Well today I have been in the PvP arena playing in the ranked matches. Well first off let me give you my stats I'm a Life/Storm Wizard Level 28 Health- 1,964 Mana- 197 I have 13% resistance for all schools 29% power pips PvP rank Sergeant (552) 9 Matches 6 won 3 lost
Ok well I've been in about 3 ranked matches today and I have won them all. One guy I fought had 2,111 health and like 25% resistance to everything I think. Well i had his health somewhere around 1,580 and he starts telling me to let him win and stop healing myself ( he too was death with the vampire spell) and kept using it and healing himself. Well anyways I beat him in the end. But after all this my question is Why do people with higher health and levels enter the PvP match and then ask a Life wizard to "stop healing themselves"? Because the way I see it Life is the healing school and instead of high attack spells we get healing spells. Right now my highest spell is Seraph which hits by itself 335-395 but I use 2 blades and a trap. In the end all these together hit around anywhere from 400-932 depending on the shields and resistance of the other player. Anyways I am not saying people should feel bad for life wizards or anything but please tell me why do you ask a life wizard to stop healing themselves? I'm not sure why but this just really gets to me.!
Sorry by the way for the long post/rant whatever you'd like to call it;)
lol i have a grandmaster life wizard and i'm always told to stop healing and its really silly because like 80% of our cards are healing. I can see why it is annying though cause you don't need lots of pips to cast them and they have like a 90% chance of being cast :P