message board, chat, and disconnect for inactivity
If there is already a way, then I am sorry for posting. I did try using search
First. How can I find my past post? I understand that they are moderated and that takes a while but now I cant find any of them to know what my replys are.
Second. I wish that there was a way to clear messages. Sometimes (usually) I play for hours so it would be lovely to delete previous messages and ESPECIALLY all the childish spam in ravenwood.
third I would also love an end to timed or at least a way to expand on it. It would be less stressful to myself and my kids if I could help them and still have time to get back to the computer. I am not asking for unlimited time, but maybe 10 or 15 minutes rather than what I guess is five. I know right now I got d/c for being on the message board too long. it is frustrating to work your way all the way through the map to get to a dungeon and then get disconnected and start over. I only get one spot to mark so I cant mark that too all the time.