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Jun 09, 2009
Whiterose2 wrote:
I don't find it funny, I personally think it's not respectful to have someone pass gas at me.

Get used to it. If not, (if your a subscribed wizard, go to the test realm and) say "I dont like farts; its disrespectful, change that!" They might change it, and a TON of players will miss that. Who knows how much, but they'll miss that crude humor!

Jun 09, 2009
Why do people think passing gas to another as Inappropriate? I dont get it. I just think its disgusting/FUNNY

No, I find it hilarious, and you cant even say hilarious in the game. Thats just DANG wrong!

Or numbers up to two. If someone askes "What is your lvl?" You say 21 (my lvl) and all they see is DOT DOT DOT!

:Thats cheap:

P.S. 'game info' Name: Sophia Strong LVL: 21 Clothes Color: (all) Gold

Jun 14, 2009
DyWiz527 wrote:
I am here to say I view the attacks of Gobblers on Colossus Boulevard inappropriate. I don't even see why it would even be considered to use as an attack. I mean, passing air and burping not very good attacks to use on a "friendly and safe" website. I mean no disrespect, but come on!

And speaking if inappropriate: the Humongofrog attack is also inappropriate. Does he really need to bring up his food for an attack?

Anyone agree? Anyone?

I think it's pretty funny on how the gobblers attack

and i LOVE the humongofrog attack because first im myth and second its a pretty good attack.

Courtney Mythwielder
Lvl 23 Conjurer

See ya in the Spiral
:D :D :D

Jun 23, 2009
i made a thread about this as well but reconsidered. its E10+ because of crude humor, so there's nothing we can do about it.

Jun 16, 2009
I am a young person (I personally hate being called a "kid")
I don't find people passing gas in your face and doing that stuff "funny" I find it kind of rude, when I finish fighting gobblers I go run through Cyclops Lane waters and pretend my character is getting the scent off her.

One of my friends who happens to be a boy, well I told him about gobblers because he is not in CB yet and he found it gross.

I know there's "crude humor" and stuff like that.

So if your kind of sick of ugly creatures passing gas in your face I suggest you go run through some Cyclops Lane water because there water is high. I pretend it gets the stink off you.

~Natalie Moonblade (Survivor of Gross stuff in CB)

Apr 28, 2009
Resetti123 wrote:
The rating is E10+, and in it is "Crude Humor," and since kids (like me!) think farts are funny, and throwing up too, then its okay.
yeah, it is pretty funny! and heck i'm a girl! :-P the author should know that farts are funny, especially for kids like me, and everyone passes gas sometime or another. and a lot of shows rated TV-Y7 do fart jokes and stuff. for example, chowder, the funniest and most bizarre show in the universe, has weird stuff like kimchi who is basically a fart cloud, and chowder in swim trunks which is creepy. EXCUSE ME AUTHOR, KIDS LIKE CRUDE HUMOR! and the frog? i just think you shouldnt watch that before eating, heh heh....

Jun 16, 2009
Look people who are saying that kids think farting is funny, I am a young person, I don't find it funny at all, I live with it practically everyday because I go to a camp were people the do that, I can't stand it. Not every kid WILL BURST OUT LAUGHING because somebody farted. I'm sorry I don't watch TV, I'm more of a calm person, if I ever did switch to be like "every other kid" I think it would be a nightmare.

So understand all children don't think farting is extremely funny.

Not all kids like crude humor (that includes farting, burping and throw up), when people say that kids THINK IT'S REAL FUNNY when somebody does something rude like that it makes me think I'm a real immature person.

So please.

Natalie Moonblade

Jun 23, 2009
May 25, 2009
May 25, 2009
Whiterose2 wrote:
I don't find it funny, I personally think it's not respectful to have someone pass gas at me.

lol me too i think it is also funny to have throw up on you.

May 25, 2009
DyWiz527 wrote:
I am here to say I view the attacks of Gobblers on Colossus Boulevard inappropriate. I don't even see why it would even be considered to use as an attack. I mean, passing air and burping not very good attacks to use on a "friendly and safe" website. I mean no disrespect, but come on!

And speaking if inappropriate: the Humongofrog attack is also inappropriate. Does he really need to bring up his food for an attack?

Anyone agree? Anyone?

hey ok not to be rude but if you think the game is "disrespectful" then you shouldnt play wizard101. I mean if you have a problem with the game then you shouldnt play it. The game is for kids. All i am trying to say is if yu have a problem with the game cause you dont like some attacks, dont play the game.

