Just wondering, this is a little like the bazaar changing realms and different items topic, anyway this is my question: if you change realms will the spot the reagents were before change on the different realm? please answer
I have noticed that there are several spots where a reagent will show up. They change over time (I think) and over realms. You will get to notice that most of the time the spots are near one another. So if you change realms just check the several spots where they might be. I assume you are hunting stone blocks, and if so, remember there are lots of other wizards doing the same thing, so someone might have hit your realm just before you got there. Good luck! pods
Sometimes the reagent will be in the same spot, sometimes it will not. I have a path I 'run' in each area where I realm hop for reagents. After completing one 'run', I change realms and go back to the starting area of the previous realm and repeat the process.
i have found that most reagents will be in the same spots the same goes for wooden and silver chests' though occasionally the chests may pop up in another place in the area you're in. it all depends on the spawning spots in the areas you choose to farm. so change realms often and happy gathering
Sometimes the reagent will be in the same spot, sometimes it will not. I have a path I 'run' in each area where I realm hop for reagents. After completing one 'run', I change realms and go back to the starting area of the previous realm and repeat the process.
Hannah Lifebringer level 80 Life
Thx, it was useful. i tried it and it worked :D but the problem is it doesnt always appear in the same spot, but i still got allot of reagents. and yes pods, i am looking for stone blocks
Sometimes the reagent will be in the same spot, sometimes it will not. I have a path I 'run' in each area where I realm hop for reagents. After completing one 'run', I change realms and go back to the starting area of the previous realm and repeat the process.
Hannah Lifebringer level 80 Life
yes, that is correct. You'll notice that KI uses 2 or 3 different path patterns. For example, to get Agave Nectar, i farm Tula Village in Mangrove Marsh for Agave leaves. There is always 2 plants in this area. In one realm the two plants are near the wooden trallises in the path of the avians-therfore must wait for them to go past. Another realm might use one plant by the waterfall and the other by the wooden trellis. A third realm has one by the trellis and another behind the trellis.All realms use one of those patterns.
Thx, it was useful. i tried it and it worked :D but the problem is it doesnt always appear in the same spot, but i still got allot of reagents. and yes pods, i am looking for stone blocks
Gabriel Ashleaf Level 43 Life Master Theurgist
Grab your scuba gear and go near the final castle in crab alley. Way fewer wizards than DS and the run is really short. The area with the eels (including that little cove) as well as the area just outside of that. Good luck! pods