I'm just curious~ since other schools don't have to rely on off-school spells like Balance does, I was wondering if Balance can actually win at PvP without a mastery amulet.
From my observations, the only way we can win is to buy a Myth amulet and spam Shatter and Quake, since Cleanse Charm (the other off-school spell that's a requirement for Balance from day one) costs 0 pips. Without one, my 100% power pip chance means that it costs me 6 pips to shatter and 12 to quake... Not exactly efficient, when other schools can break shields for less.
None of the other schools have this problem, since they can all break shields and get rid of Weakness without using off-school spells... so, for them, mastery amulets are vanity/status symbols, rather than an actual requirement. I could afford one, if I wanted, but it's the principle~ I'd rather earn my own way to the top, than buy my way there.
Of course, I'm not setting foot near that hole in Unicorn Park until people get a grip on their ginormous egos. But, if I ever do go back there, I'd like to know if I can do so without being *ahem* forced to PvPay up.
Balance can most certainly win without mastery. One of my good friends Valkoor is well into overlord range with or without an amulet(she does have an amulet as an option though). Pierce TCs are your friend, and shatter is still quiet effective even if inefficient without a mastery. The key is to mix up your strategies. Balance can attack with any type of damage and this affords it some great versatility. It also has great defenses and a large enough health pool to survive. It's minion is fragile but valuable and with the new spells mana burn and supernova, balance has some of the most effective manipulators. In fact, the mere sight of a balance often prempts aura usage, giving you a huge advantage. The balance dispel can prevent resuflle and at the very least can serve as a blade preventer. Without a mastery you will most likely lose the bubble war and you may have trouble with stackers. Otherwise good luck and happy dueling.
I PvP'd a few times on my Balance when she was a much lower level. I won two and lost four. That was my big experience with Balance in PvP ... LOL
Good question. It is very difficult for Balance in both PvP and PvE. You can't wand off weakness or tower/school shields because any balance blades/traps would activate, making everything you just did worthless.
Base damage for Balance spells is pretty pitiful, and it's difficult to get a decent damage boost without sacrificing other necessary stats, like resistance.
I'm not sure what school would be a good secondary. I would imaging two Balance wizards on the same side in a 2x2 match would do pretty good, Care to try it with my Balance wizard in practice matches?
Trouble I have with my balance is few blades, and no good way to use off balance school spells making fighting against balance opponents really difficult. Balance damage is too low, likely not in PvP but in the actual game its really pretty bad.
I'm just curious~ since other schools don't have to rely on off-school spells like Balance does, I was wondering if Balance can actually win at PvP without a mastery amulet.
From my observations, the only way we can win is to buy a Myth amulet and spam Shatter and Quake, since Cleanse Charm (the other off-school spell that's a requirement for Balance from day one) costs 0 pips. Without one, my 100% power pip chance means that it costs me 6 pips to shatter and 12 to quake... Not exactly efficient, when other schools can break shields for less.
None of the other schools have this problem, since they can all break shields and get rid of Weakness without using off-school spells... so, for them, mastery amulets are vanity/status symbols, rather than an actual requirement. I could afford one, if I wanted, but it's the principle~ I'd rather earn my own way to the top, than buy my way there.
Of course, I'm not setting foot near that hole in Unicorn Park until people get a grip on their ginormous egos. But, if I ever do go back there, I'd like to know if I can do so without being *ahem* forced to PvPay up.
Thoughts? -veebz
Sure you can win without a mastery amulet in my past I won two pvp battles in a row! I didn't have a mastery amulet on either.