Celestia. Marleybone was fun, and I love cats, so it was cool. Celestia, though.....I have no heart for Italians in Atlantis. And the collect quests. Defeat and collect times 9999. Hate it hate it hate it.
Zafaria was my absolute least favorite. Not only was it defeat and collect defeat and collect, it was the same monsters and monster type over and over!!! How many times is that bug gonna be a boss?
Marleybone imo was not nearly as arduous and long. If I had to rank from worst to best it would be
1. Zafaria 2. Marleybone 3. Dragonspyre (especially for the wizard tours quest -_-) 4. Grizzleheim (absolutely terrible xp reward for difficult quest) 5. Celestia (introduced a really interesting system, but horribly long and a bit cheesy) 6. Krokotopia (OK) 7. Wintertusk 8. Wizard City 9. Wysteria (short and simple :D) 10. Avalon (super long but filled with variety and interest; plus YOU GET YOUR NAME ON A BIG ROCK!) 11. Mooshu (simply beautiful world with simple quests. There wasn't a moment i got bored or felt overloadd with defeat and collect mess.)
My least favourite world would be Krokotopia. It is way too boring the only good part about that world is that you get prickly bear cactus. My favourite world would be Avalon mainly because the boss drops are better and the plot is much bette than the other worlds
Marleybone is my worst one. My Myth is about to go there, and I dread it. Too much running around from one end to the other, especially for the quest with the "party" invites to the other ladies and police. The teleporters are basically useless, as the main teleport station is in the most awkward locations.
Mooshu isn't bad, but there is a lot of running from one end to the other, but I do think it's a more peaceful, beautiful world.
Celestia is long and tedious, and doesn't seem to fit into the overall scheme of things.
Krokotopia is one of my favorites, as I love Egyptian and I can relax there a bit more while doing quests.
Dragonspyre is not bad, but it annoys me. The Labrynth is fine to go through once, but when you have to go through it again for the obsidian chest, that does it for me. Also the color red. For some reason, that color in Dragonspyre irritates me to no end.
Wysteria is a fun place to relax and have a good time. A very nice diversion from the harder worlds. It's nice to be able to run around the town streets without worrying about mobs.
Gizzleheim would be better if the XP was higher. I do like the scenery and graphics.
Wintertusk is one of my favorites. It's hard for most wizards. A true test of patience and gear. But, I love the snow and ice. I love the atmosphere and the different areas. Most of all, I LOVE the gear you can get/craft !!!
Zafaria is great for the scenery, but I hate fighting the same mobs over and over and over again, let alone those "did not collect" quests. Much more delightful overall than Celestia
Avalon I thoroughly enjoyed from beginning to end. It's a very hard world to complete (especially solo), but the overall storyline, scenery, graphics, and interesting quips from Monty Python are well worth the effort.
Marleybone is my least favorite world. The edges of the world are already jagged enough, but those ramps and such, I get so tired of getting stuck on corners, then getting pulled into unnecessary battles because of them. I also don't like being sent back to places I've already finished. There are other quests throughout the game that send you back, but Marleybone is the worst for that.
Way too many errand quests as well. All I can figure is they ran out of quest ideas for the main storyline, so they had to fill it in with errand quests to get you the necessary experience to get you to the appropriate level for when you finish Marleybone.
I also don't like the extended fight after fight after fight to get to the boss fight in Big Ben. Again, they apparently couldn't come up with anymore main story line quest ideas, so they filled it in with repetitive battles. I believe the Tomb of the Beguiler in Krokotopia is the same way. It just draws out the quest way too long and makes it boring. I think my favorite part of Big Ben is Crusher and helps break up the monotony of that tower a little bit.
I really would like to see quests flow together more smoothly. Even starting with Wizard City, the quests just don't run together properly. You can't get the quest for the books from the librarian until after you've already defeated the bosses from Unicorn Lane, Cyclops Lane, and Triton Boulevard, unless you just park those quests for later on. Being that those books are in towers on low level areas, you should be able to get that quest early on, maybe right after you finish up the first one or two quests on Unicorn Lane.
You don't get the quest from Penny outside Ambrose's house, to go rescue her from Dark Caves until after you've already finished that cave. You should have that quest already after your initial trip into the cave, but before you finish the cave.
From Marleybone, you get sent to Unicorn Lane just to pick Goji Berries. What is the point of that? I was done with Unicorn Lane ages ago, so why am I being sent back there to pick berries?
Why am I sent back to Firecat Alley to defeat fire elves that I have long since finished up with?
These are just a few examples, but there are more throughout the game (up to Celestia which I haven't yet started).
My favorite place so far: Krokotopia
I love the Egyptian theme, I love that the edges there are somewhat smooth so I don't get caught on the edges so often, and it just seems so much easier to navigate than the other worlds. The quests seem to flow together more smoothly...I really think they put a lot more thought and effort into Krokotopia than they did Marleybone. The storm temple was really hard for my storm wizard, but for my balance and life wizard's it was a lot of fun. I think my myth wizard might find it hard though, since they all shield for myth, hehe.
I'm looking forward to starting Celestia, though my life and balance wizards still need to finish Grizzleheim first. My life is working on Big Ben now, and my balance is done there already.
For me ... definitely Marleybone. The plot was boring, navigating was difficult and in my opinion Big Ben was a little too long.
My next worst one would be Grizzleheim. You got 90, yes 90 experience for fighting two or three 4 thousand health bosses. Not my cup of tea.
My favorite world is actually Krokotopia. In my opinion it had the most interesting plot line with Mooshu as a close second. (The Cave of Solitude ruined it. :P)
First of all very very depressing. Too dark for me and i was expecting it to be bright and when i got there i was like WOW. Why is this place so dreary.
