Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
I do think there should be a 'boot button'. or a feature that ONLY people on your friends list can get in your house. (Not their friends porting to them. )
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
Yep, couldn't agree more. A house boot and a house ban option should exist in any game with housing.
So really put both a BOOT button and a BAN button in there. One should be able to select the people they want in their house, it should never be public by default.
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
I know this sounds a little crazy but i have really read all of the coments word for word and so fare the boot button is wanted the most of all. i agree with all of you that we need a boot button but i have athoraty. i have a few yonger siblings and if you chose the right tone (or words in this mater) you can almost get any one to lissan to you. i have hade the same problam as most of you hear. the most reasent atempt to take over my house was yesterday, over 150 ppl at my house. they tryed to run me out of my own howse to thro there one party. no joke! but ya ther should tottaly be a boot button! i am so anoyed at all the ppl that port to your friend then there friends port to theme ext. so i think i speak for all of us when i say we need a boot button. A VOTE FOR A BOOT BUTTON IS A VOTE FOR PRIVASY!!!!! no but really we need a boot button
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
that would be perfect! i have a grand fortress and over one hundred people where at my house and they said "do you like my house i bought it yesterday" and it is my house so a "boot guest " button would be so cool
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
i agree
i just bought it and my two friends, Sean Shadowmask and Matthew Ghostblade, were checking my house out with me. then Matt's friend teleported to him. we wanted only the three of us because we know each other in real life. Matt's friend has no text chat so we cant tell them to leave. we wanted to stay alone, just the three of us.
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
yeah i didnt really have a problem with that until recently when i invited 3 people. just 3, ok. then more people teleported to them and people teleported to my friends freinds and on and on until i had 50 people there and they didnt go away until 3 hours later . i had to take cover in my dorm
and if people say its their house then just ask them to prove it by moving an item lets try and get gamma to read this or proffessor grayrose shes on the forums alot
thank you james starblade, adept pyromancer,oni slayer
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
I agree, to a certain extent. What I would rather see is an option that I could select to not be bothered rather than a "House Boot Button". Just give me the opportunity, like in many of the chat programs, to either not be listed as online or allow me to select the individuals that I want to be able to contact/port/chat with me while not deleting everyone from my "Friends" list. I like helping out folks every once in a while but I also want to complete my quests and sometimes not be bothered, whether that is on a quest or visiting my homes, and I should be able to better control the access that other palyers have to me without removing them from my list.
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
NonAnimalEater1 wrote:
oh my gosh that would be so perfect
same thing happened here.
my friend wanted to see my house but when her port he got stuck in something so he kept calling all his friends to check it out. eventually some one tried to take it over.(btw i have the grand fortress house) so they kept saying that it was their castle :( . later on i just left to my other castle. (mooshu place)
so i beg you plz plz plz get a boot button. i dont report people cuz then those peoples friends report.
What if they made it where only friends could come to your house?
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
I totaly agree one day i had at least 20 people in my mansion and i kept telling them (this may sound weird but i like to think its an acual house) that the exavation site (a place i put a bunch of stuff from krokotopia) was off limits but they kept going in eventualy i had to put a bunch of furniture in front of it like ropes and barrels and they always found a way.
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
I for one totally agree. My friend came to my house to see it. Then my friend ported to me and someone ported to him. Well that guy wouldnt stop bothering us. I was asking nicely to leave and he was stubberen and said "No." The boot button would be great! It should be where on your list there is a people at your house list. If you put and x by their name they are automaticlly booted from the room.
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
Sundragon143 Post Jun/30/2009 2:40:01 pm Subject: Re:Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button asap! I agree, to a certain extent. What I would rather see is an option that I could select to not be bothered rather than a "House Boot Button". Just give me the opportunity, like in many of the chat programs, to either not be listed as online or allow me to select the individuals that I want to be able to contact/port/chat with me while not deleting everyone from my "Friends" list. I like helping out folks every once in a while but I also want to complete my quests and sometimes not be bothered, whether that is on a quest or visiting my homes, and I should be able to better control the access that other palyers have to me without removing them from my list.
Grandmaster Necromancer
Actually, I think this option is on test right now. I noticed we have the option to show ourselves offline to everyone. While that will come in handy, I would rather it be selective. Show offline to one or two instead of everyone on our friends list. Anyway, I think it would take care of the people porting uninvited to your house.
Another option would be as with some dungeons, when say your friend ports to your home, if one of their friends tries to port it would say they are busy now. Um, like in some of the dungeons at dragonspyre or when you are doing one of your school quests.
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
EmeraldCollins wrote:
Sundragon143 Post Jun/30/2009 2:40:01 pm Subject: Re:Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button asap! I agree, to a certain extent. What I would rather see is an option that I could select to not be bothered rather than a "House Boot Button". Just give me the opportunity, like in many of the chat programs, to either not be listed as online or allow me to select the individuals that I want to be able to contact/port/chat with me while not deleting everyone from my "Friends" list. I like helping out folks every once in a while but I also want to complete my quests and sometimes not be bothered, whether that is on a quest or visiting my homes, and I should be able to better control the access that other palyers have to me without removing them from my list.
