer run down too. Or go afk if it's time for medicine that I have to take with food. What that's rude? It's disrespectful of me? Lol, I agree -- now do you begin to get the point. It's not respectful of others to use them like that. Jump in my game without being polite enough to ask if you can and I will not kill the mobs you drag in or heal you. It's that simple.
Ironically, I almost always will feel kindly towards someone polite enough to ask and say yes if they're on menu chat or sure, feel free if they're on text or open. Unless, I really do need to end it in which case I say sorry, but I have to go.
You don't know what situation they may have on the other side of their monitor that makes that true.
Listen i play with a deck that is ready for all situations. So i dont expect a player to carry me. If i jump into a fight im going to defeat the enemy with or without your help so by you not attacking wont matter to me because i can kill the mob without you i just get more drops with you in, and as for healing i pack my own. And for those that let timers run down well expect it from me the next time then too because you will go on my black list or ill just flee and let you deal with the extras for being rude enough to delay with no benefit. And im definately not changing realms to to make some1 happy ,no i have just as much right to that realm and that mob as any1 else playing. I dont cry the blues when people jump in to my circle. And there are people who do occasionally ask me if they can join and im like" Sure why would you even ask". So the way i figure if you cant hold your own dont play. Its a game and it should be fun to play until people start whining. As for people who have a time limit or a med to take all i can say is plan your time. If it takes longer than 10 minutes to kill roaming mobs (non boss) then you just have a problem with your strategy or deck. And last but not least i am not gloming off any1s work, if i come into the battle more than likely ill be the one doing the damage and finishing the battle in a more timely fashion. I apologize if this is coming off rude but it all needs said. You dont own the mob,circle,spiral,game so please dont tell me what i cannot do. Just Play The Game.
Listen i play with a deck that is ready for all situations. So i dont expect a player to carry me. If i jump into a fight im going to defeat the enemy with or without your help so by you not attacking wont matter to me because i can kill the mob without you i just get more drops with you in, and as for healing i pack my own. And for those that let timers run down well expect it from me the next time then too because you will go on my black list or ill just flee and let you deal with the extras for being rude enough to delay with no benefit. And im definately not changing realms to to make some1 happy ,no i have just as much right to that realm and that mob as any1 else playing. I dont cry the blues when people jump in to my circle. And there are people who do occasionally ask me if they can join and im like" Sure why would you even ask". So the way i figure if you cant hold your own dont play. Its a game and it should be fun to play until people start whining. As for people who have a time limit or a med to take all i can say is plan your time. If it takes longer than 10 minutes to kill roaming mobs (non boss) then you just have a problem with your strategy or deck. And last but not least i am not gloming off any1s work, if i come into the battle more than likely ill be the one doing the damage and finishing the battle in a more timely fashion. I apologize if this is coming off rude but it all needs said. You dont own the mob,circle,spiral,game so please dont tell me what i cannot do. Just Play The Game.
Is it enough to ask people? It takes two, yes all of a major TWO, clicks to ask "Please may I join?"
My answer isn't always no, but if I need to get off soon and you join and bring in an extra mobs both me and my parents are going to be mad, cause I take martial arts two nights out of the week, horseback riding another night and Friday is usually a go out to dinner day.
This leaves a total of three days where I can let people join freely. And about the deck thing, is it wrong to keep a minimalistic deck? I carry all of one Sirens for mobs fights because it's all that I need. If you join right after I use it, you're not going to complain about me not attacking because it is entirely your fault for dragging in the extra monster.
Also, I take medication (yeah yeah, crazy, I know :P) at certain times of the day, and I need to take it almost exactly at the same time so I don't forget. So if you drag it out longer then necessary, my real life mental health can actually suffer. (And seeing as it's in a bad enough position already, why stall me. These pills have kept me through bullying because they calm me down a lot, if they didn't I'd probably already be dead.)
Is it enough to ask people? It takes two, yes all of a major TWO, clicks to ask "Please may I join?"
