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Myth strategy and etc.

Jul 02, 2009
Hi wizards. I've been needing some help with dueling. Pvp and pve. I'm myth, so I guess I prefer advice from fellow conjurors. No offense to any other wizard schools intended! So please post strategy tips here please!


Robert Dragonrider, The Mythical Puppet Master.

May 18, 2012
I am a Level 31 myth. You should heal yourself, and let the minion do all the attacking. Also, your minion can use sprite so know you have a chance when you are out of healing. Another good idea is to go to the myth trainer on top of the krokotopia secret shop and get spells that enhance your minion.

Hunter Mythstone
Level 31

Oct 24, 2010
Hunter Stone on Feb 5, 2013 wrote:
I am a Level 31 myth. You should heal yourself, and let the minion do all the attacking. Also, your minion can use sprite so know you have a chance when you are out of healing. Another good idea is to go to the myth trainer on top of the krokotopia secret shop and get spells that enhance your minion.

Hunter Mythstone
Level 31
Not all myth minions can cast Sprite. Only Cyclops and the Minotaur can cast a healing spell.

But I do agree, keep your health up and let the minion attack if you are low on health. Otherwise attack right along with him.

And most definitely get all your school spells. They are here:

Jul 14, 2010
Make sure to carry a lot of minions. Get them out as soon as possible. Besides for Talos, the minotaur minion is a beast. He towers, heals and if I recall correctly he could also cast absorb.

Make sure to carry a lot of cleans charm in side deck and always carry your bubble. Win the bubble war. Your minion will help keep shields off and force the other player to spend their pips trying to kill it. You should sit back and keep yourself shielded. Make sure to try your best to keep a myth dispel on the other person so they cannot remove your shields.

You can blade up and set traps and if the minion doesn't take off all the shields, shatter your opponent and make your next hit a multi hit spell.

Also do not allow them to keep a minion active. Use your earthquakes only if there is a minion out for them or you want to rid them of stacked blades.

Sep 22, 2012
Ok, first off i have no idea what level you are to help you at but if you are over level 60, you need at least your waterworks gear, a good block wand and at least a healing pet. Crafted myth gear over level 74 is really good, gives a lot more health and more critical so it is worth crafting it.
Going to talk overall strategy, this is mine. Shatter and minion are a must in deck, if you don't have shatter yet then you can carry the tc version from bazaar. For minion, I prefer to use Cyclops minion (4 pips) because he attacks a lot more than talos does.
First off, I will always keep minion up and shielded against the other school, make sure you have the field advantage (i.e myth bubble up, unless facing another myth. Or if you doing upper level pvp against a balance, myth bubble can be dangerous because of the myth hit on chimera so watch out).
Generally i will check the opponents school and shield appropriately, I am not a big user of shields, i prefer to use balance 25 weakness and 30 tc weakness on the opponent. If i cannot find a shield i will start looking for weaknesses in my deck. I will start blading, spirit blade, myth blade and if you are lucky your minion may blade you, try to get two single myth blades up. At some stage pay attention to how much your minions attacks are hitting for to give you an idea of resist, if their resist is anything over 30 i suggest using tc/ or learnt infallible.
Depending on what school i am facing from first or second, this is what i use:
- Medusa: Great from first, 2 round stun and i usually follow with minotaur
- Orthrus: great from first or second, I sometimes use with minotaur
- Basilisk: I am naughty sometimes XD I will admit i have been known for having 4 blades up, myth bubble and infallible and hitting for a one shot kill over time. Just be warned with using it on life.
- Earthquake: I only carry a few in deck, personally i prefer my 25 and 30 weaknesses spammed onto the person.
- Minotaur: one of my favourite hits.

Sep 22, 2012
Gosh XD a long post lol...
Minotaur: Good used in combination attacks
Your minion should take care of the opponents shields, but if not you can shatter their shields, so no matter what, even if they do shield you can pass through the shield with orthrus and minotaur.
At low level, my deck lay out would be a few enchanted frogs on side deck, about 20 weaknesses, 2 tc spirit blades, 2 minotaur, 3 orthrus, medusa and basilisk. Something like that
At high level you will want to add shift dimension into deck, awesome against schools with dot spells.
Anyway, hope i've been some help

Paige Ravenstrider- Myth 88 warlord
Paige Firefist- Fire Level 16 Warlord
Ashley Legend- Life Level 35 Commander
Paige- Death Level 37 Warlord

Jul 02, 2009
AshLegend on Feb 6, 2013 wrote:
Ok, first off i have no idea what level you are to help you at but if you are over level 60, you need at least your waterworks gear, a good block wand and at least a healing pet. Crafted myth gear over level 74 is really good, gives a lot more health and more critical so it is worth crafting it.
Going to talk overall strategy, this is mine. Shatter and minion are a must in deck, if you don't have shatter yet then you can carry the tc version from bazaar. For minion, I prefer to use Cyclops minion (4 pips) because he attacks a lot more than talos does.
First off, I will always keep minion up and shielded against the other school, make sure you have the field advantage (i.e myth bubble up, unless facing another myth. Or if you doing upper level pvp against a balance, myth bubble can be dangerous because of the myth hit on chimera so watch out).
Generally i will check the opponents school and shield appropriately, I am not a big user of shields, i prefer to use balance 25 weakness and 30 tc weakness on the opponent. If i cannot find a shield i will start looking for weaknesses in my deck. I will start blading, spirit blade, myth blade and if you are lucky your minion may blade you, try to get two single myth blades up. At some stage pay attention to how much your minions attacks are hitting for to give you an idea of resist, if their resist is anything over 30 i suggest using tc/ or learnt infallible.
Depending on what school i am facing from first or second, this is what i use:
- Medusa: Great from first, 2 round stun and i usually follow with minotaur
- Orthrus: great from first or second, I sometimes use with minotaur
- Basilisk: I am naughty sometimes XD I will admit i have been known for having 4 blades up, myth bubble and infallible and hitting for a one shot kill over time. Just be warned with using it on life.
- Earthquake: I only carry a few in deck, personally i prefer my 25 and 30 weaknesses spammed onto the person.
- Minotaur: one of my favourite hits.
Oh my drake! Are you talking to me? About my level? If so, I'm currently a level 74. I've already earned the spell known as shift, and have the dimension shift quest. I think I've received all other myth spells able to be obtained by my level as well.
I also have a question. Isn't it true that no pve creature has shields besides the ice class creatures? If so, then I can just fill up my deck with minotaurs and orthrus, whenever I encounter ice class creatures. I'm speaking of the high leveled creatures, of course. Back in mooshu and other early worlds, creatures would always cast school specific shields of the opposite side. Now, I only need to worry about resistance when I encounter myth class enemies.
Plus, I have to say that I don't really trust minions. The Minotaur doesn't do any thing but cast a thousand tower shields on itself and then cast an ineffective taunt on all enemies. He never attacks! Besides that, he just casts a sprite on himself when he gets hurt. He'll still die anyway. Talos is pretty effective, but right after I cast medusa, he'll cast a stun! Medusa deals out damage AND stuns! For two rounds! So Talos just wastes a round. So I guess you can tell that I don't really like minions. Although, the way you describe the way you use minions seems like you find them to be effective.

Robert Dragonrider, The Puppet Master