Ranked PvP is broken beyond belief. Just did a random join 4v4 match with my level 30 storm. So here is what happened, a death that wasn't around was at the only table I could sit at, people kept joining and the timer would count down over a minute and someone would leave. The death player stayed there almost indefinitely and there wasn't any way to really rid him. After about 45 minutes of wait finally got rid of the death player and a match began. My team was all level 20's and 30's our opponents were all level 70's and 80's. Sorry, but this system is broken beyond belief how it sits now.
I'd fix it as follows: 1. no team sit option, team sit unbalances the matches and everyone knows it 2. the only option players have is to choose 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 and players based upon their ratings are grouped as evenly as possible from the random players 3. the time clock to click start is only 20 to 30 seconds, no more minute and a half to two minutes that never ever starts cause someone isn't around and everyone else quits first 4. all matches are with players within 10 levels of one another. The groupings would be levels 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30, and so forth. That is to say if you are level 21 to 30 upon pressing join a 4v4 then there will need to be 7 other such players of those levels for the match to start. 5. rank titles are based upon the table match size played.. that is to say your rank at a 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 will all be different. Titles would be like 1v1 Warlord, 2v2 Warlord, 3v3 Warlord, 4v4 Warlord, Grandmaster Warlord (available if you have reached Warlord in every match sized)
Oh no sir/ma'am! They go and release another hoard! There is so many things in the game that needs to be fixed.. and what happens? Another hoard gets released!
I'd also make it a reportable violation to control two characters in the same match, anyone caught doing that should be barred from PvP for a given length of time and have any PvP badges taken away from them.
Lastly, I'd like to see a ratings board on the top 50 to 100 players listed by highest ratings. Its fun to work up the board.
Oh no sir/ma'am! They go and release another hoard! There is so many things in the game that needs to be fixed.. and what happens? Another hoard gets released!
outside of insane resistances that should be topped at 70 to 80 percent rather than allowing anything close to being immune, the game itself plays just fine... PvP is horrible as it is set up very poorly and favors inbalanced teams
Oh no sir/ma'am! They go and release another hoard! There is so many things in the game that needs to be fixed.. and what happens? Another hoard gets released!
I wish there were more people like you. It's kind of like a war where the only way to win is to build a wall, then KingsIsle goes and buys more weapons. Maybe be 2013 PvP will be 1% fixed.
i agree 100% it's just a wast of time to even mention it every one know's it's broken but every one does it any way regardless and KI doesn't care about pvp any way so pvp will always be broken there will never be any major changes to pvp the only changes wizard 101 will ever see for pvp is a new arena with new worlds other then that KI couldn't care less about pvp to KI all pvp is is merely a live testing ground for spells nothing more which is the only reason why KI fixes spells when pvp players such as myself complain
the only reason there is ranked pvp is to make the masses happy and to keep them quiet that's not to say it's been effective but you could also use pvp as a honing grounds for testing your strategy for your play style
other then that pvp serves no purpose now iv'e already pored my heart out on the subject to KI but iv'e come to realize that KI just doesn't care about it's players as long as they are making money that's all that matters to them so unless you were willing to pay them millions upon millions to actually do some thing with pvp nothing will ever actually happen regardless of how any of us and by us i mean the players feel about pvp
to tell you the truth i have given up all hope of pvp in wizard101 ever being great that said peace out
i agree 100% it's just a wast of time to even mention it every one know's it's broken but every one does it any way regardless and KI doesn't care about pvp any way so pvp will always be broken there will never be any major changes to pvp the only changes wizard 101 will ever see for pvp is a new arena with new worlds other then that KI couldn't care less about pvp to KI all pvp is is merely a live testing ground for spells nothing more which is the only reason why KI fixes spells when pvp players such as myself complain
the only reason there is ranked pvp is to make the masses happy and to keep them quiet that's not to say it's been effective but you could also use pvp as a honing grounds for testing your strategy for your play style
other then that pvp serves no purpose now iv'e already pored my heart out on the subject to KI but iv'e come to realize that KI just doesn't care about it's players as long as they are making money that's all that matters to them so unless you were willing to pay them millions upon millions to actually do some thing with pvp nothing will ever actually happen regardless of how any of us and by us i mean the players feel about pvp
to tell you the truth i have given up all hope of pvp in wizard101 ever being great that said peace out
I wish KI cared. They fixed the deer knight spell thing, so why can't they fix this? And, yes, they DO just want your money. How about this? If they won't care to do ANYTHING about PVP, then why did they make it in the first place?
They already know PVP is gonna have some major holes in it, so why don't they care??? All they do is come out with these great commercials and it says free trial, but all you get is stuck on cyclops lane and firecat alley.
So, they ask you to PAY for what you signed up for was a FREE trial. Put the puzzles together, people! KI just really doesn't care about it. Wasn't PVP supposed to be awesome??? Wasn't it supposed to be fun??? But, no, KI just can't seem to find the needle to sew the hole in the quilt.
They just can't find the remote to turn the TV on and SAVE OUR LIVES FROM CHEATING WIZARDS!!!! They can't find the soap to wash their hands, so their hands just get dirtier and dirtier. We get covered in a pile of worms, goop, and mud. KI can do better! I rate it 2 Stars!!!
Your game can be more awesome! You guys can do MUCH better. Fix our wizard's lives! please...