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Confusion about gear

Jun 22, 2009
Ok ive been wondering this about wizard 101, how do you have say an "Embers ring of reflection" that has 150 health and 134 mana thats Level 35, and then theres a "Combustible Ring" that has 135 health and 114 Mana thats level 40. That makes no sense, its a higher level but lower stats lol.

Feb 19, 2010
stix2620 on Mar 9, 2013 wrote:
Ok ive been wondering this about wizard 101, how do you have say an "Embers ring of reflection" that has 150 health and 134 mana thats Level 35, and then theres a "Combustible Ring" that has 135 health and 114 Mana thats level 40. That makes no sense, its a higher level but lower stats lol.
It is strange but they need variety in the game even if it doesnt make sense.

May 14, 2011
your not reporting it right

one ring may be lower but may have add 1pip or up to 21 pip

or health in / outs

if one is lower it may have higher or extras stats on it like maybe a hit or defense or accuracy stats

i never seen much with items with just health and mana on it at that level

Jul 03, 2010
stix2620 on Mar 9, 2013 wrote:
Ok ive been wondering this about wizard 101, how do you have say an "Embers ring of reflection" that has 150 health and 134 mana thats Level 35, and then theres a "Combustible Ring" that has 135 health and 114 Mana thats level 40. That makes no sense, its a higher level but lower stats lol.
There are several variations on every pc of gear in the game - what this useless gear does is give you something to sell for gold at the Bazaar or shops to earn gold to buy the better gear.

It also shows why shopping wisely is important and sometimes lower level gear lasts longer so you don't have to repurchase it every 5 levels or it would become quite expensive to outfit your wizard well.

Oct 24, 2010
stix2620 on Mar 9, 2013 wrote:
Ok ive been wondering this about wizard 101, how do you have say an "Embers ring of reflection" that has 150 health and 134 mana thats Level 35, and then theres a "Combustible Ring" that has 135 health and 114 Mana thats level 40. That makes no sense, its a higher level but lower stats lol.
It's also the cheapest. Not everyone can afford the best gear for each level.