Next, Grizzleheim... Well such hard quests for like no experience and i mean hard quests and really really boring and just the atmosphere like the snow and bears
Favorite world: It would be between Mooshu and Krokotopia
One of my favorite worlds has got to be Krokotopia. Nice theme, egyptian sands and pyramids, etc.
My least favorite is Marleybone. Even though I want to rate Celestia as my least, Marleybone has an ugly environment, and ugly theme music, and horrible sound effects. In general, I find Marleybone to be the ugliest part of the spiral.
As for quest, EVERY world has them annoying quests, and an endless barrage of other quests.
TOTALLY Marleybone. It was SO depressing and I hated the night sky. Plus you got stuck on ramps and when you got out you got stuck in a battle. The only thing I liked about it was the fancy dresses the women wore. Heres the other one's I disliked: #1 worst: Marleybone #2 worst: Mooshu- It was fun I guess but too much colors and I got dizzy lol #3 worst: Grizzleheim (no WT)- Too boring for me. Not good XP My favorites!: #1: Wintertusk! #2: Dragonspyre and Krokotopia tie #3: Wizard City was awesome and rocked :) #4: Celestia but I hate cheating bosses and I haven't been to Zafaria or Avalon yet Sydney Mistcatcher :) Level 58 Fire :D 8) :P
Zafaria by far is my least favorite. The defeat and collect is a joke; you never collect. As a result, my legendary wizard is just having a nice break. A long break. :?
Celestia is on my list of least favorites as well, for much the same reason. Plus it was all over the place.
Wintertusk as an Ice wizard was horrible. But I did it. Solo. :D
Dragonspyre I actually like, but it can be confusing with go here (the Grand Chasm as an example) then go back to where you were.
I have no problems with the other worlds. I like Marleybone...you just have to learn patience there. I rarely get pulled in.
Zafaria by far is my least favorite. The defeat and collect is a joke; you never collect. As a result, my legendary wizard is just having a nice break.
Fire Lions ? lol :p
unicornmage wrote:
For me hands down Marleybone
For sure, I dislike Marleybone I rush it as fast as I can by doing main quest line only.
It's frusating. Like c'mon! It's darker then Dragonspyre! (LOL) There isn't a living soul in Marleybone... When i first got in Marleybone, i was excited, i could get those awesome outfits and i could meet talking dogs. When i got there i was surprised it was just a oasis of darkness and burglars. >_<
2. Celestia/Zafaria
When i get to Celestia i wanna scream. Defeat and Collect? Well, i wish you luck on those quests. ^_^
I can't actually say anything about Zafaria because i haven't gotten there. Through i have helped some Friends in Zafaria and from what i heard..... ^^ It sounds repetitive.
3. Meh. Krokotopia. Well it's just annoying to me. I don't know why.
My least favorite would have to be Marleybone. I loved that it had dogs, but the annoying monsters make it the worst. I don't like spiders, and I thought that Kat's Lab and Big Ben were super long. Kensington Park is annoying as well. I also had this bad experience when I was a noob that scarred me. My favorite would have to be Dragonspyre. I love dragons, so DS is my fav world. I LOVE fighting Malistaire and Boris. It's really long but fun. The only thing I don't like about it is the quest to find the stone roses.
Scarlet RedThorn and Chris DeathBringer (both are lvl 53 but one is fire and one is life so take a guess)
And also I got a minotaur pet on my 1st try on youkai the hidden boss in Tree of Life (I did it solo)
Wolf SilverSpear ~ Level 46 Pyro
p.s. Labyrinth is annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! p.p.s. why do you have to go back to Labyrinth and get some stuff? On the second most annoying dungeon?
I dislike MB! First, lots of quests like "Defeat O'Leary Nappers and Collect_" for instance, and too boring, and too much walking long distances. And the theme song is annoying.
I liked Krokotopia, MooShu, (too bright, though lol), and Wizard City were cool. And Wysteria was a cool break from the mobs in other worlds :)
Hi guys, unless i didnt notice it there is no favorite world post, soo ill be the first! please fill in the blank
most adventurous world:
most beautiful world:
most entertaining world:
world with best music:
hardest world:
favorite world of all time: (atm)
for me this is my answer
most adventurous world: krokotopia
most beautiful world:mooshu
most entertaining world:wizard city
world with best music: wintertusk
hardest world: avalon
favorite world of all time:grizzlehiem
Ok now lets hear from some other people
LOL, no chart for me~ it's Dragonspyre across the board, no contest.
The only exception: "Hardest world" goes to Celestia~ the world during which I most wanted to delete all of my characters, cancel both subs, and quit the game. No word of a lie. But I did get through it, and now have 2 archmages and a legendary in Zaf. Yay, me!
Thanks for asking these things. I really like Celestia, though. Grizzleheim is real good if you're a viking type of person. Celestia is for if you like lots of salt and pepper in your quests. Wizard City is for if you're a walk-in-the-park person. Krokotopia is for if you're a gem-in-the-rough-so-lets-go-dig-it type pf person. Marleybone is for if you're favorite color is black or if you like seeing dogs dress like in the 20th century. Mooshu is for if you like lots of sunshine and twinkling rivers and ladies with decent fans. Dragonspyre is for if you are a real dare devil. Thank you, for posting!
Title is self - explanatory. I just wanted to know what it was and how come it is.
Mine would have to be Marlybone because I absolutely love that it's based off Sherlock Holmes and I love reading those stories! And watching the movies and TV shows of course! Krocktopia comes close second just because it was easy for me to beat off the fire enemies because I'm ice.