Jun 16, 2009
Look if someone thinks that it's disgusting it's not "OK you don't like it so don't play this anymore"

Look I'm going to still play it, over course I still don't like it but, saying I shouldn't play it? :?

I'm past CB, I'll never go in there again.

I got used to it, I still don't like it, (i know you people didn't do this) nobody can make me think it's funny, nobody can tell me I should quit this game because I thought it was gross. everybody has their opinions.

And I'M NOT saying any of you TOLD ME to quit.

Dec 23, 2008
Never underestimate the power of a tart joke (oh wait ... did I misspell that?), especially on kids and adolescents. I also find the Gobblers repulsive and I can't even watch. Mostly, I just avoid that town altogether. But then, the game wasn't designed for me.

Dec 29, 2008
Galen wrote:
crusher2488 wrote:
I bet you are one of those people who helped get the original Looney Toons and Tom & Jerry cartoons yanked from airwaves.

It's a game for kids. Guess what? Kids think farts are funny.

And so do I.

the tom and jerry show isnt gone its on boomerang(if you have cables its channel 102) and ive seen looney toons recently on that same channel

But they don't show the really violent episodes anymore. Those got banned because some parents got really upset that it might be too violent for their kids, even though they grew up watching it.

Jun 17, 2009
As a teenager i find it abit gross but i dont mind becuz other ppl enjoy it, look at all the kids that giggle at the fact that gobblers cut the cheese man. I say keep it in the a game ppl need a laugh in their life and if you dont find it funny just ignore it :)

Mar 08, 2009
Even though I am a young person, I really don't see why everyone else BURSTS OUT LAUGHING every time they see a fart. Its not that funny but it doesnt really disturb me at all. For one thing I am done with CB and never coming back. As for Humongofrog well its not funny but it doesn't really disturb me. (Don't assume that all kids think farts are funny is the moral here.)

Joseph Liferider Life level 48 Private
Joseph Sandrider Balance Level 30 warlord

Jun 08, 2009
For me, it's just plain nauseating for monsters to be farting and vomiting all over my wizard. What's next? Flicking boogers at me? Ear wax? For whatever reason, "normal" attack methods don't make my stomach lurch. I would like to see more variety of attack methods from Gobblers that are not so disgusting, but will still tickle the funny-bone of the less refined crowd. Maybe a wet-willie or wedgie attack? A Gobbler pulling an Atomic Wedgie attack- now THAT would be funny.

Jan 23, 2009
eh humor is in the eye of the beholder.

Its gross but funny. I can't imagine what it is being accuse of being appropriate for, kids have been making fart jokes since the stone age.

Jun 16, 2009
Proman1355 wrote:
Even though I am a young person, I really don't see why everyone else BURSTS OUT LAUGHING every time they see a fart. Its not that funny but it doesnt really disturb me at all. For one thing I am done with CB and never coming back. As for Humongofrog well its not funny but it doesn't really disturb me. (Don't assume that all kids think farts are funny is the moral here.)

Joseph Liferider Life level 48 Private
Joseph Sandrider Balance Level 30 warlord

Proman, not everyone bursts out laughing, please read my post before you say that.

Mar 08, 2009
Jun 27, 2009
err not really.
Its a natural thing you do it I do it your dog does it.Its natural.
So is spewing(gross but natural)And burping and all that jazz.Its just a game and its very natural.There are Way worse thing out there like cursing and whatnot.Your suppose to do it and its just for laughs no need to freak out

Feb 07, 2009
Zigmon wrote:
Alex1646 wrote:
Grrr... LOL
Cya in the spiral
Alex wildbreaker
Lvl 48 fire mage

LOL when I first saw your signature I thought it said Alex Windbreaker! THAT would have been appropriate! Not trying to make fun of you name or anything but that would have been hilarious.

Ya i Picked random when i picked my name i got that LOLZ

Jun 16, 2009
It's ok Proman, lol I didn't find it like SO HARSH I MIGHT KILL SOMEONE no, lol.

May 24, 2009
If you think Wizard101 is inapropriate then take a look at Fallout 3 and Call of Duty: World at War. I bet you would definitly change your mind. oh yeah by the way go to the menu chat button press emotes and then select *cough* when a gobbler farts on you. It looks real funny! :-)

Feb 24, 2009
I'm not a kid or teen ager or an old woman, but farts and burps are funny. I don't carewho you are but that kind of stuff makes me laugh. I am past CB and I go there just to see a gobbler fart on people XD! If they take farting out of this game I'm gonna go on strike. People need to laugh. So stop getting so dramatic about just laugh you know you want to lol.