Grandmaster Necromancer
Actually, I think this option is on test right now. I noticed we have the option to show ourselves offline to everyone. While that will come in handy, I would rather it be selective. Show offline to one or two instead of everyone on our friends list. Anyway, I think it would take care of the people porting uninvited to your house.
Another option would be as with some dungeons, when say your friend ports to your home, if one of their friends tries to port it would say they are busy now. Um, like in some of the dungeons at dragonspyre or when you are doing one of your school quests.
Scarlet Song Grandmaster Sorcerer
acctually what was in test was an all or nothing port option. now i went to my home i opened up my port option to allow 1 friend to port to me closed my port option, just the 2 of us in my home right? no my friend had not closed thier port option, i went afk to walk my dog letting my friend explore my home, thinking it was safe. i come back my friend is gone, but a friend of thiers had ported and that is when my friend left, telling his friend to come to thier house my friend did not have permission to have others in my home. well my friends rude friend then threw a party in MY HOME! while i walked my dog he had invited everyone he knew and for thiem to bring everyone they knew. i was asked to leave my house because i was brining everyone down, and spoiling thier fun!!!! well i packed up my house item by item then unequiped it. hope they had fun in dead space lol
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
I had a new friend do this for me last night, turn off the port to me on himself, after he arrived at my house I turned it off too. Can or will your friends listen to you when you asked them to turn it off while visiting? chances are no, but it's worth a shot.
It was one of the updates they did when the new world was added. It also has the beggers at bay, they can't keep begging to be your friend till you want to throttle them. This is one feature I'd love to say thanks for. Shame on professor for not announcing on the start up window that great new feature.
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
LOL, I find it ironic that when you show your house to someone and other people port in. I had that happened to me as well. I had bought the big house in DS. I invited a friend over to see it. While we were looking around, someone ported to her and it was very upsetting. Because then someone else had ported from him. They were running all around my house.
So I got to thinking, um, I will fix this. Now here is where it get really funny. The first guy that ported finally left. I moved into a big area, and called the second guy that ported (btw, he did not have text chat), when he came closer to me, can you guess what I did? I dropped the jail on him. He was stuck in the jail in my home. He kept telling me to let him out, and saying I was mean. Well, maybe I was mean, but he had come into my home univited. The only way he was able to get out, was to port out.
I just wanted to share my experience and how I handled it. I have not had any more problems with univited guest in my home.
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
I have the same Problem. Just the other day, in my house.. My friend ports to me, while I am designing my home. So he starts to walk around, and I tell him.. "Ugh, what do you say?" And he doesn't listhin... So I tell him it's time for him to leave my house. And at that time, he brings in some other friends and tells them about how awesome his house was. I was like. "Excuse, you..." And he started saying how JEALOUS, I was of his house... So I told him, If it is TRULY YOUR Home.... Then Move this object ( Chair ) across the room... And he just wouldn't listhin. So I trapped him in a Jelly Bean Crate and told him he can leave my house... So I deleted him. OH! The Magic Word, It's "May I look around your house/Dorm" That's all there is too it...
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
YES THANK YOU FOR NOTICING THAT like one time some girl kept on following me saying if she wanted to marry me i kept on going everywhere in my house but she wouldnt stop i hope there is a boot button,like when we click them there should be a boot sign and press it to boot them i hope we can boot >.< :(
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
I agree, if somebody was no longer wanted in my real house, they would get up and leave or I would throw them out. In addition to that, there would be no foolishness about "do you like MY home?" when it's not theirs, and people inviting people to my house and I can't kick them out. I believe that you should be able to kick ANYBODY out of YOUR house. I mean you pay upwards 50,000 gold on a house, you expect to be able to tell people to leave, and they leave without question. Worst case is they don't and you kick them out in real life. I don't see why you shouldn't be able to when you pay that much for a house.
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
bilg wrote:
Agree 100%. There should be a way to remove unwanted people from your own place.
Ohhhhhhhh Yes Sean Tell um I hate it too its so horrible. my friends keep teleporting to me and i really hate it. so please put the boot button for your house.
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
I just lead them into a room and block it, then exit the building and hang out somewhere else on my plot. If they want to leave they can port out because I'm not letting Noobs free roam on my land. If someone doesn't leave my plot then they won't leave the spot i put them in either . Other than that though a boot/kick option would be much appreciated.
Secondly the term noob seems to be used incorrectly in Wizard101. ( and if someone insults me with a term in the wrong context it counts as an epic fail on their behalf )
A noob is an inconsiderate, rude player who acts obnoxious and or ignorant.
A newbie is a player new to a game.
If your not new but have another character that is lower in level, your just a low/lower level player (which ever you prefer to say).
It's just sad when people try to say things they know little or nothing about. But hey it just gives me something to use agianst them.
Re: Staff: Please creat a housing "Boot Guest" Button
i agree. it gets REALLY annoying when im tring to decorate my house and then someone teleports to me and then someone teleports to them and so on.then every body gets in the way. i have mooshu imperial palace and trust me it gets ANNOYING!