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Hair Styles!

Feb 16, 2010
i think they should add the hair styles we started out with. listen, im not complaining about mine, i think it looks good on me. however some of us who like ours want to see what it looks like without a hat. or maybe we think one looks better. and guys... KI listens to us but they want to make sure everyone or at least allot of people want it. its expensive to program a massive game like this. if they do it they want to make sure they get there moneys worth. but if a KI member is reading this, we all want something like either new hair styles (most of us want the original, and curly and also long hair) or a salon. if you do either of these you will get your moneys worth. also they want to wear hats with it. thats all. just please consider this. allot of people want this and you will make tons of money.

-jack skullbreeze master of fire

ps. you can buy them with gold now. if not now wait until the test realms over.

Jul 07, 2011
jack skullbreeze on Jul 12, 2013 wrote:
i think they should add the hair styles we started out with. listen, im not complaining about mine, i think it looks good on me. however some of us who like ours want to see what it looks like without a hat. or maybe we think one looks better. and guys... KI listens to us but they want to make sure everyone or at least allot of people want it. its expensive to program a massive game like this. if they do it they want to make sure they get there moneys worth. but if a KI member is reading this, we all want something like either new hair styles (most of us want the original, and curly and also long hair) or a salon. if you do either of these you will get your moneys worth. also they want to wear hats with it. thats all. just please consider this. allot of people want this and you will make tons of money.

-jack skullbreeze master of fire

ps. you can buy them with gold now. if not now wait until the test realms over.

Jan 27, 2013
Feb 02, 2010
I like the no hat idea, but you should be able to take off your hat with your current hairstyle, and stich hats whith your current hairstyle. I like my hair style but all the new ones are mostly very short, no pony tails, and you have never had a curly style new or old, also a braid style would be cool.


Jul 01, 2012
I must admit, I would like this feature a whole lot better if it actually had some kind of power-up. Don't get me wrong, I know about stitching items, but it seems kind of foolish to pay crowns just to get the item, then to pay more crowns to make the item actually do anything at all.

Aaron LifeStrider
Level 39 Magus Life

Jul 07, 2011
Aaron LifeStrider on Jul 22, 2013 wrote:
I must admit, I would like this feature a whole lot better if it actually had some kind of power-up. Don't get me wrong, I know about stitching items, but it seems kind of foolish to pay crowns just to get the item, then to pay more crowns to make the item actually do anything at all.

Aaron LifeStrider
Level 39 Magus Life

I agree

Dec 10, 2011
May 16, 2012
I love the idea, but can you show the monster drop hair styles? It would really show me what they look like before i get a drop for them, i only like christmas and birthday suprises. Also i would like the house that Gloria Krendel is in front of to be a Hair Solan/Barbor Shop.
Olivia DreamDreamer
Level 32 Magus Pyromancer

Aug 22, 2009
This option is fantastic! Though, it could still use some improvement. I'm not going to complain that it's crowns only. I just wish the Wizard Barber could not only offer more options, but that I could still wear my hat! Even if the only options available to use in conjunction with a hat were the original choices, that would be okay. I had no way of knowing what direction my Wizard's style would take at level 50, 60, 70, and so on. I evolve, my gear evolves, my style evolves and my desires evolve. If anything, this could mean more income for KI. I'm sure I would want to change my hair to accommodate my outfit. Of course you can't keep hair somewhere, so I'd have to keep paying again and again...BUT it would be so worth it!!! You know what else would be cool, your mount and pet at the same time- especially with wings!

Dec 24, 2011
Jul 07, 2011
Professor Greyrose on Apr 2, 2013 wrote:
We have long recognized that one of the most requested features for young Wizards is the ability to remove their hats, as well as to change their hair. Now you can do both with one simple item: a hair style!

Hair Styles can be purchased in the Crown SHOP in the Accessories Tab. You will be required to choose a color when you make the purchase as these Hair Styles cannot be dyed. Hair Styles can be stitched to hats and Hair Styles will also be available as rewards from bosses throughout the Spiral (in random colors)!

There are five styles to begin with:
  • The Housemartin - a short over the ear cut for both males and females

  • The Kestrel - a short above the shoulders cut with sweeping bangs for both female and male

  • The Martlet - same cut as the Kestrel, but with an added accessory for both male and female

  • The Owl - a medium length cut with sweeping bangs for both female and male

  • The Swan - a stylish up-do for female characters and a wavy short style for males

As we gauge the popularity of these Hair Styles, we may look to add new styles both with and without accessories.
I am very happy with the new Hair Styles! Thank you very much!

Aug 08, 2013
There should be more anime ones such as really wild hair :)

Jun 01, 2013
The hair is a great idea!! But all of the hair for guys is long except for one, and it's ugly, no offense . The one thing I'd love to see in this game is for a hair style that is spiked in the front!!!!! That would be the coolest!!!!!

Allan lotusweaver

Apr 27, 2009
Its good they added hairstyles at all, but people wanted to change theirs without it being your headgear, as in wearing a hat and have your hair at the same time, people wanted to change their hair, not throw away the looks of their helmets/hats. and also if having the new hairstyles, at least have some of the starting ones, which people probably wanted more :/. this is an opinion, do not get in conflict with me about it.