I have both the summon and sacrifice minions and when i click on the cards nothing happens it just x's out. how do you use these cards as I would like to know what I am doing wrong. I am sure it is me not knowing how to do this correctly and would love to learn. please help me. Thanking you in advance.
Summon minion--That probably summons a minion. It might x out because you don't have enough pips or mana to cast it. What minion is it? Sacrifice minion--That only works when you have a minion up. You click on the card and then the minion. Depending on what kind of sacrifice card you have, sacrificing might give you health or pips or something else. These cards can be very useful when cast at the right time. Hope this helped. -Fiona M, level 63 Pyromancer
Only some myth minions like the troll will have the x at the left hand corner, others nah. If your saying it have a x then i assume you are a myth wizard. Which means you will get 5 minions total (not sure if ki is gonna release more).
And one last thing: X means the more pips you have the more powerful your minion will be when it's summon. Hopes this helps.
First I want to thank both SUZIROSE and SUPERGREEN824 for your replys. This does help some. I do not know what minions are to begin with but I am so trying to learn this game. It can be hard and frustrating at times. I hear players that are far ahead to me in combat saying to do this or that and I have no clue what they are talking about. I feel like I am just going through this game but not really learning it. Minions confuse me, elements somewhat also, and people keep asking me to heel them and I can't do that because I don't know how or have anything to do that with, so I try to put protection around them which is all I can do. I feel helpless at these times but I keep on trying. I hope I learn soon what to do. Thanks so much for your help. It is much appreciated. Phyllis
My friend has a minion and he says that he got a certain pet for it and a hood for it. Are you sure it's not a glitch? It could be x-ing out because you actually don't, like REALLY have it. It happened to me, once. But I doubt that's the problem. I, honestly don't really know.
A summon minion card when played will bring in to the circle a henchman type creature that will help you during the battle. The sacrifice minion can be played when a minion of yours is in play. I think it removes the minion from play and you gain life from it.
I have both the summon and sacrifice minions and when i click on the cards nothing happens it just x's out. how do you use these cards as I would like to know what I am doing wrong. I am sure it is me not knowing how to do this correctly and would love to learn. please help me. Thanking you in advance.
Think of minions as a non-player helper you can summon into tough battles when you need extra help to win. How you use them changes according to your wizard's school. The minions of each school have different strengths. Some minions do not attack at all but are built to taunt and take a beating from your foe while you build up pips (storm's elemental). Some are strong attackers and are able to defend themselves (myth and death). Some cast shields, heals and blades on you or your team mates (life's forest sprite or balance's helpful mander) but are not very good at attacking. All minions take pips to summon. If the minion card says X, it takes all your pips, but the more pips used in the summon, the stronger the minion will be. Some have a set number of pips required to summon like 3 or 4, and you must have those pips to cast the spell. Knowing your school and level would help answer the question better, but this is the general idea. Sacrifice is not a minion. It is a spell used to destroy a minion you've already summoned into battle and transfer some of its health to you in case you are about to die. Like sacrifice, there are other minion specific spells to cast a blade, a tower shield, or a heal only for your minion. They are free if you are a myth wizard, otherwise it takes a training point to put them in your spell book. Understanding how your minion works can many times be the difference between a win and chasing down wisps, especially if you solo. Don't worry about the comments of others, everybody plays and learns at a different pace.
Thank you XANDRAKITTLUV3802 and FIREPROOF1111; but especially thank you to BAFNNAN whom I feel the information was best explained to me. I truly appreciate all the help everyone has given me. Thanks again. Phyllis