Tried to subscribe three on my family account last night. Two were 'subscribed" the third did not. Even though two are subscribed they still show as a trial plan, thus they cannot access premium content. As for the third account I tried to subscribe I have no idea what to do. sent emails to support but no answer yet. Just wondering if anyone else is having problems. :(
I've reviewed your specific accounts, but thought I'd post a note here for others that may encounter a similiar issue.
ANY changes that are processed on this site (anywhere on the web - from purchases to flagging chat types, password resets, etc), require a new log in to the game. So, if you've got the game up and running, and then make a purchase, you need to log out of the game and then back in for the changes to take effect.
As for the 3rd account, you may want to contact your bank directly, they may have better information than I can readily provide.
Note: I did receive both of your emails late last night and just request you allow me about 24 hours to respond (I'm most usually a lot quicker) .