Ok, so I have 4 characters. Death (lvl 50), Fire (lvl 88), Storm (lvl 73), Myth (lvl 88). I really want to make a new character with a life school. But I'm just kinda frustrated trying to think of some secondary schools or school for it. So can anyone please help me think of a good secondary?
Ok, so I have 4 characters. Death (lvl 50), Fire (lvl 88), Storm (lvl 73), Myth (lvl 88). I really want to make a new character with a life school. But I'm just kinda frustrated trying to think of some secondary schools or school for it. So can anyone please help me think of a good secondary?
Death to Feint, Sun to Colossus. On one of my Life wizards I have a pet with Feint so will only need the Sun spells with her.
I fill in with extra blades and traps with gear added as I get to higher levels that I can stack, I craft at least the helmet from Wintertusk for all my wizards. Life requires patience to work with what you are given to the best of it's ability.
You need to be a one hit wonder though to level 58 when you get your first all over spell - Forest Lord. Secondary schools for any wizard are a tough call because at some point you start to get power pips and using them on other school spells becomes harder to do unless you buy the amulet for that school.