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Healing Cap?

Nov 02, 2008
Hi, this morning I was in PvP and fought this life Wizard, right? Well, every single time I inflicted damage on him he used the following:

Pixie: 4 times
Satyr: 2 times
Regenerate: 1 time(s)
Sprite: 4 times

I just think there should be a cap on how many times a healing spell is casted. But of course, that's just me. But please>

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
Go and buy a doom and gloom treasure card. Buy accuracy modifers.

And as an aside, I can hear the Life School player asking for a limit on the number of damage spells that can be cast.

Mar 15, 2009
Dec 13, 2008
Dec 31, 2008
OKay, then storm can't cast anything above storm shark, no DOT's for fire, Ice can't use tower shield, no life drains for death, no debuffs for Balance and no minions for Myth.

It is the life school, half of what they do is heal. If they don't get to heal, you don't get to use what your school does. Yeah it is annoying to see you last turn basicly undone by a healing spell, but it's one less turn they are attacking you, pips that aren't being dedicated to damaging you. Keep the pressure on and plan for the fact that yes people will heal. It is a death sentence not to heal.

I've been in PVP with people who could nearly one shot me with damage, if they get above four pips I heal or I'm going to get wiped out. The life mage doesn't have the damage output of any other school, so of course they are going to keep themselves alive while they build up the big strike.

Apr 03, 2009
Sep 19, 2008
Guys learn how to hit lord wow Healing is lifes thing if you dont like it join it get a new second type called LIFE O: 8) learn to hit if not. :P

Michael life ward- lvl49 life

Sep 11, 2008
LordAnubis wrote:
OKay, then storm can't cast anything above storm shark, no DOT's for fire, Ice can't use tower shield, no life drains for death, no debuffs for Balance and no minions for Myth.

It is the life school, half of what they do is heal. If they don't get to heal, you don't get to use what your school does. Yeah it is annoying to see you last turn basicly undone by a healing spell, but it's one less turn they are attacking you, pips that aren't being dedicated to damaging you. Keep the pressure on and plan for the fact that yes people will heal. It is a death sentence not to heal.

I've been in PVP with people who could nearly one shot me with damage, if they get above four pips I heal or I'm going to get wiped out. The life mage doesn't have the damage output of any other school, so of course they are going to keep themselves alive while they build up the big strike.

You're right, ( I wouldn't mind if you take away the towershield 'cause I don't use it though ) it wouldn't be fair at all! If one loses something, I too think the others should too.

Dec 31, 2008
*rubs the bridge of my nose*

Okay, apparently message has been missed.

You can not now, or ever ban healing from the arena. You have a life wizard, which half their spells are healing. Which means every other school needs to lose half their cards for the Arena. I chose the most notable from the schools.

And even if the schools had to give up something it certaintly would be something you don't use. Then the trade isn't fair, after all, if it doesn't impact you at all and cripples someone else, it isn't fair.

I'm jumping on both threads that are discussing this because it is astonishing at how much people seem to be ignoring the fact that they are basicly picking on one house because some members have developed a tactic you haven't worked around.

Want to talk about fair? Ice mages at level 2 have more health then level 9 storm mages. Which mean I solo'd half way through Marleybone before I had issue, and then cleared big ben on my own. Does that mean Ice mages need their health nerffed to be fair? No, it means ice mages have to turtle to win their matches where Storm mages are supposed to hit them fast and hard.

Life figured out a tactic that works. Now if life's healing is overwhelming, such as you can heal 350 health per pip and the best damage is maybe 120 per pip, then you have an arguement. And then it isn't to ban healing it's to level the field in the cards.

Nov 26, 2008
Kinda the same thing with the banning stunning. In doing so myth fire ice and storm all loose cards. ( even worse storm and ice cant use their most powerful 7 pip spells due to stunning ) Best to just use some healing nerfs ( personally i use infection )

Jun 24, 2008
ok here is my input
life is heal just as the school says
and for every spell there is a counter like doom and gloom or black mantle
lot of people say well life can use second school
ok lets try this example
life vs storm at high level both schools get gold pips often
storm plays o pip blades to 3 gold pips life lays shields
storm use triton at 3 gold pips life cant play second school card yet
storm gets 3 more gold pips plays triton life gets 6 gold pips can now play
helephant to do a decent damage
i would be more than happy for example fire give up helephant and storm give up triton and in exchange get dryand or the dancing guy that gives 860 health.
and i have a life charter that i have been hit with a big spell then they come back and used doom and gloom and i could not get a counter for it out and all my heals where all most usless so it is not a real issue if you build your deck right

Feb 21, 2009
Life Wizards are any trouble to defeat if they are at full health when you kill them. Any high level wizard should have a spell that, if buffed up correctly, can OHKO the opponents wizard from full health. I have taken out a few Life wizards by buffing up a Judgment spell and then slamming the opponent with 2,000+ Balance damage. Works like a charm

Feb 21, 2009
Haha, yeah, you are a balance wizard. You can OHOK everyone.

As a GM life mage, I have no problem surviving every class except a Death Mage (DnG) and a Balance Mage (5k judgement).

From the same standpoint though, it takes forever to kill my targets. When someone stacks Heals as treasure cards it makes it next to impossible to kill them back

Dec 28, 2008
Yes the healing can be a pain, but you can take a life down easy. It take time to get them. Let them heal because they wont win.

Dec 24, 2008
Well, look people. As a level 47 life wizard, I would be MAJORLY CRIPPLED in pvp if you had a healing cap. Life only has 6 attacking spells and 7 (or 8, I lost count lol) healing spells. If you were a life wizard, this would most likely be your strategy:
1) Bring out the life minion asap.
2) Slowly wear down your opponent with low pip attacks.
3) Heal, and keep a reshuffle or two in your deck. We'll come to the reshuffle thing later.
4) put up a sactuary when the time is right (usually AFTER doom and gloom has been cast).
5) Begin casting as many buffs as you can on yourself (a boost from clothes doesnt hurt either 8)).
6) Well, now comes the time when you UNLEASH centaur on the enemy. Keep in mind that second schools are also optional.
7) About reshuffle, if your opponent runs outta cards, BOOM! You won't.
Now, how many people think that they could VERY EASILY PWN life if we didn't heal? Step 3 is the most important part, SO FOR CRYING OUT LOUD WE NEED TO HAVE HEALING. If you don't believe me, make a life wizard and I'll bet ten bucks you'll use this strategy.

Fred Angleblade, level 47 life.
The force will be with you. Always.
EDIT: Btw life isn't so easy to take down, we're just thought to be ;)