My answer isn't always no, but if I need to get off soon and you join and bring in an extra mobs both me and my parents are going to be mad, cause I take martial arts two nights out of the week, horseback riding another night and Friday is usually a go out to dinner day.
This leaves a total of three days where I can let people join freely. And about the deck thing, is it wrong to keep a minimalistic deck? I carry all of one Sirens for mobs fights because it's all that I need. If you join right after I use it, you're not going to complain about me not attacking because it is entirely your fault for dragging in the extra monster.
Also, I take medication (yeah yeah, crazy, I know :P) at certain times of the day, and I need to take it almost exactly at the same time so I don't forget. So if you drag it out longer then necessary, my real life mental health can actually suffer. (And seeing as it's in a bad enough position already, why stall me. These pills have kept me through bullying because they calm me down a lot, if they didn't I'd probably already be dead.)
Sorry to hear about your issues but if i was playing and you needed to take a med id say go take it. I definately dont need a baby sitter. And like myself and others have said plan better for game time.
For all of you that dont like these answers then maybe you shouldnt be playing a Massively Multiplayer Online game. Maybe you should stick to ps3/xbox offline. I dont know but this thread is turning into a flame fest that will never end because no one sees it the same as the others.
Ending statement is I dont ask to join a fight and will not be starting to ask anytime either because the rules doesnt say i have to.
Sorry to hear about your issues but if i was playing and you needed to take a med id say go take it. I definately dont need a baby sitter. And like myself and others have said plan better for game time.
For all of you that dont like these answers then maybe you shouldnt be playing a Massively Multiplayer Online game. Maybe you should stick to ps3/xbox offline. I dont know but this thread is turning into a flame fest that will never end because no one sees it the same as the others.
Ending statement is I dont ask to join a fight and will not be starting to ask anytime either because the rules doesnt say i have to.
Take care all and safe journeys.
Good points. I can't disagree, although asking to join a fight I think is curteous.
Of course if you join a fight without asking you can't be too upset if the other flees, you never know whats going on. Sometimes you just gotta go. Also, when you drop in you should NEVER expect help. You should be the "helper", not the "helpee".
I believe some of the issue is soime players have a certain strategy, and unexpected strangers dropping in doesn't fit the strategy. When I am playing in "solo mode" I carry nothing that will help an unexpected drop-in. And why should it? If I am in "solo-mode" (visible to friends turned off) nobody can port to me anyway, so its just the street fights where people can join. And usually drop-ins can handle themselves just fine.
But when I'm not i'm solo mode anything goes. As Lastdaysgunslinger reminds us, this is an online Multiplayer game. Its part of the game and needs to be incorporated into your strategies. Frustrating, yes sometimes. But its part of the game!
I hate to Bale out of a fight and leave the wizard with his hands full. But today as I play my two deaths against Myth, I place feints and traps on each opponent, I do not use blades with myth unless the player before me is placing them at the time I am going to hit. Using crow on the opponents that now has feints and traps on them it was a sure kill until a player joined in and began hitting the feints with his wand. This is a sure sign of a player that does not know how to play. Hitting feints with a wand. I wish they would go and start a fight on their own. But now they have created a hardship on my wizards because of their lack of knowledge of how to play so I abandon the fight. When I leave it is now 4 to one, I write this so if you play this game you will wise up and not hit peoples feints and traps with just a small hit. Especiall;y a wand hit. This is another reason there is that question you should ask "May I Join?" I normally say yes and then clue the player in on what my strategy is so they dont just go hitting things with wands. Take time to learn proper strategy on defeating opponents and use it when you go into another persons fight. I enjoy company when I fight, But I dont enjoy added hardship because you dont know simple things like the importance of a feint. Think about that 70% increase in hit you just removed with a wand. Was that a good move on your part?
i don't agree unless there is like two on one don't abandom them with anymore that isn't fair that is just cruel.