everyone in Azteca has almost technically beat the game until KI makes a new world so out of all the worlds whichone is your favorite? mine would have to be Dragonspyre because you finally face Mallistare.
everyone in Azteca has almost technically beat the game until KI makes a new world so out of all the worlds whichone is your favorite? mine would have to be Dragonspyre because you finally face Mallistare.
I like Dragonspyre a lot as well because of Malistare and such. I like the setting of both Marleybone and Mooshu, but I dislike its "streets" because I've always had the issue of getting pulled into battles. Azteca didn't make as much of an imprint on me. Something about it made me feel like it was very similar to Zafaria, and I do believe it was the whole design of it. Both of them just seemed similar to me. Although this may sound kind of weird, I liked Wizard City. It seemed to have a good balance of places for all the schools and not entirely focused on one or another. ~Shannon Skybreaker
I have to say Zafaria. I the theme and the characters and it was soooo cool looking! Im not very far in, but I thought it wasn't hard nor easy. But....Zafaria is extremely close with Marleybone.... Zafaria is just a little better
Krokotopia definitely is my favorite world, mostly because i have so many great memories of the place. It's pretty easy to get through if you don't do anything stupid... The music is good too.
I'm just curious to know what worlds are people's favorites. I'm currently in DS and so far MS has been my favorite so far. Want to know what other people think.
I would have to pick GrizzleHeim, though proven long it's got allot of great spots to farm, and there is always a new adventure to await you while questing!
Oh thats easy! My favorite is definitely Dragonspyre cause you just keep thinking, "Im gonna defeat Malistaire" a million times and it really reasurres you.
humour aside, my favourite worlds are dragonspyre and avalon.i enjoy the architecture, colours, scenery, etc... but my heart will always belong in the first arc, with malistaire and sylvia; the quality of writing was surreal and, as an author myself, i appreciate well-crafted characters (and gettin' medieval).
:D :D my favorite is Avalon for sure. I love the way everything looks and the awesomeness!!! I've always wanted like a fox kind of world :) So that's mine. Valkoor GoldSong 76 myth
Dragonspyre has got to be my all-time favorite world. I would love to see Avalon (I'm guessing visually that would be my fav), but doubt I'll ever get there.
My favorite is Avalon. I like LOTR and my family came from England to Scotland then to America. My family started sometime maybe in the first part of the Medevil Age.